

更新时间:2024-01-27 04:30:00作者:留学世界



1. brush的含义:brush是一个英文单词,读作/bʌʃ/,意为“刷子”。它可以指代各种类型的刷子,如牙刷、画笔、毛刷等。

2. 在翻译行业中的常见用法:


- “brush up on”:意为“复习,温习”。在翻译行业中,我们经常需要不断学习新的知识和技能,以提升自己的翻译水平。因此,我们可以说:“I need to brush up on my translation skills.”(我需要复习一下我的翻译技巧。)

- “brush off”:意为“拂去,摆脱”。在翻译行业中,有时候我们会遇到一些难缠的客户或者棘手的翻译任务。这时候,我们可以使用这个表达来表示我们想要摆脱这样的情况:“I tried to explain, but he just brushed me off.”(我尝试解释了,但他只是把我拂去了。)

- “paintbrush”:意为“画笔”。在艺术类翻译中常见使用此词来指代绘画过程中所使用的工具。

- “toothbrush”:意为“牙刷”。在医学类或生活类翻译中常见使用此词来指代牙齿清洁工具。

- “hairbrush”:意为“发刷”。在美容类或生活类翻译中常见使用此词来指代梳头工具。

3. 总结:brush作为一个常见的英文单词,在翻译行业中有着多种用法。除了指代各种类型的刷子外,它还可以用于表示复习、摆脱、画笔等含义。熟练掌握这些用法,可以帮助我们更好地表达自己的意思,提升翻译质量


1. 什么是brush?


2. brush的发音


3. 如何正确读出brush?


4. 常见错误读法


5. 如何练习发音?



1. Brush up on - to review or improve one's knowledge or skills in a particular subject or activity.

Example: I need to brush up on my Spanish before our trip to Spain next month.

2. Brush off - to dismiss or ignore someone or something.

Example: She brushed off his comments and continued with her presentation.

3. Brush aside - to disregard or ignore something as unimportant.

Example: He brushed aside the criticism and continued with his plans.

4. Brush away - to remove something by brushing it away.

Example: She brushed away the dust from her clothes before entering the house.

5. Brush against - to touch lightly while passing by.

Example: The cat brushed against my leg as it walked by.

6. Brush with - a brief experience of something, usually negative.

Example: He had a brush with the law when he was younger, but he has since turned his life around.

7. Clean as a whistle - very clean and neat.

Example: After scrubbing the kitchen for hours, it was now clean as a whistle.

8. Paintbrush - a tool used for applying paint onto a surface.

Example: She used a paintbrush to create intricate designs on the canvas.

9. Dustpan and brush - tools used for sweeping up dirt and dust from the floor.

Example: After sweeping the floor, she used a dustpan and brush to collect all the dirt into one pile.

10. Toothbrush/toothpaste - tools used for cleaning teeth.

Example: Remember to bring your toothbrush and toothpaste when you go camping this weekend.

11. Hairbrush - a tool used for grooming hair.

Example: She always carries her hairbrush in her bag in case of any emergencies.

12. Makeup brushes - tools used for applying makeup onto one's face.

Example: She invested in high-quality makeup brushes for a flawless finish every time she does her makeup.

13. Brush fire - a small fire that spreads quickly through dry vegetation.

Example: The brush fire was quickly contained by the firefighters before it could cause any major damage.

14. Brush up against - to come into contact with something lightly.

Example: As she walked through the crowded market, she could feel people's bags and elbows brushing up against her.

15. Have a brush with death - to come close to dying.

Example: After her car accident, she realized she had a brush with death and decided to make some changes in her life.

16. Paintbrush stroke - the mark made on a surface by a paintbrush.

Example: She carefully added the final paintbrush stroke to her masterpiece.

17. Brushed metal - metal that has been polished or treated to have a brushed appearance.

Example: The new phone has a sleek design with brushed metal edges.

18. Brushed off - not taken seriously or ignored.

Example: He brushed off my concerns and continued with his reckless behavior.

19. A clean sweep - complete control or domination over something or someone.

Example: With their new strategy, they made a clean sweep of the competition and won the championship.

20. Brush away tears - to wipe away tears from one's face.

Example: She brushed away her tears and put on a brave face for her children


1. Scrub

- 示例:I scrubbed the dishes clean with a brush.


2. Cleanse

- 示例:She cleansed her face with a soft-bristled brush.


3. Sweep

- 示例:He swept the floor with a broom and dustpan.


4. Polish

- 示例:She polished her shoes with a brush.


5. Dust

- 示例:He dusted off his coat with a brush before putting it on.


6. Scour

- 示例:The cleaner scoured the bathtub with a stiff-bristled brush.


7. Groom

- 示例:The horse's coat was groomed to perfection with a horsehair brush.


8. Paint

- 示例:She painted the walls using a wide paintbrush.


9. Comb

- 示例:He combed his hair with a fine-toothed brush.


10. Apply

- 示例:She applied makeup to her face using different brushes.



1. Brush up on your language skills: 提升你的语言能力

- Are you looking to brush up on your language skills? 想要提升你的语言能力吗?

- I need to brush up on my English before the translation project starts. 在翻译项目开始之前,我需要提升一下我的英语水平。

2. Master the art of translation: 掌握翻译的艺术

- Translation is an art, and it takes time to master it. 翻译是一门艺术,需要时间来掌握。

- She has mastered the art of translation and is highly sought after in the industry. 她已经掌握了翻译的艺术,在行业中备受追捧。

3. Translation brush-up course: 翻译提升课程

- If you want to improve your translation skills, consider taking a translation brush-up course. 如果你想提高翻译技巧,可以考虑参加一门翻译提升课程。

- The company offers a translation brush-up course for its employees every year. 公司每年都为员工提供一门翻译提升课程。

4. Get a new brush for your translations: 为你的翻译换个新笔

- It's time to get a new brush for your translations and take on more challenging projects. 是时候为你的翻译换个新笔,接受更具挑战性的项目了。

- With a new brush, you can bring a fresh perspective to your translations. 有了新笔,你可以为翻译带来新的视角。

5. Brush off the dust from your language skills: 擦去语言技能上的尘埃

- After years of not using the language, it's time to brush off the dust and start translating again. 多年不用某种语言后,是时候擦去尘埃,重新开始翻译了。

- Don't let your language skills gather dust; keep practicing and improving. 别让你的语言技能生锈,保持练习和提高





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