

更新时间:2024-01-07 18:25:32作者:留学世界






除此之外,在当下年轻人中,“amigo”也经常被用来表示一种随意、轻松、亲切的氛围。比如,在酒吧或者咖啡厅里遇到老朋友,你可能会说“Hey amigo, long time no see!”(嘿,老朋友,好久不见了!)这样一句简单的问候就能表达出浓浓的友情和温馨


1. amigo是西班牙语中的一个词,意为“朋友”或“同伴”,在英语中也常被使用。

2. amigo的发音为[əˈmiːɡəʊ],重音在第二个音节上。

3. 音标中的字母o发音为[ɔ],类似于英语中的“aw”音。

4. 字母i发音为[i],类似于英语中的“ee”音。

5. 可以通过拆分单词来更容易地理解其发音:a-mi-go。

6. amigo也可以作为一种亲密的称呼,类似于英语中的“buddy”或“pal”。

7. 在西班牙文化中,amigo是一种重要的价值观念,朋友之间通常会互相称呼为amigo,并保持长期的友谊关系。

8. 在西班牙和拉丁美洲国家,人们经常用amigo来代替正式的称呼,例如在商业场合或与陌生人交流时。

9. amigo也可以作为一个名词形容词,在这种情况下意思是“友好的”,例如:“他们之间有着很amigo的关系。”

10. 除了amigo外,在西班牙语中还有其他类似含义的词汇,如camarada(战友)、compañero(同事)、colega(同学)等,但它们的使用场景和含义略有不同。

11. 在英语中,amigo通常被用作一种外来词汇,用来表示与西班牙语国家有关的事物或概念。

12. 例如,在美国西部地区,amigo一词常被用来指代墨西哥裔或拉丁裔的朋友。

13. 此外,在流行文化中,amigo也经常出现在歌曲、电影和电视剧中,如歌曲《Amigo》、电影《三个火枪手》和美剧《老友记》等。

14. 总的来说,amigo是一个非常常用且具有温暖、友好含义的词汇,在日常生活中也经常被使用。通过了解其发音和含义,可以更好地理解西班牙语文化及其对英语的影响


1. amigo的含义:amigo一词来自西班牙语,意为“朋友”。在英语中,amigo可以用作名词,表示“朋友”、“伙伴”,也可以用作形容词,表示“友好的”、“亲密的”。

2. amigo的使用场景:amigo通常被年轻人用来称呼朋友或者同伴,在西班牙语国家也是常见的称呼方式。在英语中,amigo也经常被用作一种亲昵的称呼方式。

3. 双语例句:

- Hey amigo, what's up?(嗨,老兄,怎么样?)

- I'm going to the movies with my amigos tonight.(今晚我要和我的朋友们一起去看电影。)

- Can I bring my amigo to the party?(我能带我的朋友来参加派对吗?)

- He's not just a colleague, he's also my amigo.(他不仅是我的同事,也是我的好朋友。)

4. 反问:


5. 幽默元素:



1. Amigo in English

2. Amigo meaning in English

3. Amigo definition in English

4. Amigo synonyms in English

5. Amigo antonyms in English

6. Amigo usage in sentences

1. Amigo in English refers to a friend or a companion, especially a male one.

2. The term "amigo" is derived from Spanish and Portuguese, and it means "friend" or "buddy".

3. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, amigo is defined as "a friend, especially a male friend".

4. Synonyms for amigo include pal, buddy, comrade, mate, and chum.

5. Antonyms for amigo include enemy, foe, rival, and adversary.

6. Here are some examples of how to use the word amigo in sentences:

- I'm going out tonight with my amigos from college.

- Juan and Carlos have been amigos since they were kids.

- My new neighbor seems like a nice guy; maybe we can be amigos.

- Don't worry about me, I'll be fine with my amigos by my side.

- He's not just my coworker; he's also my amigo outside of work.

In conclusion, "amigo" is a commonly used term for friend or buddy that originated from Spanish and Portuguese languages. It is often used to refer to a male friend or companion and has several synonyms and antonyms depending on the context of its usage


1. Buddy - This is a common term used to refer to a friend or companion, similar to amigo. It can also be used in a casual and friendly way, making it a suitable synonym for amigo.

2. Pal - Another informal term for friend, pal has a similar connotation to amigo. It can be used among close friends or acquaintances in a playful and affectionate manner.

3. Chum - This word is often used to describe a close friend or companion, especially one who shares similar interests or activities. It is a fun and casual alternative to amigo.

4. Comrade - Originally used to refer to military companions, comrade can also be used as a synonym for amigo in a more serious or formal context.

5. Sidekick - This term refers to someone who is always by your side and supports you, making it an appropriate synonym for amigo.

6. Partner-in-crime - A humorous term that refers to someone who you often get into mischief with, making it another playful synonym for amigo.

7. Wingman - This word is commonly used among male friends and refers to someone who helps you attract potential romantic partners, making it a fun synonym for amigo.

8. BFF (Best Friends Forever) - This acronym has become popular among younger generations and refers to someone who is your closest friend and will always be there for you, making it an endearing synonym for amigo.

9. Homie - This slang term originated in urban communities and refers to someone from the same neighborhood or background as you, making it an informal synonym for amigo.

10. Confidant(e) - A French word that means trusted friend or advisor, confidant(e) can also be used as a synonym for amigo when referring to someone you trust and confide in





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