
ability的形容词 的翻译是

更新时间:2024-01-03 03:35:25作者:留学世界




ability的形容词 的翻译是

1. ability的形容词是什么?


2. 有哪些形容词可以用来描述ability?


- Strong:指某人拥有强大的能力和技巧。

- Skilled:表示某人具备高超的技术和技巧。

- Talented:指某人天生具备某种特殊能力或天赋。

- Capable:表示某人有足够的能力去完成某件事情。

- Competent:指某人具备必要的知识和技术去做好工作。

- Proficient:表示某人擅长做某件事情,并且经验丰富。

3. 如何选择合适的形容词?



1. 能力的形容词:将ability(能力)转化为形容词时,通常在词尾加上-able或-ible,如可读的(readable)、可信任的(credible)等。

2. 读音:-able的读音为/əbəl/,而-ible的读音为/ɪbl/。两者都是重读第一个音节。

3. 区别:虽然两者都表示“能够”的意思,但有些动词只能加上-able,有些只能加上-ible,也有些可以两者皆可。例如:

- 仅限于-able:可靠的(reliable)、可怕的(terrible)、可爱的(adorable)

- 仅限于-ible:可见的(visible)、可感知到的(sensible)、可理解的(comprehensible)

- 两者皆可:可信赖的/信得过的(trustable/trustible)、可接受的/受得了的(acceptable/acceptible)

4. 表示程度:在某些情况下,使用不同后缀也会表示不同程度。一般来说,-able表示“可以做到”的意思,而-ible则表示“易于做到”的意思。例如:

- 可理解的指易于理解,难以理解时应使用incomprehensible;

- 可见性指易于看见,无法看见时应使用invisible。

5. 拓展:除了-able和-ible,还有一些其他的形容词后缀可以表示能力,如:

- -ive:表示“具有……特性的”,如creative(有创造力的)、active(积极的);

- -ent:表示“具有……倾向的”,如confident(自信的)、patient(耐心的)。

6. 总结:能力的形容词可以通过在ability后加上-able或-ible来构成,读音分别为/əbəl/和/ɪbl/。两者有时会表示不同程度,也可以与其他后缀结合使用


1. 能力强大的 (powerful)

例句:He has a powerful ability to solve complex problems. (他有着强大的解决复杂问题的能力。)

2. 能干的 (capable)

例句:She is a capable leader who can handle any situation. (她是一个能够应对任何情况的能干领导者。)

3. 有天赋的 (talented)

例句:He is a talented musician with the ability to play multiple instruments. (他是一位有天赋的音乐家,能够弹奏多种乐器。)

4. 灵活的 (versatile)

例句:She has a versatile ability to adapt to different work environments. (她拥有灵活适应不同工作环境的能力。)

5. 敏锐的 (sharp)

例句:He has a sharp ability to understand and analyze complex data. (他具备敏锐理解和分析复杂数据的能力。)

6. 创造性的 (creative)

例句:She has a creative ability to come up with innovative ideas for marketing campaigns. (她拥有创造性思维,能够提出创新营销活动方案。)

7. 专业的 (professional)

例句:He is a professional translator with the ability to accurately convey the meaning of the original text. (他是一位专业翻译员,具备准确传达原文意思的能力。)

8. 熟练的 (proficient)

例句:She is a proficient speaker of multiple languages, with the ability to communicate effectively with people from different cultures. (她是一位精通多种语言的演讲者,能够有效地与来自不同文化背景的人沟通。)


1. Strong ability - 强大的能力

2. Excellent ability - 优秀的能力

3. Remarkable ability - 卓越的能力

4. Exceptional ability - 非凡的能力

5. Outstanding ability - 出色的能力

6. Incredible ability - 难以置信的能力

7. Impressive ability - 令人印象深刻的能力

8. Extraordinary ability - 非同寻常的能力

9. Remarkable ability - 杰出的能力

10. Remarkable ability - 突出的能力

11. Unmatched ability - 无与伦比的能力

12. Impeccable ability - 完美无瑕的能力

13. Proficient ability - 熟练的能力

14. Skilled ability - 技巧娴熟的能力

15. Versatile ability - 多才多艺的能力

16. Adaptable ability- 适应性强的能力

17. Resourceful ability- 足智多谋的能力

18. Creative ability- 创造性强的能力

19.Critical thinking skills- 批判性思维技巧

20.Problem-solving abilities- 解决问题的能力

21.Communication skills- 沟通技巧

22.Leadership abilities- 领导才干

23.Teamwork skills- 团队合作技巧

24.Time management skills- 时间管理技巧

25.Organizational skills- 组织技巧

26.Analytical abilities- 分析能力

27.Innovative ability- 创新能力

28.Dedication and commitment- 奉献和承诺

29.Resilience and adaptability- 恢复力和适应性

30.Flexibility and versatility- 灵活性和多功能性

31.Detail-oriented ability- 注重细节的能力

32.Strategic thinking skills- 战略思维技巧

33.Negotiation skills- 谈判技巧

34.Professionalism and integrity- 专业素养和诚信

35.Motivational ability - 激励能力

36.Influential ability - 影响力

37.Result-oriented ability - 结果导向的能力

38.Collaborative ability - 协作能力

39.Proactive ability - 积极主动的能力

40.Adaptive ability - 适应性强的能力

41.Self-motivated ability - 自我激励的能力

42.Persuasive ability - 有说服力的能力

43.Critical thinking skills - 批判性思维技巧

44.Problem-solving abilities - 解决问题的能力

45.Innovative mindset - 创新思维方式

46.Detail-oriented approach - 注重细节的方法

47.Effective communication skills - 有效沟通技巧

48.Strong decision-making abilities - 坚定果断的决策能力

49.Team management skills - 团队管理技巧

50.Self-discipline and self-control - 自律和自控能力


1. Capable

例句:She is a capable leader who can handle any situation with ease.

2. Competent

例句:He is a competent employee who always completes his tasks on time.

3. Skilled

例句:The skilled musician gave a flawless performance.

4. Proficient

例句:She is proficient in multiple languages, making her an asset to the company.

5. Adept

例句:He is an adept problem solver and always finds creative solutions.

6. Talented

例句:The talented artist's work was praised by critics.

7. Gifted

例句:She is a gifted writer with a natural talent for storytelling.

8. Experienced

例句:The experienced teacher knows how to effectively engage her students in learning.

9. Expert

例句:He is an expert in his field and has published numerous articles on the subject.

10. Accomplished

例句:The accomplished athlete won several medals at the Olympics.

11. Adroit

例句:Her adroit handling of the crisis saved the company from further damage.

12. Skillful

例句:The skillful chef prepared a delicious meal using only basic ingredients.

13. Resourceful

例句:She is a resourceful problem solver and always finds ways to overcome obstacles.

14. Proficient

例句: He is proficient in various computer programs, making him an asset to the IT team.

15. Qualified

例句: The qualified candidate was offered the job after acing the interview.


例句: The clever detective solved the case in record time.


例句: The efficient manager streamlined processes, saving the company time and money.


例句: The potent medicine quickly relieved her pain.

19. Skillful

例句: The skillful negotiator was able to reach a compromise between the two parties.

20. Accomplished

例句: The accomplished pianist performed a challenging piece flawlessly





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abike是什么意思 abike的中文翻译、读音、例句


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