

更新时间:2024-05-13 21:18作者:留学世界





1. Hello! 你好!

2. Welcome to Thailand! 欢迎来到泰国!

3. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?

4. My name is ___. 我叫___。

5. Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你!

6. How are you? 你好吗?

7. I'm good, thank you! 我很好,谢谢!

8. Where are you from? 你来自哪里?

9. I'm from ___. 我来自___。

10. How long will you stay in Thailand? 你会在泰国停留多久?

11. I'll stay for ___ days/weeks/months. 我会停留___天/周/月。

12. Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗?

13. Yes, a little bit. 是的,我会一点点。

14. Could you please speak slowly? 能不能请您说慢一点?

15. Sorry, I don't understand. 抱歉,我不明白。

16. Can you repeat that, please? 能再说一遍吗?

17. How much is this? 这个多少钱?

18. Can you give me a discount? 可以给我打折吗?

19. Where can I find a bank/ATM? 我可以在哪里找到银行/ATM?

20. How do I get to ___? 去___怎么走?

21. Can you show me on the map? 可以在地图上给我看吗?

22. Is it far from here? 离这里远吗?

23. How much is the fare/ticket? 票价是多少?

24. Can I pay by credit card/cash? 可以用信用卡/现金支付吗?

25. What time does the bus/train/plane leave? 公交车/火车/飞机什么时候出发?

26. What time does the bus/train/plane arrive? 公交车/火车/飞机什么时候到达?

27. Do I need to make a reservation in advance? 需要提前预订吗?

28. Is there any discount for students/seniors? 学生/老年人有折扣吗?

29. Do you have any recommendations for local dishes? 你有什么推荐的当地菜肴吗?

30. Can I have a menu in English, please? 能给我一份英文菜单吗?

31. What's your signature dish/drink here? 这里的招牌菜肴/饮料是什么?

32. I have an allergy to ___. 我对___过敏。

33. Can you make it without ___? 可以不加___吗?

34. This is delicious! 这很好吃!

35. Can I have the bill, please? 能给我账单吗?

36. Keep the change. 不用找零了。

37. Where can I buy souvenirs? 我可以在哪里买纪念品?

38. Can you recommend a good place for shopping? 你能推荐一个购物的好地方吗?

39. How much is this souvenir? 这个纪念品多少钱?

40. Do you have any discounts for bulk purchases? 对于大宗购买有折扣吗?

41. What's the weather like today/tomorrow? 今天/明天天气怎么样?

42. Is it going to rain? 会下雨吗?

43. What should I wear for this weather? 这种天气我应该穿什么?

44. Can I rent a motorbike/bicycle here? 我可以在这里租摩托车/自行车吗?

45. How much is the rental fee per day/hour? 每天/小时租金是多少?

46. Do you have a map of the city/town? 你有城市/城镇的地图吗?

47. Are there any famous tourist attractions nearby? 附近有什么著名的旅游景点吗?

48. Can you recommend a good local tour guide? 你能推荐一个好的当地导游吗?

49. What time does the attraction open/close? 景点什么时候开放/关闭?

50. Can I take photos here? 我可以在这里拍照吗?

51. Are there any cultural customs I should be aware of? 有什么文化习俗我需要注意的吗?

52. Can you teach me some basic Thai phrases? 能教我一些基本的泰语短语吗?

53. How do I say "thank you" in Thai? 怎么说“谢谢”?

54. Could you please write it down for me? 可以帮我写下来吗?

55. What's the meaning of this word/phrase? 这个词/短语是什么意思?

56. Can you recommend a good language school/course? 你能推荐一个好的语言学校/课程吗?

57. How much does it cost to study here? 在这里学习需要多少钱?

58. What's the best way to get around the city/town? 去城市/城镇最好的方式是什么?

59. Is it safe to travel alone here? 在这里独自旅行安全吗?

60. Can you recommend a good hotel/hostel to stay at? 你能推荐一个好的酒店/青年旅舍吗?

61. How much is the room per night? 每晚房价是多少?

62. Do you have any available rooms for tonight/tomorrow? 今晚/明晚有空房吗?

63. Can I have a room with a view? 我可以要一间朝向景观的房间吗?

64. Is breakfast included in the room rate? 早餐在房价里面吗?

65. What time is check-in/check-out? 入住/退房时间是什么时候?

66. Can I have a late check-out? 我可以延迟退房吗?

67. Do you have a swimming pool/gym here? 这里有游泳池/健身房吗?

68. Is there free Wi-Fi in the hotel/hostel? 酒店/青年旅舍有免费的Wi-Fi吗?

69. Can I store my luggage here after check-out? 退房后我可以在这里寄存行李吗?

70. Can you call a taxi for me, please? 能帮我叫一辆出租车吗?

71. How much is the fare to ___? 去___的车费是多少?

72. Can you take me to this address, please? 能送我到这个地址吗?

73. How long will it take to get there? 去那里需要多长时间?

74. Could you please turn on/off the air-conditioning/heater? 能不能请你打开/关闭空调/暖气?

75. Can I open/close the window, please? 我可以打开/关闭窗户吗?

76. Excuse me, where is the toilet/restroom? 对不起,请问厕所在哪里?

77. Can I have some tissue/toilet paper, please? 能给我一些纸巾/卫生纸吗?

78. Is there any soap/shampoo provided? 有提供肥皂/洗发水吗?

79. Can I have some extra towels, please? 能给我额外的毛巾吗?

80. Do you have a first-aid kit here? 这里有急救箱吗?

81. Can you recommend a good hospital/clinic nearby? 你能推荐附近一个好的医院/诊所吗?

82. I need to see a doctor. 我需要看医生。

83. I feel sick/dizzy/headache. 我感觉不舒服/头晕/头疼。

84. Do you have any medicine for ___? 你有什么药可以治疗___?

85. How much is the consultation fee? 挂号费是多少?

86. Can you help me make an appointment with the doctor, please? 能帮我预约医生吗?

87. What's the emergency number in Thailand? 泰国的紧急电话是多少?

88. Is it safe to drink tap water here? 在这里喝自来水安全吗?

89. Can I use my mobile phone here with my home network? 在这里我可以用我的手机和家中网络通话吗?

90. Where can I buy a local SIM card for my phone? 我可以在哪里买当地的SIM卡?

91.Can you recommend a good local SIM card provider? 你能推荐一个好的当地SIM卡供应商吗?

92. How much does it cost to make a phone call/send a text message? 打电话/发短信需要多少钱?

93. Can I use my credit card here? 我可以在这里使用我的信用卡吗?

94. What's the currency in Thailand? 泰国的货币是什么?

95. Can I exchange money here? 我可以在这里换钱吗?

96. What's the exchange rate for ___? ___的汇率是多少?

97. Is there any ATM nearby? 附近有没有ATM机?

98. Can you give me change for this bill, please? 能给我找零吗?

99. Do you have any recommendations for local experiences/activities? 你有什么推荐的当地体验/活动吗?

100. Thank you and have a nice day! 谢谢,祝您有个愉快的一天!


1. 打招呼

- 你好:Sawadee khrup (男性)/ Sawadee ka (女性)

- 早上好:Sawadee khrup (男性)/ Sawadee ka (女性)

- 下午好:Sawadee khrup (男性)/ Sawadee ka (女性)

- 晚上好:Sawadee khrup (男性)/ Sawadee ka (女性)

2. 自我介绍

- 我是...:Phom/Chan pen...

- 我来自...:Phom/Chan ma jaak...

- 很高兴认识你:Yin dee tee dai roo juk

3. 表达感谢

- 谢谢:Khop khun khrup (男性)/ Khop khun ka (女性)

- 非常感谢:Khop khun mak mak

4. 道歉

- 对不起/抱歉:Khor thot khrup/ka

- 很抱歉,我不明白:Phom/Chan mai kao chai

5. 请求帮助

- 请帮我一下:Chuay phom/chan duay nee

6. 告别

- 再见:La gon khrup/ka

- 明天见:Chai yoo nai na khrup/ka

7. 礼貌用语

- 您好吗?: Sabai dee mai khrup/ka?

- 能给我一点建议吗?: Chuay phom/chan duay nee khrup/ka?

- 能请你帮我一下吗?: Chuay khun duay phom/chan nee dai mai khrup/ka?

8. 感谢用语

- 谢谢您的帮助:Khop khun khrup/ka

- 非常感谢您的建议:Khop khun mak mak khrup/ka

9. 问候用语

- 你好吗?: Sabai dee mai khrup/ka?

- 今天过得怎么样?: Wan nii sa bai dee mai khrup/ka?

10. 祝福用语

- 祝您健康长寿:Chok dee na khrup/ka

- 祝您旅途愉快:Chok dee maak maak na khrup/ka


1. How can I get to [destination]? 我怎样才能到达[目的地]?

2. Is there a bus/metro/train station nearby? 附近有公交车/地铁/火车站吗?

3. Which bus/metro/train should I take to get to [destination]? 我应该乘坐哪路公交车/地铁/火车去[目的地]?

4. How long does it take to get there by [bus/metro/train]? 乘坐[公交车/地铁/火车]需要多长时间到达那里?

5. Where is the nearest taxi stand? 最近的出租车站在哪里?

6. Can you call a taxi for me, please? 你能帮我叫一辆出租车吗?

7. How much does it cost to take a taxi to [destination]? 去[目的地]坐出租车要多少钱?

8. Is there a shuttle service from the airport to the city center? 机场有往返市中心的班车服务吗?

9. Where can I buy a ticket for the shuttle service? 我在哪里可以买到班车票?

10. Do you know how often the shuttle runs? 你知道班车多久发一次吗?

11. Excuse me, which way is [destination]? 对不起,请问去[目的地]怎么走?

12. Is it far from here? 离这里远吗?

13. Can I walk there or do I need to take transportation? 我可以走路去还是需要乘坐交通工具?

14. Can you give me directions? 你能告诉我怎么走吗?

15. Is there a map I can use? 有地图可以用吗?

16. Turn left/right at the next intersection. 在下一个十字路口向左/右拐。

17. Go straight for [number] blocks. 直走[number]个街区。

18. Take the second/ third/ fourth street on the left/right. 在左边/右边的第二条/第三条/第四条街上转。

19. The destination will be on your left/right side. 目的地会在你的左边/右边。

20. Excuse me, is this the right bus/metro/train for [destination]? 对不起,请问这趟公交车/地铁/火车去[目的地]吗?

21. Can you tell me when to get off for [destination]? 你能告诉我什么时候下车去[目的地]吗?

22. How many stops until we reach [destination]? 还有多少站到达[目的地]?

23. Do I need to transfer to another bus/metro/train? 我需要换乘其他公交车/地铁/火车吗?

24. Where is the nearest stop for [bus/metro/train]? 最近的[公交车/地铁/火车]站在哪里?

25. Can you please let me know when we arrive at [destination]? 到达[目的地]时能不能请你告诉我一声?

26. Is this the right platform for [train]? 这是去[火车]的正确站台吗?

27. How much is the fare to [destination]? 去[目的地]的票价是多少?

28. Do I need to buy a ticket in advance or can I buy it on board? 我需要提前买票还是可以在车上买?

29. Do you accept credit cards for payment? 你们接受信用卡付款吗?

30. Thank you for your help! 谢谢你的帮助!


1. 预订酒店

- I would like to make a reservation for a room.

- 我想预订一间房间。

- How much is the room per night?

- 每晚房间价格是多少?

- Do you have any available rooms for this weekend?

- 这个周末您们有空房间吗?

- Can I have a non-smoking room?

- 我可以要一间无烟房吗?

2. 询问酒店设施

- What facilities does the hotel offer?

- 酒店提供哪些设施?

- Is there a gym or swimming pool in the hotel?

- 酒店里有健身房或游泳池吗?

3. 入住登记

- I have a reservation under the name of [Your Name].

- 我的预订是以[你的名字]为名。

- Can I see your passport for check-in?

- 办理入住需要看您的护照吗?

4. 支付费用

- How much is the total cost for my stay?

- 我的住宿总费用是多少?

5. 询问早餐安排

- Is breakfast included in the room rate?

- 早餐是否包含在房价中?

6. 请求更换房间

- I'm sorry but this room doesn't meet my expectations, can I change to another one?

- 抱歉,这间房不符合我的期望,我可以换一间吗?

7. 要求清洁服务

- Can I have housekeeping come to clean my room?

- 我可以请客房服务来打扫我的房间吗?

8. 退房

- What time is the check-out?

- 退房时间是几点?

- Can I have a late check-out?

- 我可以延迟退房吗?


1. Hello, welcome to our restaurant. 您好,欢迎来到我们的餐厅。

2. May I take your order? 我可以为您点菜吗?

3. Do you have any recommendations? 您有什么推荐菜吗?

4. What would you like to drink? 您想喝点什么?

5. Can I get you some water first? 我可以先给您一些水吗?

6. I'll have the pad thai and a Singha beer, please. 我要一份泰式炒河粉和一瓶星加坡啤酒。

7. How spicy do you want your food? 您想要多辣的食物吗?

8. Could we get some extra chili on the side? 可以给我们一些额外的辣椒吗?

9. Is there any seafood in this dish? 这道菜里有海鲜吗?

10. Can we get some rice with our meal? 我们可以配米饭吗?

11. Excuse me, can we have some napkins please? 对不起,请给我们一些餐巾纸好吗?

12. This dish is too salty, could we get another one? 这道菜太咸了,我们能换一个吗?

13. Can we have our bill now? 我们现在可以结账了吗?

14. Do you accept credit cards? 你们接受信用卡支付吗?

15. How much is the total for our meal? 我们这顿饭一共多少钱?

16. Keep the change, please. 不用找零了,请收好。

17. Thank you for the delicious meal. 谢谢你们提供的美味餐点。

18. Could we get a table by the window? 我们可以坐在窗边吗?

19. Can we have a high chair for our child? 我们的孩子可以有一个高脚椅吗?

20. Is there a restroom nearby? 附近有洗手间吗?

21. Excuse me, can we order some dessert now? 对不起,请给我们点些甜点吧?

22. I'm sorry, but we don't have any vegetarian options on our menu. 对不起,我们的菜单上没有素食选项。

23. This dish is too spicy for me, could you make it milder? 这道菜对我来说太辣了,可以做得温和一些吗?

24. Can I get some more water, please? 我可以再要一些水吗?

25. How long will it take for our food to be ready? 我们的食物需要多久才能准备好?





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