

更新时间:2024-01-22 16:47:54作者:留学世界






具体来说,“bodily”可以指身体上的感觉、动作、疾病等。例如,“I have a bodily injury.”(我受了身体伤害。)“He is experiencing bodily discomfort.”(他正在经历身体不适。)另外,“bodily”也可以用来修饰其他名词,如“bodily functions”(身体机能)、“bodily fluids”(体液)等。

除了指身体上的事物, “bodily”还可以用来描述某种特定的方式或程度。比如,“She was bodily dragged out of the room.”(她被强行拖出房间。)这里就表示强行拖拽的方式。


那么为什么要用“bodily”这个词呢?其实,“bodily”有时候可以起到强调的作用。比如,“I was bodily exhausted after the long hike.”(长途徒步之后,我真是累得不行。)这里就强调了身体的疲惫程度。

此外,也有一些固定搭配中会用到“bodily”。比如,“bodily harm”(身体伤害)、“bodily contact”(身体接触)等


1. “bodily”是一个英语单词,读作[bod-uh-lee]。

2. 它的词性为形容词,表示“身体的,肉体的”。

3. 该词源于中古英语的“bodelich”,意为“属于身体的”。

4. 在口语中,也可以简写为“bod”。

5. “bodily”还可以用作副词,意为“以肉体方式,亲自地”。

6. 例如:“He lifted the heavy box bodily.”(他用肉体力量把沉重的箱子举起来。)

7. 在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到“bodily”的相关用法。下面将分别介绍其常见用法及例句。

I. 形容词用法:

1. 表示与身体有关的事物或属性。

例如:“She suffered a bodily injury in the car accident.”(她在车祸中受了身体伤害。)

2. 表示完整的、整个的。

例如:“The man's face was covered in tattoos, from his neck to his feet, bodily.”(那个男人满脸都是纹身,从脖子到脚趾都是。)

3. 强调亲自参与或直接影响。

例如:“The CEO took a bodily interest in the company's new project.”(CEO亲自参与公司的新项目。)

II. 副词用法:

1. 表示以肉体方式或亲自地。

例如:“The workers moved the furniture bodily, without using any equipment.”(工人们不用任何设备,亲自搬运家具。)

2. 强调完整地、整个地。

例如:“He pushed the door open bodily, revealing a messy room inside.”(他用力推开门,露出里面一间凌乱的房间。)



1. 什么是bodily?


2. 如何使用bodily?

- He was in a lot of bodily pain after the accident. (在意外事故后,他身体非常痛苦。)

- She had to undergo a series of bodily examinations before starting her new job. (在开始新工作之前,她必须接受一系列的身体检查。)

- The athlete's bodily strength and endurance were put to the test during the marathon. (运动员在马拉松中受到了身体力量和耐力的考验。)

3. 常见搭配

- bodily functions(生理功能)

- bodily fluids(体液)

- bodily harm(身体伤害)

- bodily sensations(身体感觉)

4. 双语例句

- She could feel the warmth of his body against hers, and it gave her a sense of comfort and security.


- The doctor advised him to take better care of his body, as his poor diet was causing him various bodily problems.


- The yoga class focused on connecting the mind and body, promoting a sense of bodily awareness and relaxation.



1. "Bodily functions": 用来指代人体的生理功能,如呼吸、消化、排泄等。

2. "Bodily fluids": 指代人体内的液体,如血液、唾液、汗液等。

3. "Bodily sensations": 指代身体感受,如疼痛、温度、触觉等。

4. "Bodily injury": 指身体受到的伤害或损伤。

5. "Bodily autonomy": 指个人对自己身体的自主决定权。

6. "Bodily changes": 指身体发生的变化,如生长发育、老化等。

7. "Bodily hygiene": 指个人保持身体清洁和健康的习惯和方法。

8. "Bodily awareness": 指对自己身体状态的认知和感知能力。

9. "Bodily expression": 指通过肢体动作和表情来表达情感或意见。

10. "Bodily pleasure": 指从身体上获得的愉悦感受


1. Physical: This word is often used to describe something related to the body, such as physical strength or physical appearance.

2. Corporeal: This word is more formal and is often used in a medical or scientific context to refer to the physical body.

3. Fleshly: This word has a slightly negative connotation and is often used to describe something related to the body in a sensual or indulgent way.

4. Somatic: This word is commonly used in medical or psychological contexts to refer to the physical body and its functions.

5. Bodacious: This slang term is often used in a playful or humorous way to describe something related to the body, particularly in a positive or attractive manner.

6. Carnal: This word has strong sexual connotations and is often used to describe desires or pleasures of the body.

7. Tangible: While not directly related to the body, this word can be used in certain contexts as a synonym for bodily, such as tangible evidence or tangible effects on the body.

8. Material: Similar to tangible, this word can also be used as a synonym for bodily in certain contexts, such as material changes in the body.

9. Physicality: This noun refers specifically to the state of having a physical body and can be used interchangeably with bodily in some cases.

10. Corporal: This adjective has multiple meanings, but one of them refers specifically to something related to the human body, such as corporal punishment

bodily是一个常用的英语词汇,它可以表示身体的、肉体的、物质的等含义。它的发音为[bɑdɪli],读者们可以在日常生活中多加练习。在使用时,可以根据具体语境选择合适的词组来表达自己的意思。例如,在医学领域中常用的词组有“bodily injury”和“bodily function”,而在日常生活中则经常用到“bodily harm”和“bodily fluids”。同义词示例包括physical、corporal和fleshly等。作为网站编辑,我希望通过本文能够帮助读者更好地理解和运用这一词汇,并且希望大家能够关注我,以便获取更多有趣且实用的英语知识。谢谢阅读!




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