

更新时间:2024-01-27 12:43:02作者:留学世界



1. 什么是bucket?



2. bucket在翻译行业的含义


3. bucket的作用


4. 如何使用bucket?


5. bucket的优势






6. 如何建立自己的bucket?







1. "bucket"是一个英文单词,读作[buhk-it],发音时重点在于第一个音节。

2. 这个单词的意思有很多种,可以指代“桶子”、“水桶”、“一桶的量”,也可以表示“一次大量的事情”、“某个特定范围内的事物”,甚至还有一些俚语用法。

3. 在翻译行业中,"bucket"通常指代“术语库”或“术语表”,即包含某一特定领域内专业术语及其翻译的数据库。

4. 另外,在计算机领域中,"bucket"也可指代“存储桶”,即云存储服务中用来存放数据的容器。

5. 总之,无论在哪个领域,“bucket”的意思都与容器、集合、数量等概念相关。所以,如果你在翻译过程中遇到这个词,记得要根据上下文来确定具体含义哦!


1. bucket的意思是什么?


2. bucket的常见用法

- Kick the bucket: 这个短语指的是一个人死亡,通常用于幽默或轻松的场合。

例句:I hope I won't kick the bucket anytime soon. (我希望我不会很快去世。)

- Bucket list: 这个短语指的是一个人想要做的事情清单,通常包括一些梦想和目标。

例句:Skydiving is definitely on my bucket list. (跳伞绝对在我的愿望清单上。)

- Bucket down: 这个短语指的是大量降雨。

例句:It's been bucketing down all day. (整天都在下大雨。)

3. 双语例句

- My friend and I had a competition to see who could kick the bucket first.


- Going on a safari in Africa has always been on my bucket list.


- It's been bucketing down all week, I hope it stops soon.



1. Bucket list - 意为“心愿清单”,指的是人们想要在有生之年实现的梦想和目标。

2. Kick the bucket - 意为“去世”,源自于古代用脚踢开绞刑架上的桶来执行死刑。

3. Bucketful - 意为“一桶的量”,通常用来表示大量或充满的状态。

4. Drop in the bucket - 意为“沧海一粟”,形容数量微不足道或无关紧要。

5. Bucket brigade - 意为“桶式输水队”,指的是一种传输物品或信息的方式,类似于接力赛中传递火炬。

6. Bucket seat - 意为“桶形座椅”,通常指汽车中带有侧翼支撑的座椅,可以提供更好的支持和舒适度。

7. Bucket shop - 意为“投机交易所”,指的是非法经营股票、期货等金融产品的机构。

8. In the bucket seat - 意为“处于有利地位”,类似于俗语中的“掌握主动权”。

9. Tip the bucket - 意为“倾倒桶里的东西”,通常用来形容某件事情突然发生或结束。

10. Carry water in a leaky bucket - 意为“白费力气”,类似于中文的“缘木求鱼”


1. Pail – this is the most common synonym for bucket, and it refers to a cylindrical container with a handle used for carrying liquids or other materials.

2. Container – this is a general term used to describe any object that can hold or store something, including buckets.

3. Vessel – this word can also be used to refer to a bucket, as it implies a container that holds something.

4. Receptacle – similar to vessel, this word can also be used to describe a container for holding something, such as a bucket.

5. Holder – while not commonly used for buckets, this word can still be considered a synonym as it denotes an object that holds or contains something.

6. Bin – although typically used for larger containers, this word can also be used to describe a bucket in certain contexts.

7. Tub – similar to pail, this word refers to a cylindrical container with a flat bottom and often has the same function as a bucket.

8. Cask – while usually associated with wine or other alcoholic beverages, cask can also refer to any barrel-shaped container, including buckets.

9. Canister – typically used for storing food or other small items, this term can also refer to smaller buckets with lids.

10. Drum – although usually larger than buckets, drum can still be considered a synonym as it refers to any cylindrical container with a flat top and bottom.

11. Basin – while not commonly used for buckets, basin can still be considered a synonym as it refers to any large round container for holding water or other liquids.

12. Tote – often associated with carrying items by hand, tote can also be used as another word for bucket in certain contexts.

13. Scoop – while not exactly the same as a bucket, scoop is often used interchangeably and refers to an object used for lifting and moving materials from one place to another.

14. Vat – typically used for holding liquids, vat can also refer to a large container for storing or carrying items, similar to a bucket.

15. Trough – although usually used for feeding animals, trough can also be used to describe a long and narrow container for holding water or other materials, similar to a bucket.

16. Tank – while mostly used for larger containers, tank can still be considered a synonym as it refers to any object that holds or stores something.

17. Barrell – while typically larger than buckets, barrel can still be considered a synonym as it refers to any cylindrical container with curved sides and flat ends.

18. Holder – although not commonly used for buckets, holder can still be considered a synonym as it denotes an object that holds or contains something.

19. Caddy – typically used for carrying small items, caddy can also refer to smaller buckets with handles and lids.

20. Carafe – often associated with serving drinks, carafe can also refer to any glass or ceramic container with a narrow neck and wide body, similar to a bucket






2024-01-27 12:14



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