

更新时间:2023-10-08 15:21作者:小留


  Oct 08, 2019 Lauren Quinn, College of ACES

  The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has announced the creation of the Center for Digital Agriculture (CDA), a new center that brings together agricultural producers, researchers, and industries to innovate on the technology that is transforming agriculture to feed and support a growing global population. The center, which will launch today at the Center for Digital Agriculture Industry Conference, seeks to develop digital solutions to agricultural roadblocks.

  伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)宣布成立数字农业中心(CDA),这是一个新的中心,汇集了农业生产者、研究人员和产业,以创新技术,将农业转变为养活和支持日益增长的全球人口该中心将于今天在“数字农业产业中心会议”上启动,旨在为农业路障开发数字解决方案。

  “We’re extremely proud and excited to announce the launch of the Center for Digital Ag at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,” said Illinois Chancellor Robert J. Jones. “This new center will serve as a hub for collaborative research across a broad spectrum of engineering and agricultural disciplines within our university and with collaborators across the globe. The discoveries and innovations that come out of the Center will continue the Illinois tradition of being the birthplace of transformations in the way we live, think, and learn with digital technologies.”

  伊利诺伊州校长Robert J. Jones说:“我们非常自豪和兴奋地宣布在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校成立数字公司中心。”“这个新中心将成为我们大学内广泛的工程和农业学科合作研究的中心,并与全球合作者合作该中心的发现和创新将延续伊利诺伊州的传统,成为我们生活、思考和学习数字技术方式变革的发源地。”

  CDA, which is a collaboration between the University of Illinois’ Grainger College of Engineering, the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES), National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and the Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB), seeks to leverage Illinois’ historic land-grant pillars of agriculture and engineering and position both to work in tandem towards a digital future.


  “The Center for Digital Agriculture is a long-term endeavor aimed at developing novel computing and engineering technologies, and using them in innovative ways to sustainably feed a growing healthy population,” said Vikram Adve, co-director of the CDA and Donald Gillies Professor of Computer Science. “As a computer scientist, engineer, researcher and educator, I am excited by the technical challenges that will have to be solved across a wide range of domains, and by the opportunities for collaborating with faculty and industry from perse areas to address food, agriculture and environmental problems crucial to society.”

  “数字农业中心是一项长期的努力,旨在开发新的计算和工程技术,并以创新的方式使用它们,以可持续地养活不断增长的健康人口,”CDA联合主任、计算机科学教授Donald Gillies说。“作为一名计算机科学家、工程师、研究员和教育家,我对必须在广泛领域解决的技术挑战,以及与来自不同领域的教师和工业界合作解决对社会至关重要的粮食、农业和环境问题的机会感到兴奋。”

  By combining top-tier programs in both engineering and agriculture, Illinois is uniquely placed to take the lead in such multidisciplinary research. This, in turn, allows the CDA to go further than simply deploying and applying digital improvements. Instead, the Center’s focus will be on the collaborative process of researching and developing new digital techniques and tools to address agricultural problems.

  伊利诺伊州结合了工程和农业领域的顶 级项目,在这类多学科研究中处于领先地位。这反过来又使cda能够比简单地部署和应用数字改进更进一步。相反,该中心的重点将放在研究和开发新的数字技术和工具以解决农业问题的协作过程上。

  “The Center for Digital Agriculture is a broad, interdisciplinary center founded to identify digital solutions for agricultural problems,” said Matt Hudson, co-director of the CDA and professor in the Department of Crop Sciences at Illinois. “This includes research, education and outreach activities. I am very excited about the potential of our new center for researchers, farmers, students and industry in Illinois and beyond.”

  “数字农业中心是一个广泛的、跨学科的中心,旨在为农业问题确定数字解决方案,”CDA联合主任、伊利诺伊州作物科学系教授Matt Hudson说“这包括研究、教育和外联活动。我对我们在伊利诺伊州及其他地区的研究人员、农民、学生和工业中心的潜力感到非常兴奋。”

  In addition to interdisciplinary research, CDA will also launch multiple partnerships with companies across both agriculture and computing industries, including collaborative research projects, summer internships, and scholarship programs, allowing opportunities for students to flourish in an emerging field-of-study.


  A formal industrial-affiliates program will provide member companies with preferred recruiting opportunities, priority for collaborative research and consulting, early access to research outcomes, and licensing opportunities for intellectual property. More extensive research and development partnerships with inpidual companies will be a primary goal of the center.


  By combining world-class research with scholarship and private industry, the Center for Digital Agriculture seeks to become a hub of agricultural innovation for years to come, positioning Illinois as a global leader in digital agriculture.

  通过将世界一流的研究、学术和私人产业相结合,数字农业中心将在未来几年内成为农业创新的中心,将伊利诺伊州定位为数字农业的全球领导 者。






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