

更新时间:2024-01-04 13:57:27作者:留学世界




1. 不顺利的:adverse一词通常用来形容不顺利的、不利的情况或者事件。比如,我们经常听到的“adverse weather conditions”就是指不利的天气条件,例如暴风雨、大雪等。

2. 相反的:除了形容不利的情况,adverse也可以表示相反的意思。比如,“the adverse effect of smoking”就是指吸烟的负面影响。

3. 敌对的:在某些场合,adverse也可以表示敌对的意思。比如,“an adverse party”就是指敌对方。

4. 不良的:除了形容具体情况,adverse也可以用来形容某种状态或者特征。比如,“adverse health conditions”就是指不良的健康状况。

5. 逆境:最后,adverse也可以表示逆境或者困难。比如,“to face adverse circumstances”就是指面对逆境


1. adverse的读音

adverse这个单词的读音是 /ædˈvɜːrs/,其中重音在第二个音节上。

2. adverse的词性和含义

adverse是一个形容词,意为“不利的,不幸的”。它可以用来描述一种不良的情况或者对某人或某物有害的事物。例如:adverse weather conditions (恶劣的天气条件);adverse effects on health (对健康有害的影响)。

3. adverse与相关词汇

- adversity:名词,意为“逆境,不幸”。例如:He has faced many adversities in his life. (他在生活中面临过许多逆境。)

- adversely:副词,意为“不利地”。例如:The decision will adversely affect our business. (这个决定将对我们的业务产生不利影响。)

4. adverse的同义词和反义词

- 同义词:unfavorable, detrimental, harmful, disadvantageous

- 反义词:favorable, beneficial, advantageous

5. adverse在句子中的用法


- The company is facing adverse market conditions. (公司面临着不利的市场条件。)

- Adverse events may occur during the treatment process. (治疗过程中可能发生不良事件。)

- The adverse effects of pollution on the environment are well documented. (污染对环境的不利影响已有充分记录。)

6. adverse的常见搭配

- adverse effect:不良影响

- adverse reaction:不良反应

- adverse circumstances:不利情况

- adverse conditions:恶劣条件

- adverse consequences:不利后果

7. 如何正确使用adverse?



1. 用法解释:


2. 双语例句:

- The adverse weather conditions made it difficult for the farmers to harvest their crops. (恶劣的天气条件让农民们很难收割庄稼。)

- The medicine may have some adverse side effects, so please consult your doctor before taking it. (这种药物可能会产生一些不良副作用,所以在服用之前请咨询医生。)

- Despite the adverse circumstances, she never gave up and eventually achieved her dream. (尽管环境不利,她从未放弃,并最终实现了自己的梦想。)

- Adverse comments from the critics did not discourage him from pursuing his passion for writing. (评论家们的负面评价并没有让他放弃追求写作的热情。)

- The company's profits were adversely affected by the economic recession. (经济衰退对公司的利润产生了不利影响。)

- He always looks at things from an adverse perspective, which often leads to misunderstandings. (他总是从一个相反的角度看待事物,这经常导致误解。)


1. adverse effects: 不良影响,指某种行为、事件或药物等产生的负面影响。

2. adverse weather conditions: 恶劣的天气条件,指不利于人们生活和工作的天气情况。

3. adverse reactions: 不良反应,指人体对药物或其他物质产生的不良反应。

4. adverse circumstances: 不利情况,指不利于实现某种目标或计划的外部因素。

5. adverse selection: 逆向选择,指在交易中出现的信息不对称导致较差的结果。

6. adverse impact: 负面影响,指某种行为或决策所带来的不利后果。

7. adverse party: 对方,特指在法律纠纷中与原告相对立的一方。

8. adverse possession: 不当占有,指未经合法手续占有他人土地或财产而获得所有权。

9. adverse credit history: 不良信用记录,指个人或机构在信用报告中显示出的不良信用状况。

10. adverse employment action: 不利就业行为,指雇主对员工采取的负面措施


1. Negative

- The adverse impact of the policy on the economy was evident.

- The negative consequences of the decision were felt by all.

2. Unfavorable

- The adverse weather conditions made it difficult for us to travel.

- The unfavorable outcome of the negotiations left us disappointed.

3. Detrimental

- The adverse effects of smoking on one's health are well-known.

- The detrimental effects of pollution on the environment cannot be ignored.

4. Harmful

- Exposure to chemicals can have adverse effects on our health.

- The harmful effects of excessive alcohol consumption are widely known.

5. Disadvantageous

- The new regulations have had an adverse impact on small businesses.

- It was a disadvantageous situation for us as we were outnumbered.

6. Injurious

- The adverse effects of the medication caused more harm than good.

- It is important to avoid any injurious activities during pregnancy.

7. Destructive

- The adverse weather conditions resulted in destructive floods in the area.

- His reckless behavior had an adverse effect on his relationships with others.

8. Unwanted

- We faced many unwanted challenges during our journey through the mountains.

- Our team was eliminated from the tournament due to some unwanted mistakes.

9. Undesirable

- Adverse reactions to certain foods can cause undesirable symptoms in some people.

- The undesirable consequences of his actions led to his downfall.

10. Counterproductive

- His attempts to gain attention were counterproductive and had an adverse effect on his reputation.

-The company's cost-cutting measures proved to be counterproductive in the long run, resulting in a decline in profits

adverse是一个常用的形容词,意思是“不利的”或“有害的”。它可以用来描述各种不良的情况,如不利的天气、有害的影响等。读音为/ædˈvɜːs/,请大家多加练习。在使用时,我们可以说adverse effects(不良影响)、adverse conditions(不利条件)等。同时,也有一些同义词可以替换adverse,如negative、unfavorable等。最后,我是网站编辑小明,希望本文能够帮助到大家,并且欢迎关注我获取更多有趣的英语知识。谢谢阅读!

上一篇: actors英语怎么读




2024-01-04 13:39

adverse 的翻译是


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