

更新时间:2024-01-01 22:27:27作者:留学世界





1. Month Day, Year

这是最常见的日期表达方式,也是美国人最常用的一种。例如:September 17, 2021。

2. Day Month Year

这种方式较为常见于英国和其他欧洲国家。例如:17 September 2021。

3. Month Dayth

这种方式通常用于口语交流中,比如说生日或节日。例如:September 17th。







7. September the seventeenth, Year

这是一种正式但不太常用的口语表达方式,在书面文本中可以使用。其中the seventeenth可以根据具体日期进行替换。例如:September the twenty-fifth, 2021。

8. 9-17-21



1. 了解英文日期格式

在英语中,日期通常以“月/日/年”的顺序书写,例如9月17日应该写作September 17, 2021。需要注意的是,英语中的月份通常采用缩写形式,如Jan.代表一月,Feb.代表二月,以此类推。

2. 使用正确的缩写形式


- 日:Sun(星期日)、Mon(星期一)、Tue(星期二)、Wed(星期三)、Thu(星期四)、Fri(星期五)、Sat(星期六)

- 年:BC(公元前)和AD(公元)

3. 注意大小写


- September 17, 2021 (正确)

- september 17, 2021 (错误)

4. 避免使用超链接


5. 使用逗号分隔

在英文日期格式中,逗号通常用于分隔不同部分。例如:“September 17, 2021”中,“September”和“17”之间以及“17”和“2021”之间都使用了逗号分隔。

6. 注意时区差异


7. 使用正确的标点符号

在英文日期格式中,冒号和斜杠是常用的标点符号。冒号通常用于表示小时和分钟,例如“9:30 AM”,而斜杠则用于分隔不同部分,例如“9/17/2021”。

8. 仔细检查拼写和格式


- 掌握正确的日期顺序:月份、日、年;

- 使用正确的缩写形式:月份缩写、星期缩写、公元前后;

- 注意大小写:首字母大写、全部小写;

- 避免使用超链接;

- 使用逗号分隔不同部分;

- 注意时区差异;

- 使用正确的标点符号:冒号和斜杠;

- 仔细检查拼写和格式


1. 日期的表达方式因国家和地区的不同而有所差异,下面将介绍几个常用的日期表达方式。

2. 美国和加拿大通常使用“月/日/年”的格式来表示日期,因此9月17日可以写作“9/17/2021”或“September 17, 2021”。

3. 英国和澳大利亚等英联邦国家则习惯使用“日/月/年”的格式,所以9月17日可以写作“17/9/2021”或“17th September 2021”。

4. 在欧洲大部分国家,包括德国、法国、西班牙等,日期一般采用“日.月.年”的格式,因此9月17日可以写作“17.9.2021”或“17 September 2021”。

5. 日本和韩国等亚洲国家则通常使用“年/月/日”的格式来表示日期,所以9月17日可以写作“2021年9月17日”或“2021年9月17号”。

6. 在中国大陆地区,日期的表达方式也是采用“年-月-日”的格式,因此9月17日可以写作“2021年9月17日”或“2021年9月17号”。

7. 另外,在一些拉丁美洲国家如墨西哥、阿根廷等,也会使用类似于西班牙的日期格式,即“日.月.年”。

8. 需要注意的是,有些国家和地区可能会在日期中加入星期几的表达,比如英国的“星期五,17/9/2021”,或中国大陆的“周五,2021年9月17日”。

9. 此外,在书面语中,也可以使用全写的方式来表达日期,比如英国的“the seventeenth of September, 2021”或中国大陆的“二零二一年九月十七日”。

10. 总之,在不同国家和地区之间需要注意日期格式的差异,并根据具体情况选择合适的表达方式。希望以上内容能够帮助您正确地用英语表达9月17日这个日期


1. National Constitution Day (国庆日)

- September 17 is celebrated as National Constitution Day in the United States, marking the day in 1787 when the U.S. Constitution was signed.

- On this day, many American schools and organizations hold special events and activities to honor the importance of the Constitution.

- In some states, it is also known as Citizenship Day, recognizing the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

2. International Patient Safety Day (国际患者安全日)

- September 17 is observed as International Patient Safety Day, a global campaign to raise awareness and promote actions to improve patient safety around the world.

- This day highlights the importance of patient safety in healthcare systems and encourages individuals to take an active role in ensuring their own safety when receiving medical care.

3. World Patient Safety Day (世界患者安全日)

- In addition to International Patient Safety Day, September 17 is also recognized as World Patient Safety Day by the World Health Organization (WHO).

- This day focuses on promoting global actions to enhance patient safety and reduce harm in healthcare settings.

- Each year, a specific theme is chosen to address different aspects of patient safety.

4. National Apple Dumpling Day (国家苹果饺子节)

- For those with a sweet tooth, September 17 is a delicious holiday known as National Apple Dumpling Day.

- This day celebrates the traditional dessert made with apples wrapped in pastry dough and baked until golden brown.

- It's a perfect excuse to indulge in this tasty treat or try making it at home.

5. International Country Music Day (国际乡村音乐日)

- Music lovers rejoice on September 17 for International Country Music Day.

- This day celebrates one of America's most popular music genres and its impact on culture around the world.

- Many country music festivals and concerts take place on this day to honor the genre and its artists.

6. National IT Professionals Day (国家IT专业人士日)

- September 17 is also recognized as National IT Professionals Day, a day to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work and dedication of IT professionals.

- This day recognizes the vital role of IT professionals in keeping businesses and organizations running smoothly.

- It's a great opportunity to thank the IT professionals in your life for their contributions.

7. National Tradesmen Day (国家工匠节)

- On the third Friday of September, which falls on September 17 this year, we celebrate National Tradesmen Day.

- This day honors skilled tradespeople such as carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and mechanics for their hard work and contributions to society.

- It's a reminder to recognize and appreciate the important role these individuals play in our daily lives.

8. Citizenship Day (公民日)

- In addition to being recognized as National Constitution Day in some states, September 17 is also known as Citizenship Day throughout the United States.

- This day commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution and celebrates the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

- Many citizenship ceremonies take place on this day for individuals becoming U.S. citizens.

9. World Marrow Donor Day (世界骨髓捐赠者日)

- Every year on September 17, World Marrow Donor Day is observed to raise awareness about bone marrow donation and its impact on saving lives.

- This day also honors those who have donated bone marrow or stem cells to help patients with blood disorders or cancers.

- It's a reminder of how one person's selfless act can make a significant difference in someone else's life.

10. International Equal Pay Day (国际平等薪酬日)

- September 17 is also recognized as International Equal Pay Day, a day to raise awareness about the gender pay gap and advocate for equal pay for equal work.

- This day highlights the importance of fair and equal wages for all individuals, regardless of their gender.

- It's a call to action for organizations and governments to address and eliminate pay disparities


1. "A September 17th to remember" - 用来形容特别的一天,类似于中文的“难忘的一天”

2. "September 17th, a day for new beginnings" - 九月十七日,新的开始之日

3. "September 17th, a day of change and growth" - 九月十七日,变革与成长之日

4. "A September 17th full of possibilities" - 充满可能性的九月十七日

5. "September 17th, a day to seize the moment" - 抓住当下的九月十七日

6. "A September 17th to make memories" - 创造回忆的九月十七日

7. "September 17th, a day to celebrate life" - 庆祝生命的九月十七日

8. "A September 17th filled with love and laughter" - 充满爱和欢笑的九月十七日

9. "September 17th, a day to be grateful for" - 感恩的九月十七日

10. "A September 17th to appreciate the little things in life" - 感激生活中小小的幸运之日





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2024-01-01 20:57

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