
绿卡图书高中英语词汇乱序版音频 绿卡英语词汇:高中乱序版音频全解

更新时间:2023-12-13 02:27:20作者:无极


绿卡图书高中英语词汇乱序版音频 绿卡英语词汇:高中乱序版音频全解

The green card is a document that allows non-citizens to work and live in the United States. It is also known as a work visa or a permanent residence permit. The green card process can be long and complex, and it is important to understand the requirements and procedures involved. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to the green card English vocabulary, specifically for high school students.

GREAT Expectations

The green card process has several requirements that must be met in order to apply. The most important requirement is that the applicant must have a job offer from an employer in the US. This job offer must be a permanent or temporary position, and the salary must be at a minimum of $60,000. Additionally, the applicant must have a bachelor's degree or higher, and they must pass a background check.


Once the applicant has met all of the requirements, the next step in the green card process is the interview. The interview is an opportunity for the applicant to meet the employer and learn more about the company. The interview should be conducted by the employer or a representative of the employer.

Green Card Audio

The green card process can be difficult to understand, and it can be helpful to listen to an audio to help you better understand the process. In this section, we will provide a高中乱序版的绿卡英语词汇录音,帮助学生更好地了解单词。

Audio Script
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Key Vocabulary

In this section, we will review the most important green card English vocabulary.

Employer: a person or organization that hires someone to work for them.

Green card: a document that allows non-citizens to work and live in the United States.

Job offer: a written or verbal offer of a job position.

Bachelor's degree: a higher educational degree, usually a degree that takes four years to complete.

Background check: a process in which a person's past actions and behaviors are checked.

Interview: a meeting in which an employer or representative of the employer talks to a job applicant about the position.


Here is a sample question about the green card process:

What is the most important requirement to meet in order to apply for a green card?

A permanent job offer
A bachelor's degree
A background check

The most important requirement to meet in order to apply for a green card is a permanent job offer. Additionally, a bachelor's degree is required for most green card categories.

Here are some additional questions about the green card process:

What is the green card?

What is the process to obtain a green card?

What is the most important requirement to meet in order to apply for a green card?


A document that allows non-citizens to work and live in the United States.

The process can be long and complex, and it is important to understand the requirements and procedures involved.

A permanent job offer and a bachelor's degree are required for most green card categories.

Highlighted Vocabulary

Job offer: a written or verbal offer of a job position.

Bachelor's degree: a higher educational degree, usually a degree that takes four years to complete.

Background check: a process in which a person's past actions and behaviors are checked.

Interview: a meeting in which an employer or representative of the employer talks to a job applicant about the position.


The green card process can be complex and difficult to understand, but it is important to have a good understanding of the requirements and procedures involved. By reviewing the green card English vocabulary and listening to the audio, you can better prepare for the interview and the process.



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