

更新时间:2024-01-22 22:16:55作者:留学世界



1. 什么是bolt?



2. bolt作为名词的用法



3. bolt作为动词的用法



4. bolt作为形容词的用法





1. 闪电般的速度:bolt一词在英文中的意思是“闪电”,而Usain Bolt作为世界上最快的人,他的姓氏也成为了一种形容极速的说法。

2. 快速移动:除了指代闪电,bolt也可以用来表示快速移动或突然跑开。例如,“He bolted out of the room when he heard the alarm.”

3. 紧固件:在机械工程领域,bolt也有着紧固件的含义,用来连接和固定两个物体。例如,“Make sure to tighten the bolts on the machine before starting it.”

4. 脱离或逃跑:bolt还可以用来表示脱离或逃跑的意思。例如,“The horse bolted when it saw a snake on the trail.”

5. 奇怪或出乎意料之事:在美国俚语中,bolt也可以用来表示奇怪或出乎意料的事情。例如,“It was a total bolt from the blue when he suddenly quit his job without any explanation.”


1. 用法解释


2. “螺栓”的双语例句

- Please tighten the bolt with a wrench. (请用扳手拧紧螺栓。)

- The mechanic replaced the old bolts with new ones. (机械师用新的螺栓替换了旧的。)

- The bolt on the door was loose, so I tightened it. (门上的螺栓松了,所以我把它拧紧了。)

3. “猛冲”的双语例句

- The horse bolted when it saw a snake on the road. (马看到路上有条蛇时突然猛冲起来。)

- He bolted out of the room when he heard the fire alarm. (当他听到火警时,他从房间里猛冲出去。)

- She bolted down the street to catch up with her friends. (她沿着街道猛冲赶上她的朋友们。)

4. 常见表达


- He bolted out of the building before anyone could stop him. (他在任何人阻止之前就逃跑了。)

- I was so hungry that I bolted down my food in a few minutes. (我太饿了,几分钟就把食物吃完了。)

5. 幽默用法

- Don't bolt your food, enjoy it slowly. (不要狼吞虎咽,慢慢享受食物。)

- She bolted out of the room when she saw a spider on the wall. (她看到墙上有只蜘蛛时,猛地从房间里跑出去。)


1. Bolt from the blue: 意外发生的事情,突如其来的消息

2. Lightning bolt: 闪电

3. Bolt upright: 竖直地坐着,惊恐地坐起来

4. Bolt of cloth: 一匹布料

5. Bolt down: 狼吞虎咽地吃,匆忙完成某事

6. Bolt of lightning: 闪电,比喻迅速的行动或想法

7. Nut and bolt: 螺母和螺栓,比喻紧密结合的关系

8. Thunderbolt: 雷霆,比喻突然而强烈的打击或影响

9. Bolt hole: 隐藏处,安全的避难所

10. Bolt cutter: 螺栓切割器,用于切断金属物品的工具

11. Tighten the bolts: 拧紧螺栓,比喻加强控制或管理

12. Deadbolt lock: 死锁,一种防盗门锁具

13. Crossbow bolt: 弩箭,弩用来射击的箭矢

14. Lightning bolt speed: 闪电般的速度,非常快速的行动或反应能力

15. Bolt action rifle: 螺栓式步枪,一种手动装弹、手动抽壳的枪支设计

16.Bolt of inspiration: 灵感的闪现,突然而来的创意或想法

17. Bolt for the door: 冲向门口,意图逃跑或离开

18. Bolt upright in bed: 突然坐起来,通常是因为恶梦或惊吓

19. Bolt of energy: 能量之光,比喻充满活力和动力的人或事物

20. Bolt of silk: 一匹丝绸,柔软光滑的质地和华丽的外观


1. Screw: This is a commonly used synonym for bolt, especially in the context of hardware and construction. Both screw and bolt refer to a cylindrical metal fastener with a threaded shaft and head, but bolts are typically larger and stronger than screws.

2. Fastener: This is a general term for any device used to hold two or more objects together. Bolts are considered a type of fastener, along with screws, nails, rivets, etc.

3. Pin: In some cases, the word "pin" can be used as a synonym for bolt. However, pins are usually smaller and have a different shape than bolts.

4. Stud: This is another type of cylindrical metal fastener that is similar to bolts in appearance and function. However, studs do not have heads like bolts do.

5. Rod: Like bolts, rods are long cylindrical objects made of metal or other materials. They are often used as structural supports or connectors in various applications.

6. Rivet: This is another type of fastener that can be used as a synonym for bolt in certain contexts. Rivets are typically used to permanently join two pieces of material together by deforming the end of the rivet to create a head.

7. Clasp: This term can be used as an alternative to bolt when referring to a fastening device that holds two things together securely.

8. Latch: Similar to clasp, latch can also be used interchangeably with bolt in some cases.

9. Catch: This word can also be used as a synonym for bolt when referring to something that secures or holds things together.

10. Locking mechanism: In some cases, the phrase "locking mechanism" can be used instead of bolt when describing how something is secured or fastened together.

11. Holdfast: This term refers to any device or mechanism designed to hold something firmly in place and can be used as a synonym for bolt in certain contexts.

12. Clamp: This is a device used to hold two objects together tightly. In some cases, it can also be used as an alternative to bolt.

13. Anchor: This term can be used to describe a bolt that is used to secure something in place, such as an anchor bolt used in construction.

14. Peg: Like bolts, pegs are cylindrical objects used to hold things together. However, pegs are typically made of wood or plastic and have a different shape than bolts.

15. Spindle: This term can be used as a synonym for bolt when referring to the long, cylindrical shaft of a hinge or other similar device.

16. Jolt: Although not commonly used, the word "jolt" can sometimes be used as a synonym for bolt when describing something that secures or holds things together firmly.

17. Fitting: In some cases, the word "fitting" can be used instead of bolt when referring to a fastening device that connects two pieces together securely.

18. Bar: This term refers to any long, narrow object and can be used as an alternative to bolt in certain contexts.

19. Connector: As the name implies, this term is often used to describe something that connects two things together and can be used instead of bolt in some cases.

20. Catcher: Similar to catch, this word can also be used as an alternative to bolt when describing something that holds things together securely





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