
h1b签证转绿卡 多久

更新时间:2023-12-02 07:34:30作者:无极

H1B Visa to Green Card - Duration

h1b签证转绿卡 多久

H1B Visa to Green Card - Duration

The H1B visa is a non-immigrant visa for individuals with advanced degrees and qualifications from countries with high-skilled work forces. The H1B visa is subject to annual quotas and is heavily processed by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). It can take several years for an H1B visa to be processed, depending on the demand for visas and the availability of resources.

The H1B visa is valid for a period of three years and can be renewed once. However, it is important to note that the availability of H1B visas is limited, and there is a cap for the number of visas that can be issued in any given year. It is also subject to change based on factors such as the economy and the availability of universities in the United States.

If an H1B visa is denied, it is possible to appeal the decision or reapply at a later time. It is recommended to seek the advice of an experienced immigration attorney to guide you through the process and increase your chances of success.



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