

更新时间:2023-12-04 22:28:50作者:无极



Australia is a popular destination for those looking to invest and migrate to a new life. The country's economy is stable, and the quality of life is high, making it an attractive option for those seeking a better life.

If you are one of those who are interested in investing in Australia and want to know the investment移民 conditions, this article is for you. In this article, we will discuss the investment移民 requirements and conditions that you need to meet to successfully apply for a permanent residence in Australia.

I. Eligibility for Investment移民
To be eligible for investment移民, you need to meet the following requirements:
* You have a valid passport from a eligible country
* You have a valid work visa or student visa
* You have a net worth of at least 500,000 Australian dollars
* You have invested a minimum of 500,000 Australian dollars in eligible investments for at least six months
II. Types of Investments
There are several types of investments that you can make to qualify for investment移民, including:

* Real estate investments: You can invest in Australian real estate, such as buying a property or investing in a managed investment scheme.

* Shareholdings: You can invest in Australian shares, such as buying stocks or investing in a managed investment scheme.

* Equipment: You can invest in eligible equipment, such as buying a business car or investing in a business investment scheme.

III. Investment Minimums
To qualify for investment移民, you need to invest a minimum of 500,000 Australian dollars in eligible investments for at least six months. The following table shows the minimum investment amounts for each type of investment:
| Investment Type | Minimum Investment Amount |
| --- | --- |
| Real Estate | 250,000 Australian dollars |
| Shareholdings | 150,000 Australian dollars |
| Equipment | 150,000 Australian dollars |
IV. Other Requirements
In addition to the minimum investment requirements, you also need to meet other requirements to qualify for investment移民, including:
* You must be able to demonstrate that you have a genuine and long-term interest in Australia
* You must have a valid passport from an eligible country
* You must have a valid work visa or student visa
* You must have a net worth of at least 500,000 Australian dollars
V. Application Process

To apply for investment移民, you need to complete an application form and submit it along with all required documents, such as proof of identity, proof of residence, and proof of income. You can apply for investment移民 through the Australian Department of Home Affairs.

VI. Conclusion

Investing in Australia is a great way to secure a permanent residence in the country. If you are interested in investing in Australia and meeting the investment移民 requirements, make sure to invest a minimum of 500,000 Australian dollars in eligible investments for at least six months. With the right investment, you can successfully apply for permanent residence in Australia and start a new life in this friendly and stable country.

H2: Understanding the Eligibility Requirements for Australian Investment移民
H2: Types of Eligible Investments for Australian Investment移民
H2: Minimum Investment Requirements for Australian Investment移民



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