

更新时间:2024-01-25 21:51:59作者:留学世界



1. 砖块是建筑材料中常见的一种,通常由黏土或混凝土制成,用于搭建房屋、道路等结构。它的英文名为bricks,发音为[briks],是一个可数名词。

2. 在英语中,bricks除了指代实际的砖块材料外,还有其他含义。比如在俚语中,bricks可以表示“冷酷无情的人”,也可以用来形容某件事情很难或不可能实现。


3. 在英式英语中,bricks还有一个常见的意思是“钱”。这个意思来源于早期货币使用砖块形状的金属货币。因此,在某些场合下,你可能会听到类似这样的说法:“I need to save up some bricks for my trip next month.”(我需要存些钱为下个月的旅行做准备。)

4. 此外,在美式英语中,bricks还可以作为动词使用,表示“把某物变得更加紧密或牢固”。比如,“We need to brick up this wall to make it stronger.”(我们需要用砖块加固这面墙。)

5. 总的来说,在英语中,bricks是一个多义词,在不同场合下可能有不同的含义。因此,在学习和使用英语时,除了要注意词汇的基本意思外,还要了解它的其他可能含义,以免造成误解。

6. 最后,提醒大家注意的是,在英语中并没有“bricks是什么意思”的翻译,因为它只是一个名词,没有具体的定义。但通过学习上述内容,你已经可以很好地理解它在不同场合下的用法和含义了。

7. 总结一下,bricks是一种建筑材料,在英语中除了指代实际的砖块外,还可表示“冷酷无情的人”、“钱”以及作为动词使用。在学习和使用英语时,要注意词汇的多义性,并灵活运用它们。希望本次介绍能够帮助你更好地理解“bricks是什么意思”


1. 砖块?不,是bricks!


2. 先来了解一下“bricks”的含义


3. 别再把它读成“布里克斯”了!


4. 还有一些变体发音


5. 记住这个词的正确读法



1. Bricks的基本用法


2. Bricks的双语例句

1) The house was built with red bricks.


2) The wall was bricked up to prevent people from entering.


3. Bricks的常见搭配

- Build with bricks:用砖块建造

- Brick by brick:一步一步地;逐渐地

- Red bricks:红色砖块

- Brick wall:砖墙

4. Bricks在口语中的常见表达

- Hit like a ton of bricks:像一堆砖头一样打击某人(意为突然而且有力)

- Drop a brick:说错话;失言(意为说出不合时宜或令人尴尬的话)

5. 双语例句扩展

1) The children were playing with building blocks made of plastic instead of real bricks.


2) The old house was crumbling, its walls made of ancient, weathered bricks.


6. Bricks在文学作品中的使用

- “A wall is made of many bricks, but it is the mortar that holds them together.” - Unknown

(“一堵墙是由许多砖块组成的,但它们之间的灰泥才是把它们连结在一起的。” - 未知)

7. Bricks在生活中的应用



1. Building bricks: 建筑砖块

2. Red bricks: 红砖

3. Brick wall: 砖墙

4. Brick by brick: 一砖一瓦,逐步建立

5. Brick and mortar: 砖头和水泥,指传统的实体店铺

6. Straw that broke the camel's back: 最后一根稻草,引申为导致重大变化的最后一件事情

7. Hit like a ton of bricks: 像一吨砖头般重击,形容突然袭来的强烈感受或打击

8. Drop a brick: 放了一个大错,说错话或做错事情

9. Bricks and clicks: 实体店和网上店铺相结合的商业模式

10. All bricks, no straw: 光有计划没有行动,指光说不练的人


1. Blocks

- Bricks and blocks are often used interchangeably to refer to the same thing, which is a solid rectangular building material made of clay or concrete.

- Example: The wall was built using red bricks and concrete blocks.

2. Masonry Units

- This term is more commonly used in the construction industry to refer to individual units of bricks or blocks that are used to build structures.

- Example: The mason carefully placed each masonry unit to create a sturdy wall.

3. Building Stones

- While bricks are typically made of clay or concrete, building stones can be made of various materials such as granite, limestone, or sandstone.

- Example: The ancient temple was constructed using large building stones that were carefully carved and stacked together.

4. Pavers

- Bricks can also be used as pavers, which are flat pieces of material used for paving walkways, driveways, or patios.

- Example: The garden path was lined with colorful pavers made from reclaimed bricks.

5. Clay Bricks

- This term specifically refers to bricks that are made from clay and baked in a kiln to harden them.

- Example: The traditional house was constructed using clay bricks that were handmade by skilled artisans.

6. Concrete Bricks

- These bricks are made from a mixture of cement, sand, and water that is poured into molds and then cured.

- Example: The new office building features walls made from lightweight concrete bricks for better insulation.

7. Hollow Bricks

- These bricks have hollow spaces inside them that make them lighter and easier to handle during construction.

- Example: The architect recommended using hollow bricks for the interior walls of the house to reduce its overall weight.

8. Red Bricks

- This term refers to the color of the brick, which can vary depending on the type of clay used and the temperature at which it is baked.

- Example: The old factory was made of red bricks that gave it a rustic and industrial look.

9. Fired Bricks

- This term is used to describe bricks that have been hardened by being fired in a kiln.

- Example: The newly built school used fired bricks for its walls, making it more durable and long-lasting.

10. Masonry Bricks

- This term is often used to refer to bricks that are specifically designed for use in masonry construction.

- Example: The mason selected high-quality masonry bricks for the building's facade to ensure its structural integrity


上一篇: 的翻译是




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