

更新时间:2024-01-16 20:23:46作者:留学世界



1. 介绍based的定义



2. based的用法及示例

a. 作形容词时,based通常用于被修饰的名词之后,表示该名词所依赖或建立在某种基础上。例如:

- This book is based on true events. (这本书是以真实事件为基础的。)

- The company's decision was based on market research. (公司的决定是以市场调研为依据的。)

b. 作动词时,based通常用于句子中间,连接两个名词或短语,并表示建立关系。例如:

- The new project is based on the previous one. (这个新项目是基于之前那个项目建立起来的。)

- His argument was based on false assumptions. (他的论点是建立在错误假设之上的。)

3. 常见搭配

a. be based on:以……为基础、根据

- Her novel is based on her own life experiences. (她的小说是根据她自己的生活经历写成的。)

- The theory is based on scientific evidence. (这个理论是根据科学证据建立起来的。)

b. base something on:以……为基础、基于

- The company's strategy is based on market trends. (公司的战略是基于市场趋势制定的。)

- The report was based on extensive research. (这份报告是基于广泛的研究所做出的。)

c. base something in/on something:把……建立在/以……为根据

- We decided to base our company in New York. (我们决定把公司建立在纽约。)

- His argument was based in facts and figures. (他的论点是以事实和数字为根据的。)

4. 与based相关的词汇

a. basis:基础、根据、原因

b. basic:基本的、基础性的

c. basis point:基点(金融术语,表示利率或汇率变动百分之一)

d. baseless:毫无根据的、无依据的




其次,在翻译行业中,“based”通常指的是某个作品或者项目的依据或者根据。比如,“This translation is based on the original English version.”(这篇翻译是基于原始的英文版本)这句话就说明了这篇翻译作品是依据原始英文版本进行翻译的。

另外,在商务领域中,“based”也可以表示某个公司或者组织所在的地区。比如,“Our company is based in New York City.”(我们公司位于纽约市)这句话就说明了公司所在的地区


1. based的意思是“以...为基础”,通常用作动词,表示某事物或行为的基础或依据。

例句:Our plan is based on the latest market research. (我们的计划是基于最新的市场调研。)

2. based也可以作为形容词,表示某人或某事物所在的地方或基地。

例句:The company is based in New York City. (这家公司总部设在纽约市。)

3. 在商业用语中,based也可以表示某公司或品牌所属的国家或地区。

例句:This product is based in Japan. (这个产品来自日本。)

4. 在英语口语中,based也可以简写为“based on”,表示根据、按照、基于等含义。

例句:I made this decision based on your advice. (我根据你的建议做出了这个决定。)

5. 双语例句:

- Our decision was based on the data we collected from our customers' feedback.


- The design of this building is based on a traditional Chinese style.


- The movie was based on a true story, which made it even more touching.


- The company's success is based on its strong team and innovative ideas.



1. based on:基于,根据

- The decision was based on the results of the survey.


2. based in:位于,驻扎在

- The company is based in New York.


3. based out of:从...驻扎出发,总部设在

- The organization is based out of London.


4. based off:以...为基础,根据

- The movie was based off a true story.


5. be based on:以...为基础,基于

- Her argument is based on false assumptions.


6. base on:以...为基础,根据

- Our plan is based on the latest market research.


7. baseless accusations:毫无根据的指控

- He was arrested due to baseless accusations made by his enemies.


8. home-based business:家庭经营业务

- Many people are now starting their own home-based businesses.


9. evidence-based:循证医学/实证医学(指医疗决策和实践基于最新的科学证据)

- The treatment plan is evidence-based and has been proven effective.


10. location-based:基于位置的

- This app uses location-based services to provide real-time information.


11. faith-based:以信仰为基础的

- The organization is a faith-based charity that helps those in need.


12. knowledge-based:知识型的

- The company focuses on developing knowledge-based products.


13. experience-based:经验型的,以经验为基础的

- This course is designed to provide students with hands-on, experience-based learning.


14. merit-based:基于功绩/成就的

- The scholarship is merit-based and will be awarded to the top students.


15. value-based:价值观导向/价值取向的

- The company has a strong value-based culture that promotes integrity and teamwork.



1. Derived from

- This phrase is often used to describe something that is based on or comes from something else. For example, "The design of this building is derived from ancient Greek architecture."

2. Founded on

- This phrase means that something is established or created based on certain principles or ideas. For instance, "This company was founded on the belief that everyone should have access to quality education."

3. Rooted in

- When something is rooted in something else, it means that it has a strong foundation or basis in it. For example, "Her success is rooted in her hard work and determination."

4. Grounded in

- Similar to "rooted in," this phrase also implies a strong foundation or basis for something. It can also mean being practical and realistic. For instance, "His decisions are always grounded in facts and data."

5. Centered around

- This phrase describes something that revolves around a central point or idea. It can also mean focusing on or being based on a particular topic or theme. For example, "The plot of the movie is centered around a love story."

6. Built upon

- When something is built upon another thing, it means that it has been developed or expanded based on it. For instance, "The success of this business was built upon the hard work and dedication of its employees."

7. Reliant on/dependent on

- These phrases describe something that relies heavily on another thing for support or existence. It can also mean being influenced by or controlled by something else. For example, "The economy of this country is heavily reliant on oil exports."

8. Hinged on

- This phrase means that something depends entirely on another thing for its success or outcome. It can also imply being contingent upon certain factors or conditions. For instance, "The success of this project hinges on securing enough funding."

9.Centered upon

- Similar to "centered around," this phrase also describes something that is based on a central point or idea. It can also mean being focused on or revolving around a particular topic or theme. For example, "The discussion was centered upon finding solutions to the problem."

10. Based off of

- This phrase means that something is created or developed based on another thing, but with some changes or modifications. For instance, "This recipe was based off of my grandmother's, but I added my own twist to it."

11. Grounded upon

- This phrase implies that something is firmly established and supported by certain principles or ideas. It can also mean being well-informed and rational in one's thinking. For example, "Her argument was grounded upon extensive research and evidence."

12. Rooted from

- Similar to "rooted in," this phrase also describes something that has its origins or basis in something else. It can also mean being influenced by or having a strong connection to something. For instance, "His passion for music is rooted from his childhood love for playing the piano."

13. Originating from

- This phrase means that something has its beginnings or source in another thing. It can also imply being influenced by or derived from something else. For example, "This dance style originated from traditional African dances."





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