

更新时间:2024-01-22 08:09:53作者:留学世界



1. 含义:blunt是一个形容词,意为“钝的,迟钝的”,通常用来描述物体或人的特征。

2. 用法:


- 描述物体:当我们说某个物体是blunt时,通常指其表面不锋利、不尖锐,缺乏锋利的边缘或角落。

例如:The knife is too blunt to cut the vegetables.


- 描述人:当我们说某个人是blunt时,通常指其性格直率、率真,缺乏圆滑或狡猾的一面。

例如:My friend is very blunt, she always speaks her mind.


3. 反义词:blunt的反义词为sharp(尖锐的),它可以用来描述物体或人具有锋利、敏锐的特征。

4. 例句:

- He used a sharp knife to cut the paper.


- Sarah is very sharp, she can always see through people's intentions.



1. Sharp

- Definition: having a thin edge or fine point that is able to cut or pierce something

- Example: The chef's knife was sharp and easily sliced through the vegetables.

2. Pointed

- Definition: having a sharp or tapered end

- Example: The teacher's pointed remarks made the students realize their mistakes.

3. Keen

- Definition: having a sharp edge; quick and penetrating in thought or perception

- Example: The detective had a keen mind and was able to solve the case quickly.

4. Acute

- Definition: having a sharp point; keenly perceptive or discerning

- Example: The doctor noticed the patient's acute pain and immediately prescribed medication.

5. Honed

- Definition: sharpened, refined, perfected

- Example: After years of practice, the musician honed her skills and became an expert in her craft.

6. Polished

- Definition: smooth and shiny; refined, elegant, sophisticated

- Example: The businessman's polished appearance and manners impressed his clients.

7. Refined

- Definition: improved by removing impurities; elegant, cultured, well-mannered

- Example: The lady's refined taste in art was evident in her carefully curated collection.

8. Subtle

- Definition: delicate, understated; not obvious or noticeable

- Example: The artist used subtle shades of color to create a beautiful landscape painting.

9. Nuanced

- Definition: characterized by subtle differences or distinctions

- Example: The politician's nuanced speech addressed all aspects of the issue at hand.

10. Incisive

- Definition: impressively direct and decisive; penetratingly clear and sharp

- Example: The journalist's incisive questions revealed new information about the scandal


1. Sharp

- Definition: having a thin edge or point that can cut or pierce something easily

- Example: The knife had a sharp blade, making it easy to slice through the vegetables.

2. Pointed

- Definition: having a sharp or tapered end

- Example: The pencil was pointed, making it easy to write with.

3. Keen

- Definition: having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm

- Example: She had a keen interest in learning new languages.

4. Acute

- Definition: sharp and intense; keenly perceptive or discerning

- Example: The pain in his knee was so acute that he could barely walk.

5. Incisive

- Definition: impressively direct and decisive; cutting into something; penetrating

- Example: Her incisive remarks left no room for argument.

6. Edgy

- Definition: having a sharp or harsh quality; tense, nervous, or irritable

- Example: His edgy tone made everyone uncomfortable during the meeting.

7. Jagged

- Definition: having rough, sharp points protruding from the surface

- Example: The jagged rocks were dangerous for hikers to climb on.

8. Pointy

- Definition: having a pointed end or tip

- Example: She used the pointy end of her umbrella to poke at the spider on the ceiling.

9. Cutting

- Definition: able to wound emotionally; harsh and critical

- Example: Her cutting remarks hurt his feelings deeply.

10. Harsh

- Definition: unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses; unkind or cruel

- Example: The harsh winter weather made it difficult for people to go outside


1. Dull

"Dull"是最常用的表示“钝”的词汇,它可以用来形容物体的表面或者刀具的刃口,意思是缺乏锋利或者光滑。例如:“The knife is dull and needs to be sharpened.”(这把刀钝了,需要磨利了。)

2. Blunt-edged

"Blunt-edged"也是一个常见的表达方式,它指的是物体的边缘或者角落没有锐利的尖端。例如:“The ruler has a blunt-edged corner.”(这把尺子有一个钝角。)

3. Blunt-tipped

类似于“blunt-edged”,"Blunt-tipped"指的是物体的顶端没有尖锐的尖端。例如:“The pencil has a blunt-tipped lead.”(这支铅笔有一个钝头铅芯。)

4. Rounded

"Rounded"意为圆润或者圆滑,可以用来形容物体表面缺乏棱角和锐利的边缘。例如:“The edges of the rock are rounded from years of erosion.”(这块岩石因为多年侵蚀而变得圆润了。)

5. Blunted

"Blunted"在英语中也可以表示“钝”,特别是在医学领域中用来描述器械或者工具因为使用频繁而变得不够锐利。例如:“The doctor had to use a blunted scalpel for the surgery.”(医生不得不使用一把钝了的手术刀进行手术。)

6. Dull-edged

"Dull-edged"和“blunt-edged”类似,都是用来形容物体缺乏锐利的边缘。例如:“The scissors are dull-edged and need to be sharpened.”(这把剪刀钝了,需要磨利了。)

7. Blunt-nosed

"Blunt-nosed"指的是物体的前端没有尖锐的尖端,通常用来形容飞机或者船只的头部。例如:“The submarine has a blunt-nosed design for better maneuverability.”(这艘潜艇采用了钝头设计,以便更好地操纵。)

8. Unsharpened

"Unsharpened"是一个简单明了的词汇,意为未经过磨利的或者没有被磨利过的。例如:“The unsharpened pencil is difficult to write with.”(这支未经过磨利的铅笔很难写字。)

9. Blunt-pointed

和“blunt-tipped”类似,“Blunt-pointed”用来形容物体顶端没有尖锐的尖端,但更加强调它们缺乏锋利性质。例如:“The knife has a blunt-pointed tip, making it difficult to pierce through tough meat.”(这把刀有一个钝头,很难刺穿坚硬的肉类。)

10. Not sharp

英语中表示“钝”的其他表达方式有:dull、blunt-edged、blunt-tipped、rounded、blunted、dull-edged、blunt-nosed、unsharpened、blunt-pointed和not sharp。它们可以根据具体的语境来使用,帮助我们更加准确地描述物体的特征。当我们想要避免使用重复词汇时,可以尝试使用这些同义词来丰富语言表达


1. 使用形容词进行替换

在双语例句中,可以使用形容词来替换“blunt”的反义词。例如,“sharp”、“keen”、“pointed”等都可以作为“blunt”的反义词来使用。比如说,“His words were sharp and hurtful.”(他的话很尖锐,伤人。)

2. 使用动词进行替换

除了形容词外,动词也可以用来替换“blunt”的反义词。例如,“sharpen”、“hone”、“point”等都可以表示对某物或某人变得更加敏锐、尖锐或犀利。比如说,“He honed his argument to perfection.”(他把自己的论点磨练到了完美状态。)

3. 使用名词进行替换

在一些情况下,名词也可以作为“blunt”的反义词来使用。比如说,“sharpness”、“acuteness”、“pointedness”等都可以表示敏锐、尖锐或犀利的特性。例如,“The sharpness of her wit impressed everyone.”(她机智的才华让每个人都印象深刻。)

4. 使用短语进行替换

除了单个单词外,一些短语也可以作为“blunt”的反义词来使用。“To the point”、“sharp-tongued”、“cutting edge”等都可以表示直截了当、尖酸刻薄或前沿的特性。比如说,“Her sharp-tongued remarks always leave me feeling hurt.”(她尖酸刻薄的话总是让我感到受伤。)

5. 使用同义词进行替换

有时候,我们可以使用与“blunt”意思相近的词语来替换它的反义词。“Direct”、“frank”、“forthright”等都可以表示直率、坦率或直截了当。例如,“His direct approach to the problem solved it quickly.”(他对问题的直接处理使得问题很快得到解决。)

6. 注意上下文语境

在选择反义词进行替换时,一定要注意上下文语境。“Blunt”的反义词并不一定适用于所有情况,所以要根据具体情况进行选择。“Sharp”在某些情况下可能会有负面含义,所以要谨慎使用。比如说,“Her sharp criticism was not appreciated by anyone.”(她尖锐的批评没有得到任何人的欣赏。)因此,在这种情况下,我们可以选择其他更合适的反义词来表达。

7. 多阅读、多积累


上一篇: .曾子曰


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