

更新时间:2024-01-24 08:28:56作者:留学世界




1. 指身体的底部


首先,bottom可以用来指人或者动物身体的底部,比如说屁股、腿部等。比如说,你可以说“I fell on my bottom”(我摔到了屁股上)或者“The cat was sitting on the bottom of the stairs”(猫坐在楼梯底部)。

2. 指最低点

除了指身体的底部,bottom还可以用来表示某个事物或者概念的最低点。比如说,“The stock market hit rock bottom”(股市跌到了谷底)或者“Her self-esteem was at an all-time low, she had hit rock bottom”(她的自尊心已经跌到谷底了)。

3. 指最后一位

当我们提到一个团队、组织或者排名时,bottom也可以用来表示最后一位。比如说,“She finished in the bottom three in the competition”(她在比赛中排名倒数第三)。

4. 指深处

Bottom还可以用来表示某个地方或者物体的深处。比如说,“The ship sank to the bottom of the ocean”(船沉入了海底)或者“The keys are at the bottom of my bag”(钥匙在我的包里最底部)。

5. 指最基础的部分


1. bottom是一个英语单词,读作[bɒtəm]。

2. bottom作为名词,表示“底部”、“底端”,常用来指物体或容器的最下方部分。

3. 作为形容词,bottom可以表示“最低的”、“最下面的”,例如:bottom line(底线)、bottom price(最低价)。

4. 在口语中,bottom还有“屁股”、“臀部”的意思。

5. 而在俚语中,bottom也可以指“最差的人或事物”,例如:the bottom of the class(班里成绩最差的学生)。

6. 另外,bottom还有一种特殊用法,在电影或电视剧中常常会出现“bottom of the screen”的字幕,意思是屏幕底部显示的文字内容。

7. 除了以上几种情况外,bottom还有一些特定的搭配用法,在接下来的内容中将会详细介绍。


1. bottom line:意为“底线”,通常用来指某件事情或问题的核心或关键点。例如:The bottom line is that we need to increase sales this quarter.

2. rock bottom:意为“谷底”,通常形容某件事情或价格已经达到了最低点。例如:The company's stock price has hit rock bottom.

3. at the bottom of:意为“在...的底部”,表示某物在另一物体的最下方。例如:The keys are at the bottom of my bag.

4. bottom drawer:意为“底层抽屉”,通常用来指储藏某人最重要的物品或文件的抽屉。例如:She keeps her jewelry in the bottom drawer of her dresser.

5. bottom shelf:意为“最下面的架子”,通常指货架上最低层的位置。例如:The milk is on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

6. hit rock bottom:意为“到达谷底”,通常用来形容某人或某事已经处于最糟糕的状态。例如:After losing his job and his house, he finally hit rock bottom.


1. bottomless:意为“无底的”,形容某个深度无限或看不到底部。例如:The lake is said to be bottomless.

2. bottom-up:意为“自下而上的”,通常用来指从基础开始逐步建立起来的事物。例如:We need a bottom-up approach to solving this problem.


1. bottom out:意为“到达谷底”,与hit rock bottom类似,但强调更加深入地陷入困境。例如:The economy has finally bottomed out after years of recession.


1. from top to bottom:意为“从上至下”,表示从头到尾,从开始到结束。例如:I cleaned the whole house from top to bottom.

2. at the bottom of one's heart:意为“在某人内心深处”,表示某人真实的想法或感受。例如:He may seem tough, but at the bottom of his heart, he's a kind person.

3. scrape the bottom of the barrel:意为“刮到桶底”,通常指不得已而采取最后的手段或选择。例如:We've tried everything else, now we're scraping the bottom of the barrel.

4. at the bottom rung:意为“在底层”,通常指某人处于社会或组织的最低层级。例如:He started at the bottom rung of the company and worked his way up to CEO


1. bottom作为名词,通常表示“底部”、“底端”、“最低点”等含义,也可以指“屁股”、“臀部”。例如:

- The bottom of the ocean is still largely unexplored.


- She sat on the bottom step of the stairs, waiting for her friend to arrive.


- He fell and landed right on his bottom.


2. 作为形容词,bottom可以表示“最低的”、“最底层的”等含义。例如:

- The bottom shelf is where we keep all the heavy books.


- This is the bottom line – we can't afford to lose any more money.


3. 除了以上基本含义外,bottom还有一些特定用法和搭配,如:

- at the bottom of:在……底部;在……最下面。

例句:The key was at the bottom of her bag, buried under all her other belongings.


- hit rock bottom:触及谷底;跌到最低点。

例句:After losing his job and his family, he finally hit rock bottom and realized he needed to make a change.


4. 下面是一些关于bottom的双语例句:

- The bottom line is that we need to increase our sales in order to stay in business.


- The bottom of the mountain was covered in a thick layer of snow.


- He sat on the bottom step, staring out at the ocean.


- The boat sank to the bottom of the lake.


- She hit rock bottom when she lost her job and her apartment in the same week.



1. At the bottom of: 在...的底部

例如:The key is at the bottom of the drawer. 钥匙在抽屉的底部。

2. Rock bottom: 最低点,谷底

例如:The company's profits hit rock bottom this year. 公司今年的利润达到了谷底。

3. From top to bottom: 从上到下,彻底地

例如:We need to clean the house from top to bottom before the guests arrive. 客人到达之前我们需要从上到下彻底打扫房子。

4. Bottom line: 底线,最终结果

例如:The bottom line is that we need to increase sales in order to stay in business. 底线是我们需要增加销售额才能继续经营。

5. Bottom-up approach: 自下而上的方法

例如:The company is taking a bottom-up approach to restructuring its departments. 公司正在采取自下而上的方法重组部门。

6. Hit rock bottom: 达到最低点,陷入困境

例如:After losing his job and his house, he felt like he had hit rock bottom. 失去工作和房子后,他感觉自己已经跌入谷底。

7. Bottom feeder: 底栖动物,寄生虫;低端消费者

例如:Some fish are considered as bottom feeders because they live and feed at the bottom of rivers or oceans. 一些鱼被称为底栖动物,因为它们生活和觅食于河流或海洋的底部。

8. Bottomless pit: 无底洞,无穷尽的资源

例如:Her appetite seemed like a bottomless pit, she could never seem to get full. 她的胃口就像是无底洞,似乎永远也吃不饱。

9. Bottom dollar: 最后一分钱,全部财产

例如:He bet his bottom dollar on that horse and ended up losing everything. 他把全部财产都押在那匹马上,结果输得一文不剩。

10. Bottoms up: 干杯,喝光

例如:The group raised their glasses and shouted "bottoms up!" before taking a sip of their drinks. 一群人举起杯子,大喊“干杯!”然后喝下了酒


1. Behind: 背后,底部

例如:The key is hidden behind the bottom drawer of the desk.(钥匙藏在桌子底下最下面的抽屉里。)

2. Base: 基础,底部

例如:The vase has a wide base and a narrow top.(花瓶的底部很宽,顶部很窄。)

3. Underneath: 下面,底部

例如:The cat was hiding underneath the bottom shelf.(猫躲在最下面的架子下面。)

4. Lowest point: 最低点,底部

例如:The stock market hit its lowest point at the bottom of the recession.(股市在衰退的最低点达到了谷底。)

5. Foundation: 基础,底部

例如:A strong foundation is essential for building a stable structure.(坚实的基础对建造稳定的结构至关重要。)

6. Bedrock: 基岩,底部

例如:The bedrock of their friendship is trust and loyalty.(他们友谊的基岩是信任和忠诚。)

7. Rock bottom: 最低点,谷底

例如:After losing everything, he hit rock bottom and had to start over from scratch.(失去一切后,他跌到了谷底,不得不从头开始。)

8. Underbelly: 底层,底部

例如:We need to address the issues in our society's underbelly in order to create real change.(为了创造真正的改变,我们需要解决社会底层的问题。)

9. Foot: 脚,底部

例如:She stepped on a sharp rock and cut her foot on the bottom of the lake.(她踩到了一块尖锐的石头,在湖底割伤了脚。)

10. Nethermost: 最下面的,底部

例如:The nethermost level of the building is used for storage.(建筑物最下面的一层用作储藏室。)

bottom是一个非常常用的英语单词,它可以表示“底部”、“最底下的部分”、“最后的一点”等含义。它的发音也很简单,读作[bɒtəm]。在双语例句中,我们可以看到bottom常常和其他词搭配使用,比如“at the bottom of”、“rock bottom”等,这些搭配也能帮助我们更好地理解和使用这个词。除了常用的意思外,bottom还有一些同义词,如base、foundation等,在不同场合可以替换使用。最后,在这里我要自我介绍一下,我是网站的编辑,希望能为大家提供更多有用的信息。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我哦!谢谢阅读!

上一篇: bitches怎么读




2024-01-24 08:07

bottomup是什么意思 bottomup的中文翻译、读音、例句


2024-01-24 07:46

Bottom 的翻译是


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2024-01-24 06:22