

更新时间:2023-12-30 17:01:20作者:留学世界





1. Apple - 苹果

2. Banana - 香蕉

3. Orange - 橘子

4. Strawberry - 草莓

5. Pineapple - 菠萝

6. Watermelon - 西瓜

7. Grape - 葡萄

8. Peach - 桃子

9. Cherry - 樱桃

10. Lemon - 柠檬

11. Mango - 芒果

12. Pear - 梨子

13. Kiwi - 猕猴桃

14. Blueberry - 蓝莓

15. Raspberry - 树莓

16. Papaya - 木瓜

17. Plum - 李子

18. Apricot - 杏子

19.Cantaloupe- 哈密瓜

20.Coconut- 椰子

21.Fig- 无花果

22.Guava- 番石榴

23.Honeydew- 白兰瓜

24.Kumquat- 金桔

25.Lime- 青柠檬

26.Melon- 瓜类

27.Nectarine- 油桃

28.Papaya- 木瓜

29.Passion fruit- 百香果

30.Persimmon- 柿子

31.Pomegranate- 石榴

32.Quince- 山楂

33.Raisin- 葡萄干

34.Tangerine- 橘子

35.Ugli fruit- 奇异果

36.Cranberry- 蔓越莓

37.Blackberry- 黑莓

38.Cantaloupe melon- 香瓜

39.Gooseberry- 醋栗

40.Jackfruit - 菠萝蜜

41.Longan - 龙眼

42.Lychee - 荔枝

43.Mangosteen - 山竹

44.Nashi pear - 梨山

45.Olive - 橄榄

46.Pitaya - 火龙果

47.Sapodilla - 人心果

48.Starfruit - 杨桃

49.Tamarind - 罗望子

50.Wax apple - 莲雾




1. 苹果 - Apple

在英语中,苹果不仅仅指水果,也可以用来指代iPhone等苹果公司的产品。例如:I'm using my Apple to take pictures.

2. 香蕉 - Banana

香蕉也可以用来形容某人的穿着或行为很滑稽。例如:He slipped on a banana peel and fell down.

3. 草莓 - Strawberry

草莓是一种小巧可爱的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某人很可爱或迷人。例如:She looked so pretty, just like a strawberry.

4. 橘子 - Orange

橘子不仅仅是一种水果,在英语中也有“橘子色”的说法,形容某物的颜色。例如:Her dress was the color of an orange.

5. 葡萄 - Grape

除了指代水果,葡萄也可以用来表示一群人或事物。例如:The students were all talking at once, it was like a bunch of grapes.

6. 西瓜 - Watermelon

西瓜是夏天最受欢迎的水果之一,它也可以用来形容某人非常懒惰或无所事事。例如:He's just sitting there like a watermelon, not doing anything.

7. 樱桃 - Cherry

樱桃是一种小巧精致的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某人很小巧可爱。例如:She's like a little cherry, so cute and petite.

8. 柠檬 - Lemon

柠檬是一种酸酸的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某人的脾气或性格。例如:She has such a sour personality, always like a lemon.

9. 芒果 - Mango

芒果是一种香甜的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某人很有吸引力或诱惑力。例如:Her voice was like a mango, so sweet and alluring.

10. 桃子 - Peach

桃子不仅仅是一种水果,也可以用来表示某物非常完美或无可挑剔。例如:The house was just peachy, everything was in its place.

11. 菠萝 - Pineapple

菠萝是一种多刺的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某人很粗鲁或冷漠。例如:He's such a pineapple, always prickly and unfriendly.

12. 香瓜 - Cantaloupe

香瓜有着浓郁的香味,它也可以用来形容某物非常令人满意或令人愉悦。例如:The massage was like a cantaloupe, so relaxing and satisfying.

13. 荔枝 - Lychee

荔枝是一种外表粗糙但内心甜美的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某人外表看起来很粗糙但内心很善良。例如:He may seem rough on the outside, but he's like a lychee, very sweet and kind.

14. 橙子 - Mandarin

橙子是一种小巧可爱的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某人很可爱或迷人。例如:She's such a little mandarin, always charming and lovely.

15. 榴莲 - Durian

榴莲是一种有着浓郁气味的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某物有着强烈的气味。例如:The garbage smelled like durian, so pungent and unpleasant.

16. 杨桃 - Starfruit

杨桃是一种五角星形状的水果,在英语中也可以用来表示某物非常特别或独特。例如:Her dress was like a starfruit, so unique and eye-catching.

17. 猕猴桃 - Kiwi

猕猴桃是一种外表毛茸茸但内心充满能量的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某人外表看起来很平凡但内心充满活力。例如:She may seem ordinary, but she's like a kiwi, always full of energy.

18. 菠萝蜜 - Jackfruit

菠萝蜜是一种外表粗糙但内心香甜的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某人外表看起来很粗糙但内心很温柔。例如:He may seem rough, but he's like a jackfruit, very gentle and caring.

19. 椰子 - Coconut

椰子是一种多用途的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某物非常实用或有多重功能。例如:Her bag was like a coconut, she could fit everything in it.

20. 蓝莓 - Blueberry

蓝莓是一种小巧可爱的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某人很小巧可爱。例如:She's such a little blueberry, always cute and adorable.

21. 火龙果 - Dragon fruit

火龙果有着鲜艳的颜色,它也可以用来形容某物非常醒目或引人注目。例如:Her dress was like a dragon fruit, so eye-catching and vibrant.

22. 樱桃番茄 - Cherry tomato

樱桃番茄是一种小巧可爱的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某人很小巧可爱。例如:He's such a little cherry tomato, always cute and petite.

23. 百香果 - Passion fruit

百香果有着浓郁的香味,它也可以用来形容某物非常令人满意或令人愉悦。例如:The perfume was like a passion fruit, so pleasant and satisfying.

24. 柚子 - Grapefruit

柚子是一种酸酸的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某人的脾气或性格。例如:She has such a sour personality, always like a grapefruit.

25. 草莓蓝莓 - Strawberry blueberry

草莓和蓝莓都是小巧可爱的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容一对情侣很甜蜜可爱。例如:They're like a strawberry and blueberry, so sweet and adorable together.

26. 菠萝番茄 - Pineapple tomato

菠萝番茄是一种多刺的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某人很粗鲁或冷漠。例如:He's such a pineapple tomato, always prickly and unfriendly.

27. 芭乐 - Papaya

芭乐是一种外表粗糙但内心甜美的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某人外表看起来很粗糙但内心很善良。例如:She may seem rough on the outside, but she's like a papaya, very sweet and kind.

28. 葡萄柚 - Pomelo

葡萄柚是一种大型的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容某物非常庞大或巨大。例如:The car was like a pomelo, so big and spacious.

29. 草莓葡萄 - Strawberry grape

草莓和葡萄都是小巧可爱的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容一对情侣很甜蜜可爱。例如:They're like a strawberry and grape, so sweet and adorable together.

30. 菠萝荔枝 - Pineapple lychee

菠萝和荔枝都是外表粗糙但内心甜美的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容一对情侣外表看起来很粗糙但内心很善良。例如:They may seem rough on the outside, but they're like a pineapple and lychee, very sweet and kind together.

31. 橘子柚子 - Orange grapefruit

橘子和柚子都是酸酸的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容一对情侣有着强烈的气味。例如:They're like an orange and grapefruit, always having strong opinions.

32. 西瓜香瓜 - Watermelon cantaloupe

西瓜和香瓜都是夏天最受欢迎的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容一对情侣非常令人满意或令人愉悦。例如:They're like a watermelon and cantaloupe, always bringing joy and satisfaction.

33. 樱桃葡萄 - Cherry grape

樱桃和葡萄都是小巧可爱的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容一对情侣很甜蜜可爱。例如:They're like a cherry and grape, so sweet and adorable together.

34. 西瓜草莓 - Watermelon strawberry

西瓜和草莓都是夏天最受欢迎的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容一对情侣非常令人满意或令人愉悦。例如:They're like a watermelon and strawberry, always bringing joy and satisfaction.

35. 橙子柠檬 - Orange lemon

橙子和柠檬都是酸酸的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容一对情侣有着强烈的气味。例如:They're like an orange and lemon, always having strong opinions.

36. 西瓜菠萝 - Watermelon pineapple

西瓜和菠萝都是夏天最受欢迎的水果,在英语中也可以用来形容一对情侣非常令人满意或令人愉悦。例如:They're like a watermelon and pineapple, always bringing joy and satisfaction.

37. 樱桃香蕉 - Cherry banana




1. 苹果(apple) [ˈæpl]

2. 香蕉(banana) [bəˈnɑːnə]

3. 橘子(orange) [ˈɔːrɪndʒ]

4. 葡萄(grape) [ɡreɪp]

5. 草莓(strawberry) [ˈstrɔːbəri]

6. 樱桃(cherry) [ˈtʃeri]

7. 西瓜(watermelon) [ˈwɔːtərmelən]

8. 梨(pear) [peər]

9. 柠檬(lemon) [ˈlemən]

10. 菠萝(pineapple) [paɪnæpl]

11. 桃(peach) [piːtʃ]

12. 杏(apricot) [eɪprɪkɒt]

13. 猕猴桃(kiwi fruit) [kiwi fru:t]

14. 芒果(mango)[mæŋɡəʊ]

15. 椰子(coconut) [ˈkəʊkənʌt]

16. 荔枝(litchi) [ˈlɪtʃi]

17. 榴莲(durian) [ˈdjʊəriən]

18. 柚子(pomelo) [pɒmələʊ]

19. 石榴(pomegranate) [ˈpɒmɪɡrænɪt]

20. 李子(plum) [plʌm]

21. 百香果(passion fruit) [ˈpæʃn fru:t]

22. 龙眼(longan)[ˈlɒŋgən]

23. 枇杷(loquat)[ˈləukwɒt]

24. 山楂(hawthorn)[ˈhɔːθɔ:n]

25. 蓝莓(blueberry)[blu:bri]

26. 黑莓(blackberry)[blækberi]

27. 树莓(raspberry)[ræzberi]

28. 草莓蛋糕(strawberry cake)[strɔ:beri keik]

29. 白兰瓜(honeydew melon)[hʌnidju: melən]

30. 甜瓜(cantaloupe)[kænteloup]

31. 火龙果(dragon fruit)[drægən fru:t]

32. 樱桃番茄(cherry tomato)[tʃeri təmɑ:təu]

33. 西红柿(tomato)[təmɑ:tou]

34. 香瓜(musk melon)[mʌsk melən]

35. 油桃(peach)[pi:tʃ]

36. 橙子(orange)[ˈɔ:rɪndʒ]

37. 枇杷(loquat)[ˈləukwɒt]

38. 芒果(mango)[mæŋɡəʊ]

39. 甘蔗(sugar cane)[ˈʃu:ɡə kein]

40. 柠檬汁(lemon juice)[ˈlemən dʒu:s]

41. 菠萝蜜(jackfruit)[dʒækfru:t]

42. 菠萝蛋糕(pineapple cake)[paɪnæpl keik]

43. 红毛丹(rambutan)[ræmbu:tn]

44. 火龙果汁(dragon fruit juice)[drægən fru:t dʒu:s]

45. 酸橙(lime) [laɪm]

46. 黄皮(huangpi) [hwaŋpi]

47. 杨桃(star fruit) [stɑ: fru:t]

48. 杨梅(yangmei) [jæŋmei]

49. 无花果(fig) [fiɡ]

50. 香蕉蛋糕(banana cake) [bəˈnɑːnə keik]


1. "Fruit salad" - a dish made of mixed fruits, often served as a dessert or side dish.

Example: I made a delicious fruit salad for the party last night.

2. "Tropical fruits" - fruits that are typically grown in warm, tropical climates.

Example: The market was filled with a variety of tropical fruits, such as mangoes, pineapples, and papayas.

3. "Sliced fruit" - fruit that has been cut into thin pieces.

Example: She always adds sliced fruit to her morning oatmeal for some extra flavor and nutrients.

4. "Juicy fruit" - fruit with a lot of liquid content.

Example: The watermelon was so juicy that it dripped down my chin when I took a bite.

5. "Seasonal fruits" - fruits that are only available during certain times of the year.

Example: I can't wait for summer to come so I can enjoy all the delicious seasonal fruits like peaches and cherries.

6. "Fruit basket" - a decorative arrangement of various types of fruit.

Example: My friend sent me a beautiful fruit basket as a get-well-soon gift.

7. "Exotic fruits" - unusual or rare types of fruit from different parts of the world.

Example: The market had some exotic fruits like dragonfruit and starfruit that I had never tried before.

8. "Fruit juice" - the liquid extracted from fruits, often used as a beverage.

Example: Orange juice is my favorite type of fruit juice to have with breakfast.

9. "Freshly picked fruit" - fruit that has just been harvested and is at its peak ripeness.

Example: We went apple picking at the orchard and enjoyed eating freshly picked apples right off the tree.

10. "Dried fruit" - dehydrated fruit that is often used as a snack or added to baked goods.

Example: I always keep a bag of dried fruit in my bag for a quick and healthy snack on the go.

11. "Fruit flavors" - the taste or aroma of different fruits.

Example: The ice cream shop had a variety of fruit flavors, including strawberry, mango, and banana.

12. "Fruit smoothie" - a blended beverage made with fruit, often with added milk or yogurt.

Example: I like to make a berry and banana smoothie for breakfast to start my day off with some fruit.

13. "Citrus fruits" - fruits that belong to the citrus family, such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits.

Example: I always have some citrus fruits on hand during cold and flu season for their immune-boosting properties.

14. "Fruit trees" - trees that bear fruit.

Example: My grandparents have a beautiful orchard filled with various fruit trees like apple, pear, and cherry.

15. "Fruit farm" - a farm where fruits are grown and harvested.

Example: We went on a tour of a local fruit farm and learned about all the different types of fruits they grow there.

16. "Fruit pie" - a dessert made with pastry crust and filled with cooked fruit filling.

Example: My grandma makes the best apple pie using fresh apples from her garden.

17. "Fruit preserves" - jam or jelly made from cooked fruit.

Example: I love spreading strawberry preserves on my toast in the morning.

18. "Fruit-flavored candy" - candy that has been artificially flavored to taste like different fruits.

Example: My favorite type of candy is watermelon-flavored gummies.

19. "Frozen fruit" - fresh fruit that has been frozen for later use.

Example: I like to add frozen berries to my smoothies instead of ice for an extra dose of nutrients.

20. "Tart fruits" - fruits that have a sour or acidic taste.

Example: Lemons and limes are considered tart fruits and are often used in cooking and baking.

21. "Fruit crumble" - a dessert made with fruit filling topped with a crumbly mixture of flour, butter, and sugar.

Example: My mom's peach crumble is my all-time favorite dessert.

22. "Fruit compote" - cooked fruit that has been sweetened and often served as a topping for desserts.

Example: The restaurant served their cheesecake with a delicious blueberry compote on top.

23. "Fruit-infused water" - water that has been flavored with fruit for a refreshing drink.

Example: I like to add slices of lemon and cucumber to my water for some extra flavor.

24. "A basket of fruit" - a basket filled with various types of fruit.

Example: We brought our neighbor a basket of fruit as a thank you gift for helping us move.

25. "Fruit picking" - the act of harvesting ripe fruits from trees or bushes.

Example: We spent the afternoon fruit picking at the farm and came home with bags full of apples, pears, and plums.

26. "Fruit vinegar" - vinegar made from fermented fruit juice.

Example: I like to use apple cider vinegar, which is made from apples, in my salad dressings.

27. "Fruit salsa" - a condiment or dip made with chopped fruits, often served with chips or as a topping for grilled meats.

Example: We had mango salsa with our fish tacos last night, and it added the perfect amount of sweetness to balance out the spiciness.

28. "Candied fruit" - cooked fruit that has been coated in sugar syrup for preservation.

Example: My aunt makes candied orange peels during the holidays, and they are always a hit at family gatherings.

29. "Fruit cobbler" - a dessert made with fruit filling and topped with a biscuit-like dough.

Example: I love the combination of peaches and blueberries in a fruit cobbler.

30. "Fruit cracker" - a type of cracker that is flavored with fruit, often used as a snack or appetizer.

Example: These fig and olive crackers are my favorite to serve with cheese at parties.

31. "Fruit-flavored tea" - tea that has been flavored with fruit, often served hot or iced.

Example: My go-to drink at the coffee shop is a peach-flavored iced tea.

32. "Fruit spread" - a spreadable mixture made from crushed fruits, often used as an alternative to jam or jelly.

Example: I like to use apricot spread on my toast instead of butter for a healthier option.

33. "Fruit punch" - a beverage made with various types of fruit juices, often served at parties or gatherings.

Example: The kids enjoyed drinking fruit punch at the birthday party while the adults sipped on wine.

34. "Fruit compote" - cooked fruit that has been sweetened and often served as a topping for desserts.

Example: The restaurant served their cheesecake with a delicious blueberry compote on top.

35. "A bowl of fruit" - a bowl filled with different types of fresh fruits.

Example: I always have a bowl of fruit on my kitchen counter for easy snacking options throughout the day.

36. "Fruit-flavored yogurt" - yogurt that has been flavored with different types of fruits.

Example: My favorite flavor of yogurt is strawberry-banana because it combines two delicious fruits in one cup.

37. "Fruit smoothie bowl" - a thick smoothie topped with fresh fruits, nuts, and other toppings, often served as breakfast.

Example: I love making acai smoothie bowls and topping them with fresh fruits, granola, and honey.

38. "Fruit leather" - a type of dried fruit snack that is similar to fruit roll-ups.

Example: My kids love eating fruit leather as a healthier alternative to candy.

39. "Fruit-flavored ice cream" - ice cream that has been flavored with different types of fruits.

Example: My favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry because it tastes like fresh strawberries in every bite.

40. "Fruit-flavored gum" - chewing gum that has been artificially flavored to taste like different fruits.

Example: I always keep a pack of watermelon-flavored gum in my purse for a quick refreshment throughout the day.

41. "Fruit tart" - a dessert made with pastry crust and filled with custard or cream and topped with fresh fruits.

Example: The bakery had an assortment of fruit tarts, including ones with peaches, blueberries, and raspberries.

42. "Fruit puree" - cooked fruit that has been blended into a smooth consistency.

Example: I like to add some banana puree to my pancakes for some natural sweetness and moisture.

43. "Fruit vinegar dressing" - salad dressing made with vinegar that has been flavored with fruit juice or puree.

Example: My favorite salad dressing is raspberry vinaigrette because it adds a sweet tanginess to my salads.

44. "Fruit-based cocktails" - alcoholic beverages made with different types of fruits as the main ingredient.

Example: My go-to cocktail during the summer is a refreshing watermelon mojito.

45. "A plate of fruit" - a plate filled with various types of fresh fruits.

Example: We always have a plate of fruit at our family gatherings for those who want something light and healthy to snack on.

46. "Fruit-flavored lip balm" - lip balm that has been flavored with different types of fruits.

Example: My favorite lip balm is the strawberry one because it smells and tastes like fresh strawberries.

47. "Fruit-flavored chips" - chips that have been flavored with different types of fruits, often used as a snack or appetizer.

Example: I love snacking on plantain chips that are flavored with pineapple for a sweet and savory combination.

48. "Fruit-flavored water ice" - frozen dessert made with fruit juice or puree, similar to sorbet.

Example: Lemon water ice is my go-to summer treat to cool down on a hot day.

49. "Fruit vinegar marinade" - a mixture of vinegar and other ingredients used to marinate meats or vegetables before cooking.

Example: I marinated my chicken in a balsamic fruit vinegar marinade, and it turned out so flavorful and tender.

50. "Fruit bouquet" - an arrangement of various types of fresh fruits, often used as a gift or centerpiece.

Example: I received a beautiful fruit bouquet for my birthday, and it was almost too pretty to eat





2.柑橘类(Citrus fruits)


3.热带水果类(Tropical fruits)


4.核果类(Stone fruits)

杏子(apricot)、桃子 (peach)、李子 (plum)、樱桃 (cherry)

5.苹果类 (Apples)

苹果 (apple) 、梨 (pear) 、桔子 (tangerine) 、杨桃 (star fruit)

6.瓜类 (Melons)

西瓜 (watermelon) 、甜瓜/香瓜 (cantaloupe/honeydew melon) 、哈密瓜 (honeydew melon)

7.浆果类 (Stone fruits)

荔枝 (lychee) 、龙眼 (longan) 、桑葚/桑果 (mulberry) 、山楂 (hawthorn)

8.干果类 (Dried fruits)


9.坚果类 (Nuts)

核桃(walnut)、榛子(hazel)、松子(pine nut)、腰果(cashew)

10.其他水果 (Other fruits)




上一篇: 30的英语是什么




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