

更新时间:2023-12-10 14:16:50作者:无极


Australia's green card requirements: Application process, application materials, and scoring standards

As an editor for an immigration website, I am well-versed in the ins and outs of the Australian green card application process. In this article, we will outline the application process, application materials, and scoring standards for the Australian green card program.


I. Application Process
1. Eligibility
To be eligible for an Australian green card, you must meet the following requirements:

* You must be a citizen of Australia or a permanent resident with a valid work visa.

* You must have a job offer from an eligible employer in Australia.

* You must have a valid passport and a sufficient number of days on arrival in Australia.

2. Application Steps
Here are the step-by-step instructions for the Australian green card application process:
Step 1: Job Offer
To apply for a green card, you must receive a job offer from an eligible employer in Australia. The employer must be a:
* A listed employer on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL)
* A listed employer on the Short-term Strategic Skills List (STSSL)
* An approved student visa employer
Step 2: Skills Assessment

Once you have received a job offer, you must complete a skills assessment within 24 months to confirm that you meet the requirements for the green card. The skills assessment is a language test and a test of your education and work experience.

Step 3: Employer Support

To apply for a green card, you must provide support from your employer. This can be in the form of a letter outlining the details of your job, your salary, and your duties.

Step 4: Application

To apply for a green card, you must complete the application form and pay the required fee. You can apply online or by mail.

Step 5: Decision

Once you have submitted your application, you will receive a decision within 60 days. If your application is approved, you will be granted a green card and be able to permanently reside in Australia.

II. Application Materials
Here are the required application materials for the Australian green card program:
1. Form MLC-1

You will need to complete Form MLC-1, which is the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List application. This form must be completed by a migration agent or a person who is authorized to sign your visa application on your behalf.

1. CV

You will need to provide a valid CV that includes your education and work experience.

1. Job Offer

You will need to provide a copy of your job offer from your employer.

1. Proof of English Language Proficiency

You will need to provide proof of your English language proficiency. This can be a valid IELTS test score.

1. Other Supporting Documents

You may need to provide other supporting documents, such as proof of your education or proof of your qualifications.

III. Scoring Standards

The Australian green card is scored based on three factors: Employer Support, Skills Assessment, and语言水平。

1. Employer Support

To be considered a strong employer, you should provide a letter from your employer confirming your job offer, your salary, and your duties.

1. Skills Assessment

Your skills assessment will be based on your education and work experience. You will be scored on your ability to understand the job and your ability to meet the requirements of the position.

1. Language Level

To be considered proficient in English, you must have a valid IELTS test score of at least 6.0.

IV. Conclusion
The Australian green card application process can be complex and time-consuming. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that you have all the necessary information to apply for a green card and increase your chances of success. Remember to work with a migration agent or a




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