

更新时间:2024-01-18 13:16:50作者:留学世界



1. 什么是begins?



2. “begins”的英语翻译


- 开始:这是最常见也最直接的翻译方式,可以用于表示某件事情的开始或者某个人的行动开始。

例如:“The meeting begins at 9am.”(会议从早上9点开始。)

- 起始:这个翻译更多地强调一个过程或事件的起点。

例如:“The road begins to curve here.”(这里开始有弯曲的路段。)

- 着手:这个翻译可以表示某人开始做某件事情。

例如:“I will begin working on the project tomorrow.”(我明天会着手做这个项目。)

- 开端:这个翻译更多地指一段时间或事件的开端。

例如:“The game begins in 10 minutes.”(比赛将在10分钟后开场。)

3. “begins”的相关用法


- begining:这是“begins”的现在分词形式,通常用来表示某件事情正在进行中。

例如:“The movie is just beginning.”(电影刚刚开始。)

- beginner:这是“begins”的名词形式,指一个初学者或新手。

例如:“She is a beginner at playing the piano.”(她是一个钢琴初学者。)

4. “begins”与其他单词的搭配


- begins with:意为“以……开始”,通常用于表示某件事情的起点。

例如:“The story begins with a young boy’s journey.”(这个故事以一个小男孩的旅程开始。)

- begins to:意为“开始做某事”,通常用于表示某人的行动开始。

例如:“He begins to run when he hears the bell.”(他听到铃声后就开始跑步。)

- begins at:意为“从……开始”,通常用于表示时间或地点的起点。

例如:“The concert begins at 8pm.”(音乐会从晚上8点开始。)

5. “begins”的同义词



1. "begins"的正确发音是/bɪˈɡɪnz/,其中的"i"发音为短元音。

2. 如果你想要更加口语化的发音,也可以将"i"发音为长元音,即/bɪːˈɡɪnz/。

3. 不要将最后一个字母"s"发成/z/的音,而是应该读作/s/。

4. "begins"是一个动词,表示开始或起始的意思。它的过去式和过去分词形式分别为"began"和"begun"。

5. 除了作为动词使用外,"begins"也可以作为名词使用,表示开始或开端。例如:"This is just the beginning."(这只是个开始)


1. “begins”的基本用法


- The concert begins at 8 pm. (音乐会在晚上8点开始。)

- She begins her day with a cup of coffee. (她以一杯咖啡开始她的一天。)

- The project begins next month. (这个项目下个月开始。)

2. “begins”的双语例句

- The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. (千里之行始于足下。)

- Every great journey begins with a small step. (每段伟大的旅程都始于小小的一步。)

- A new chapter in my life begins today. (我生命中的新篇章从今天开始。)

- Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear. (爱情以微笑开始,以吻增长,以泪结束。)

3. “begins”的幽默用法


- When the music begins, it's like magic in the air. (当音乐响起时,就像空气中有魔力般。)

- Every Monday morning, the chaos at work begins again. (每个星期一早晨,工作中的混乱又开始了。)

- The movie begins with a bang, but ends with a whimper. (电影以轰动开始,但以悲凉收场。)

4. “begins”的反问用法


- You want to start a diet? When does that begin, tomorrow or next week? (你想开始节食?那是从明天还是下周开始?)

- You're going to clean your room? When does that begin, when pigs fly? (你要打扫房间?那是等猪会飞时开始吗?)



1. "Kick off" - 开始,启动

2. "Get the ball rolling" - 开始做某事,着手行动

3. "Set in motion" - 开始,启动

4. "Commence" - 开始,着手

5. "Embark on" - 开始,着手进行

6. "Initiate" - 发起,开始

7. "Launch" - 发起,开始

8. "Start off" - 开始,起步

9. "Open up" - 开始,开展

10. "Take the first step" - 迈出第一步


1. Commences

- The event commences at 9 am.

- The meeting will commence in an hour.

2. Initiates

- The project initiates next month.

- He initiated the conversation by introducing himself.

3. Starts

- The race starts at the sound of the gun.

- She started her own business last year.

4. Begins

- The concert begins at 7 pm.

- The school year begins in September.

5. Embarks on

- She embarks on a journey to find her true passion.

- The company embarks on a new marketing strategy.

6. Launches

- The new product launches next week.

- He launched his career as a musician with his first album.

7. Sets off

- They set off on their trip early in the morning.

- His actions set off a chain reaction of events.

8. Gets underway

- The event gets underway with an opening speech.

- Construction on the building finally gets underway after months of planning.

9. Takes off

- The plane takes off at 10 am.

- His career really took off after he won that award.

10. Commencement

-The commencement of the project was delayed due to budget issues.

-The commencement of the ceremony was marked by a ribbon cutting ceremony.

11. Inception

-The inception of this idea came from a brainstorming session.

-The inception of this company was over 20 years ago.

12. Kick-off

-The kick-off for the game is at 3 pm.

-The kick-off for our fundraising campaign will be next week.

13. Genesis

-The genesis of this book came from my personal experiences.

-His success story has its genesis in his determination and hard work.

14. Dawn

-The dawn of a new era is upon us with technological advancements.

-She felt like she was witnessing the dawn of her acting career when she landed her first big role.

15. Onset

-The onset of winter brings colder temperatures and snow.

-The onset of the pandemic forced many businesses to close their doors



beginner 歌词 的翻译是


2024-01-18 13:00

beginner 歌词的翻译是

你是否也曾被一首歌的歌词深深吸引,想要了解它的含义和故事?如果你是翻译行业的初学者,那么这篇文章将为你揭开歌词翻译的神秘面纱。本文将介绍“beginner 歌词的翻译是什么意

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