

更新时间:2024-01-04 20:51:28作者:留学世界








除了表示害怕之外,“afraid”还可以表示担心。当我们对某件事情感到担心时,也可以用这个词来表达。比如说,如果你朋友迟迟没有回复你的消息,你可能会担心他出了什么事情。这时候就可以说“I'm afraid he might be in trouble.”(我担心他可能遇到麻烦了。)


除了以上两种含义外,“afraid”还可以用来表示抱歉。当我们做错了事情或给别人带来了麻烦时,可以用这个词来表达歉意。比如说,如果你迟到了,可以说“I'm afraid I'm late.”(抱歉,我迟到了。)这种用法也比较常见于英式英语中。



1. 没有必要害怕


2. 分解发音


3. 注意弱化音


4. 跟着例子练习

为了更好地掌握afraid的发音,我们可以通过跟着例子练习来加深印象。比如,“I am afraid of heights.”(我害怕高处),“Don't be afraid to try new things.”(不要害怕尝试新事物)等等。

5. 幽默点缀


1. afraid的含义:afraid是一个形容词,意为“害怕的”,常用来形容人的内心感受。例如:I am afraid of heights.(我害怕高处。)

2. afraid的发音:afraid的发音为/əˈfreɪd/,重音在第二个音节。

3. afraid与fear的区别:虽然afraid和fear都可以表示“害怕”,但两者有一些细微的区别。afraid更多指内心感受,而fear则更多指外部因素造成的恐惧。例如:I am afraid of spiders.(我害怕蜘蛛。)和I have a fear of spiders.(我对蜘蛛有恐惧感。)

4. afraid作为情态动词使用时:afraid也可以作为情态动词,表示“很抱歉”或“恐怕”。例如:I'm afraid I can't help you with that.(很抱歉,我不能帮你处理这件事。)和I'm afraid it's going to rain tomorrow.(恐怕明天会下雨。)

5. 双语例句:

- I'm afraid I don't understand what you're saying.(很抱歉,我不明白你在说什么。)

- She was too afraid to tell the truth about what happened.(她太害怕了,不敢说出发生了什么事情。)

- Are you afraid of ghosts?(你害怕鬼吗?)

- I'm afraid that's not possible.(恐怕那不可能。)

- He was afraid to take risks and missed out on many opportunities.(他害怕冒险,错过了很多机会。)


1. Don't be afraid: 不要害怕,是鼓励他人勇敢面对困难的常用语。

2. Be afraid of: 害怕,对某事物感到恐惧或担心。

3. Afraid of heights: 害怕高处,指对高处感到恐惧的情绪。

4. Afraid of the dark: 害怕黑暗,指对黑暗环境感到恐惧的情绪。

5. Afraid to try: 害怕尝试,指因为害怕失败而不敢尝试新事物。

6. Afraid of change: 害怕改变,指对未知的变化感到恐惧。

7. Afraid of commitment: 害怕承诺,指不愿意承担责任或长期的关系。

8. Afraid for someone's safety: 担心某人的安全,指因为某种原因而担心他人的安全状况。

9. Afraid not to fit in: 担心不合群,指害怕无法融入某个群体或环境中。

10. Afraid to speak up: 不敢说话,指因为害怕被否定或受到批评而不敢表达自己的观点


1. Frightened

- He was afraid of the dark.

- The loud noise made the little girl afraid.

2. Scared

- She was scared of heights.

- The scary movie made him scared to go to bed alone.

3. Terrified

- The villagers were terrified of the monster.

- The thought of speaking in front of a large crowd terrified her.

4. Fearful

- The dog looked fearful as it cowered in the corner.

- She was fearful of losing her job.

5. Apprehensive

- He was apprehensive about taking the test.

- She felt apprehensive about traveling alone.

6. Anxious

- She was anxious about her upcoming surgery.

- He was anxious to hear back from the job interview.

7. Nervous

- He gets nervous before a big game.

- She always feels nervous when she has to speak in public.

8. Timid

- The timid mouse hid from the cat.

- The shy child seemed timid around new people.

9. Panicked

- They panicked when they realized they were lost in the woods.

- The students panicked when they saw their teacher walking towards them with a stack of papers.

10. Dreadful

- It's dreadful to think about what could have happened if we didn't make it on time.

-The storm caused dreadful damage to our town.

11. Horrified

-The audience was horrified by the gruesome scene in the movie.

-She was horrified by her friend's sudden outburst of anger.

12. Petrified

-The hikers were petrified when they saw a bear on their trail.

-The little boy was petrified of getting a shot at his doctor's appointment.

13. Alarmed

-She became alarmed when she realized she had left her phone at home.

-His parents were alarmed by his sudden change in behavior.

14. Panicky

- The panicky driver caused a car accident.

- She felt panicky when she couldn't find her wallet.

15. Tense

- The tense atmosphere in the courtroom was palpable.

- He becomes tense whenever he has to give a presentation.

16. Uneasy

- She felt uneasy walking alone at night.

- I had an uneasy feeling about the new neighbor.

17. Jittery

- He was too jittery to sit still during the movie.

- The caffeine made her feel jittery and anxious.

18. Shaken

- She was shaken by the news of her friend's accident.

- The earthquake left the entire town shaken and scared.

19. Timorous

- The timorous child clung to his mother's leg.

- The timid rabbit had a timorous personality.

20. Trembling

- Her trembling hands gave away her nervousness.

-The old man's voice was trembling as he shared his war stories



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