

更新时间:2024-01-01 17:21:23作者:留学世界



1. 8:30 in English

8点30分的英文读法是"eight thirty",其中eight为数字8,thirty为数字30。


2. Half past eight

另一种常用的表达方式是"half past eight",意为"八点半"。

3. A quarter to nine

如果想表达离9点还有15分钟左右的时间,可以说"A quarter to nine",意为"离九点还有15分钟"。

4. Eight thirty in the morning/evening

若需要指定是上午还是晚上的8点30分,可以在表达中加上"in the morning/evening",例如:"Eight thirty in the morning/evening."

5. At half past eight

"At half past eight"也是一个常用的表达方式,意为"在八点半时候"。

6. 8:30 AM/PM

如果需要使用24小时制来表示时间,在英文中可以写作:"8:30 AM/PM". 其中AM表示上午,PM表示下午。

7. Eight-thirty sharp

如果想强调准确的时间,可以使用这个短语来表示:"Eight-thirty sharp." 表示时间非常准确地在8点30分。

8. Eight-thirty on the dot

类似于以上短语,这个短语也可用于强调准确的时间。另外,在英国英语中也常使用"On the dot of..."来表示准确的时间。因此也可以说:"Eight-thirty on the dot of 8:30."

9. Eight-thirty in the a.m./p.m.

如果需要指定是上午还是下午的8点30分,可以使用这个短语来表示:"Eight-thirty in the a.m./p.m." 其中a.m.表示上午,p.m.表示下午。

10. Half an hour past eight

"Half an hour past eight"也是一个常用的表达方式,意为"八点半过一刻钟"。注意这里使用的是过去式


1. "8:30" or "half past eight" - This is the most common way to express 8:30 in English. It is a simple and straightforward way to say the time.

Example: "I have a meeting at 8:30 tomorrow morning."

2. "eight thirty" - This is another common way to say 8:30, especially in more formal situations.

Example: "The train will depart at eight thirty sharp."

3. "a quarter to nine" - This expression means that it is 15 minutes before 9 o'clock. It can also be written as "8:45."

Example: "I'll meet you at the coffee shop a quarter to nine."

4. "half an hour after eight" - This phrase indicates that it is 30 minutes after 8 o'clock.

Example: "The movie starts half an hour after eight, so don't be late!"

5. "thirty minutes past eight" - Similar to the previous expression, this means that it is 30 minutes after 8 o'clock.

Example: "Can we meet for dinner at thirty minutes past eight?"

6. "eight-thirty in the morning/evening" - If you want to specify whether it is AM or PM, you can use this phrase.

Example: "I have an appointment with my doctor at eight-thirty in the morning."

7. "around/approximately/roughly 8:30" - These words are used when you are not sure of the exact time, but it is close to 8:30.

Example: "We'll arrive around 8:30, depending on traffic."

8. "at half past eight" - This expression has the same meaning as "half past eight," but it sounds more formal and polite.

Example: "Please come to my office at half past eight for our meeting."

9. "eight-thirty on the dot" - This phrase means that it is exactly 8:30, not a minute earlier or later.

Example: "The store opens at eight-thirty on the dot, so make sure you're there on time."

10. "8:30 AM/PM" - This is the standard way to write 8:30 in English when specifying whether it is morning or evening.

Example: "My flight leaves at 8:30 PM, so I'll see you at the airport around 7."


1. 8:30 AM - 美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国家使用12小时制,其中"AM"表示早上,"PM"表示下午。

2. 0830 - 新加坡、马来西亚等东南亚国家使用24小时制,将时间以4位数表示。

3. 午前8時30分 - 日本使用12小时制,但是时间表达方式与英语不同,中间加上了汉字。

4. 8:30 uur - 荷兰使用24小时制,但是将时间中的冒号改为了"uur"。

5. 08:30 Uhr - 德国也使用24小时制,并且与荷兰一样将冒号改为了"Uhr"。

6. 8 heures et demie du matin - 法国在正式场合也会使用24小时制,但是口语中常用这种更简单的表达方式。

7. Half past eight in the morning - 英式英语也采用12小时制,在口语中可以省略"in the morning"部分。

8. 08:30 AM/PM (depending on context) - 印度也采用12小时制,并且根据上下文来决定是早上还是下午


1. How to say 8:30 in English?

2. What is the English pronunciation for 8:30?

3. Can you tell me how to read 8:30 in English?

4. The correct way to say 8:30 in English is "eight thirty".

5. In English, we say "half past eight" for 8:30.

6. Another way to read 8:30 in English is "thirty minutes past eight".

7. Don't forget to use "a.m." or "p.m." after the time, such as "8:30 a.m." or "8:30 p.m.".

8. For military time, 8:30 can be said as "zero eight thirty" or "oh eight thirty".

9. When talking about schedules, we can use phrases like "at 8:30" or "starting from 8:30".

10. If you want to specify the exact time, you can say "exactly at 8:30" or "precisely at 8:30".

11. In spoken English, it is common to use contractions and say "eight-thirty" instead of "eight thirty".

12. When writing the time in numbers, we usually use a colon (:) between the hours and minutes, like this: 08:30.

13. Some other ways to express 8:30 could be "half an hour past eight" or "thirty minutes after eight".

14. Remember that when saying a time in English, we always mention the hour first and then the minutes.

15. In some countries, people may also use their own unique ways to read and express times, so it's always good to ask for clarification if unsure


1. 8:30 AM - 这是最常用的表达方式,AM表示上午,表示8点30分。

2. Half past eight - 这是一种更加口语化的表达方式,意为“八点半”。

3. Eight-thirty - 这是数字和时间的结合表达方式,也可以写作8:30。

4. A quarter to nine - 这是一种更加形象生动的表达方式,在英语中时间可以用“to”来表示还有多久才到某个整点,因此“a quarter to nine”就表示离9点还有15分钟左右。

5. Thirty minutes past eight - 这是一种比较正式的表达方式,意为“八点过半”,也可以写作8:30。

6. 8:30 in the morning - 这是另一种比较正式的表达方式,in the morning表示在上午这个时间段。

7. Eight thirty sharp - 如果你想强调时间非常准确,可以使用这个短语,“sharp”意为“准确地”。

8. At half past eight - “at”在英语中可以用来表示具体的时间点,在这里就表示在八点半这个时间





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