

更新时间:2024-01-26 19:42:00作者:留学世界





1. brought的基本含义

首先,让我们来看看brought的基本含义。它是bring(带来)的过去式和过去分词形式,意为“带来”、“拿来”。比如,“I brought some snacks to the party.”(我给聚会带了些零食。)

2. 常用搭配


- brought up:抚养、教育。比如,“He was brought up by his grandparents.”(他是由祖父母抚养长大的。)

- brought about:导致、引起。比如,“The new policy brought about a lot of changes.”(新政策引发了很多变化。)

- be brought into:被带入、被引入。比如,“She was brought into the project as a consultant.”(她作为顾问被引入该项目。)

3. 不同场景下的使用


- 在旅行中,brought可以指“带着某物一起去”的意思。比如,“She brought her camera on the trip.”(她在旅行中带了相机。)

- 在商业谈判中,brought可以指“提出、提及”的意思。比如,“He brought up the issue of salary during the meeting.”(他在会议上提出了薪资问题。)

4. 幽默解读

除了以上的正式含义外,brought还可以用来幽默地表达一些意思。比如,“I brought my A game to the interview.”(我在面试中发挥出色。)这里的“A game”指的是最高水平,但实际上并没有带来什么东西。




1. “brought”的发音是[brawt],其中“br”发音为[br],类似于“布拉”,而“ought”发音为[ɔt],类似于“奥特”。

2. 这个单词的意思是“带来”,通常用作动词。比如,“I brought some snacks to the party.”(我带了一些零食去聚会。)

3. “brought”的过去式和过去分词形式都是“brought”,所以不需要再变化。

4. 如果你想表达过去进行时,“bring”的现在分词形式是“bringing”。比如,“I was bringing my dog for a walk when it started raining.”(我当时正在带我的狗散步,结果下起雨来了。)

5. 此外,“bring”还有一个常用的短语搭配就是“bring up”,意思是“抚养、养育”。比如,“My parents brought me up to always be polite.”(我的父母教育我要一直保持礼貌。)

6. 最后,如果你想说某件事情给你带来了某种感受或影响,可以使用短语搭配“bring about”。比如,“His speech brought about a change in our company's policies.”(他的演讲导致了我们公司政策的改变。)

7. 总之,“brought”是一个常用的单词,希望大家在今后的英语学习和交流中能够正确地使用它。记住它的发音和用法,让我们一起来提升英语水平吧!


1. brought的基本用法

在英语中,brought是bring的过去式和过去分词形式,意为“带来”、“拿来”。它常常与have, has, had等助动词连用,表示已经完成的动作。

2. brought的双语例句

1) He brought me a cup of tea.


2) She has brought her own lunch to work every day this week.


3) They had brought their children to the park for a picnic.


4) The storm brought heavy rain and strong winds to the city.


5) We have brought our project to a successful conclusion.


6) The new policy has brought about significant changes in the company.


7) She had brought her camera on the trip and took many beautiful photos.


8) His hard work and determination have brought him great success in his career.


9) The unexpected news has brought joy to our family.


10) The new product has brought in a lot of revenue for the company.



1. brought up - 抚养,培养

2. brought about - 引起,导致

3. brought forward - 提出,推进

4. brought down - 减少,降低

5. brought to light - 揭示,暴露

6. brought to justice - 给予公正处理

7. brought together - 聚集在一起

8. brought back - 恢复,回忆起

9. brought to tears - 使哭泣

10. brought to a standstill - 停顿下来,陷入僵局

11. brought into focus - 聚焦于,集中注意力于

12. brought under control - 控制住,控制在某种状态下

13. brought in line with - 与...保持一致,符合标准

14. brought to the forefront - 推到前台,引人关注

15. brought on by - 由...引起的,因...而产生的

16. brought to an end - 结束,终止

17. be brought up short by - 因...而突然停止或惊讶不已

18. be brought down a peg or two- 受到教训或打击

19. be bought and sold- 被买卖 bought off- 被收买或贿赂 bought out- 被买下或收购 bought up- 全部被买走或抢购一空

23.bring about a change- 导致变化

24.bring an action against- 对...提起诉讼

25.bring bad luck- 带来厄运

26.bring before the court- 提交法庭审理

27.bring charges against- 控告某人

28.bring discredit upon- 使受到耻辱或不光彩

29.bring down the house- 引起轰动,赢得掌声

30.bring into disrepute- 使名誉受损

31.bring into line with - 使与...保持一致,符合标准

32.bring to a boil - 煮沸,加热至沸腾

33.bring to a close - 结束,终止

34.bring to a halt - 停止,中断

35.bring to a head - 加剧,达到顶点

36.bring to an agreement - 达成协议

37.bring to an end - 结束,终止

38.bring to light - 揭示,暴露

39.bring to mind - 回忆起,想起

40.bring to order - 整顿秩序

41. bring to pass - 实现,发生

42. bring under control - 控制住,控制在某种状态下

43. bring up the rear - 跟在最后面,垫底

44. bring up short - 突然停止或惊讶不已

45. brought in on charges of - 因...被控告或指控

46. brought to a stand - 停顿下来,陷入僵局

47. brought to book - 受到惩罚或批评

48. brought to heel - 被迫服从或控制

49. brought up to date - 更新,使符合最新标准

50. be brought into the world - 出生,降生


1. Carried: "brought" is often used to mean something was carried or transported from one place to another, such as "I brought my books to school."

2. Delivered: This synonym emphasizes the act of bringing something to someone else, as in "I brought the package to your house."

3. Conveyed: Similar to "carried," this word implies that something was brought from one place to another, but it can also refer to ideas or emotions being expressed, as in "The song conveyed a sense of sadness."

4. Procured: This word suggests that something was brought about or obtained through effort or action, as in "He brought home a new job after months of searching."

5. Imported: This synonym emphasizes that something was brought from a different country or region, as in "She brought back some souvenirs from her trip abroad."

6. Transferred: Often used in a professional or academic context, this word can mean that something was moved or conveyed from one person or place to another, as in "He brought his research findings to the conference."

7. Introduced: This synonym highlights the act of bringing someone or something into a new situation or environment, as in "She brought her new boyfriend to meet her family for the first time."

8. Produced: Similar to "procured," this word suggests that something was created or made through effort, as in "The artist brought forth a masterpiece with his paintbrush."

9. Accompanied: This synonym emphasizes the idea of being together with someone or something while bringing them somewhere, as in "She brought her dog along for the walk."

10. Fetching: A more playful synonym for "brought," this word can suggest that someone went and got something and returned with it quickly and easily, as in "He brought me my phone when I forgot it at home."


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