

更新时间:2024-01-24 04:16:56作者:留学世界






1. 咋读?先来说说这个标题,bothofus用英语怎么读?是不是有点拗口?其实,这个单词的发音并没有那么复杂。它的读法是“bo-thuh-fuhs”,重音在第一个音节上。

2. 为什么这个单词会有两个“o”呢?其实,这是因为它是由两个单词both和ofus组合而成的。所以,在发音时,我们需要将两个“o”分开来读。

3. both和ofus都是什么意思呢?both指的是“两者都”或者“双方都”,而ofus则表示“我们”。所以,bothofus就可以理解为“我们双方都”或者“我们俩都”的意思。

4. 这个单词还有其他意思吗?当然啦!在流行歌曲《Both of Us》中,bothofus被用作歌名,意思就是“我们俩”。所以,你也可以把它当做一种表达爱意的方式哦。

5. 总结一下:bothofus的发音很简单,“bo-thuh-fuhs”,重音在第一个音节上。它由两个单词both和ofus组合而成,表示“我们双方都”的意思。同时,在歌曲中也可以作为表达爱意的方式。快去试试用这个单词来表达你的爱意吧!




1. Bothofus are going to the party tonight. (我们俩今晚要去参加派对。)

2. I miss bothofus so much. (我非常想念我们两个人。)

3. Bothofus have been friends since childhood. (我们俩从小就是朋友。)

4. Can bothofus work together on this project? (我们俩能一起合作做这个项目吗?)

5. Bothofus are equally responsible for the success of this company. (我们两个人都对公司的成功负有同等责任。)


1. How do you say "bothofus" in English?

2. What is the English pronunciation of "bothofus"?

3. Can you help me with the English translation of "bothofus"?

4. I'm looking for the English equivalent of "bothofus".

5. What is the meaning of "bothofus" in English?

6. Bothofus means both of us.

7. The literal translation of bothofus is "two of us".

8. Bothofus can also be translated as "the two of us".

9. In English, we often use the phrase "the two of us" to express bothofus.

10. Another common expression for bothofus is "the two of us together".

11. We are both part of this group.

12. It's just the two of us here.

13. Let's do it together, just the two of us.

14. We are a team, just the two of us.

15. We can handle it, just the two of us.

16. Bothofus have been friends since childhood.

17. I trust bothofus to make the right decision.

18. Bothofus are going on vacation next week.

19. Can I count on bothofus to help me move?

20. I want to introduce you to my partner, bothofus.

21.Being with bothofus makes me happy.

22.I feel safe and loved when I'm with bothofus.

23.We make a great team, bothofus and I.

24.We have a strong bond, bothofus and I.

25.Our relationship is built on trust and understanding, just like bothofus.

26.I appreciate having someone like bothofus in my life.

27.We share many interests and hobbies, that's why we get along so well - bothofus!

28.Bothofus have been through a lot together.

29.I can always count on bothofus to be there for me.

30.Bothofus make a great couple.

31.We are both responsible for this project.

32.It's important for bothofus to work together.

33.Bothofus have different strengths, which complement each other.

34.We make a great team because we communicate well - bothofus.

35.Bothofus have a strong connection that cannot be broken.

36.We are both equally important in this relationship.

37.Bothofus have mutual respect and understanding for each other.

38.Our love for each other is what keeps us strong - bothofus.

39.We are stronger together - bothofus!

40. Bothofus are committed to making this relationship work.

41.I am grateful to have someone like bothofus in my life.

42.Our love knows no boundaries - it's just the two of us!

43.We are inseparable, just like bothofus!

44.I can always count on the support and love of bothofus.

45.In good times and bad, we stick together - it's just the two of us!

46.Our bond is unbreakable - it's just the two of us!

47.Bothofus share a special connection that cannot be explained in words.

48.Our love story is unique and special because it's between just the two of us!

49.Without each other, we wouldn't be complete - it's just the two of us!

50.Together, we can conquer anything - it's just the two of us!


1. the two of us

2. both of us together

3. us both

4. we two

5. the pair of us

6. the duo

7. the couple

8. both parties involved

9. both individuals in question

10. the twosome





2024-01-24 03:55

both of us 的翻译是

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2024-01-24 03:34



2024-01-24 03:13



2024-01-24 02:52

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