

更新时间:2024-01-27 21:25:02作者:留学世界



1. 介绍burden的定义



2. 详细解释burden的含义


3. burden在句子中的用法

在句子中,burden通常作为动词或名词使用。作为动词时,它可以表示“使负担”、“加重压力”,例如:“The heavy workload burdened him with stress.”(沉重的工作量让他承受了压力。)作为名词时,则可以表示具体的重量或精神上的负担,例如:“The burden of taking care of her family fell on her shoulders.”(照顾家庭的责任落在了她肩上。)

4. burden与其他词汇搭配

除了常见的用法外,burden还有一些常用的搭配词汇,比如:bear the burden(承担负担)、burden of proof(举证责任)、burdened with guilt(承受内疚)、emotional burden(情感负担)等等。

5. burden在不同语境中的含义





1. 首先,让我们来看一下它的发音。burden的正确发音是/bəːd(ə)n/,其中的“ə”发音类似于“uh”的音。

2. 如果你还不太确定,可以试着将它分解为两部分来读。首先读/bəː/,然后再加上/d(ə)n/的发音。

3. 还有一种方法是将它与其他单词进行比较。burden的发音与单词“bird”和“turn”中的“ur”相同。

4. 不要忘记注意重音的位置。在burden这个单词中,重音在第一个字母“b”的上方。

5. 最后,记住多听多练习。通过听力练习和模仿母语人士的发音,你会更加自信地读出burden这个单词。



1. burden的含义


2. burden的用法

a) 作动词时,常与介词with连用,表示“使某人承担某种责任或任务”,例如:He was burdened with the responsibility of taking care of his siblings.(他被赋予照顾兄弟姐妹的责任。)

b) 作名词时,常与介词on或upon连用,表示“某种沉重的负担”,例如:The burden on her shoulders was too heavy for her to bear.(她肩上的负担太重了,无法承受。)

3. burden的双语例句

a) The weight of his illness was a heavy burden for his family to bear.


b) The government has been trying to ease the financial burden on low-income families.


c) She felt a great sense of relief when her parents took the burden off her shoulders.


d) The burden of proof lies on the prosecution in a criminal case.



1. bear a burden: 承担负担

2. share the burden: 分担负担

3. lighten the burden: 减轻负担

4. shoulder the burden: 承担责任

5. financial burden: 经济负担

6. emotional burden: 情感负担

7. physical burden: 身体负担

8. heavy burden: 沉重的负担

9. mental burden: 心理负担

10. carry a heavy burden: 承受沉重的压力

11. relieve the burden: 缓解压力

12. lift the burden: 解除负担

13. bear the full burden of responsibility: 承受全部责任的压力

14. financial burdens and obligations: 经济负担和义务

15. lightening the tax burden for citizens: 减轻公民的税收负担


1. Load - "Burden" is often used to describe a heavy or difficult load, so "load" can be used as a synonym. For example, "The burden of responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders."

2. Encumbrance - This word has a similar meaning to "burden" and refers to something that is causing difficulty or hindering progress. An example sentence could be, "The financial encumbrance of student loans prevented her from pursuing her dream job."

3. Onus - This word is often used in legal contexts and refers to a responsibility or obligation. It can be used as a synonym for "burden" in phrases such as "the onus of proof" or "the onus of responsibility."

4. Weight - Similar to "load," this word can be used to describe something that is heavy or burdensome, both physically and emotionally. For instance, you could say, "The weight of grief was almost too much for her to bear."

5. Strain - This word can be used as a synonym for "burden" when describing something that causes stress or pressure. For example, "The strain of caring for her sick father was taking its toll on her."

6. Onerous - This adjective means burdensome or difficult and can be used to describe tasks or responsibilities that are particularly challenging. An example sentence could be, "She found the new job's onerous demands overwhelming."

7. Obligation - Like the word "onus," this term refers to a duty or responsibility that one must fulfill. It can be used as a synonym for "burden" in phrases such as "financial obligations" or "moral obligations."

8. Troublesome - This adjective means causing difficulty or annoyance and can be used as a synonym for "burden." For instance, you could say, "Her troublesome neighbor was always asking for favors."

9. Impediment - This word refers to something that hinders or obstructs progress and can be used as a synonym for "burden." An example sentence could be, "The language barrier was a major impediment to their communication."

10. Hindrance - Similar to "impediment," this word means something that causes difficulty or delay and can be used as a synonym for "burden." For example, "The lack of funding proved to be a hindrance in completing the project on time."

11. Responsibility - This term refers to the state of being accountable for something and can be used as a synonym for "burden" in phrases such as "personal responsibility" or "financial responsibility."

12. Difficulties - This plural noun can be used to describe challenges or obstacles that one must face and can serve as a synonym for "burden." For instance, you could say, "The difficulties of starting a new business were overwhelming at times."

13. Liability - In legal terms, this word refers to being responsible for something, often in terms of financial obligation. It can also be used as a synonym for "burden" in phrases such as "liabilities and assets" or "liability insurance."

14. Struggle - This noun can be used to describe the act of trying very hard to achieve something despite difficulties or challenges. It can serve as a synonym for "burden" in phrases such as "the struggle of single parenthood" or "the struggle of managing finances."

15. Oppression - This word refers to the state of being unjustly treated or controlled by someone else and can be used as a synonym for "burden." For example, you could say, "The burden of oppression was too much for them to bear any longer."

16. Distress - Similar to "oppression," this word describes extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain caused by a difficult situation. It can be used as a synonym for "burden" in phrases such as "emotional distress" or "financial distress."

17. Hardship - This noun refers to a condition of severe suffering or deprivation and can be used as a synonym for "burden." An example sentence could be, "The burden of hardship was evident in their tired and worn faces."

18. Dilemma - This word describes a difficult situation or problem that one must make a decision about and can serve as a synonym for "burden." For instance, you could say, "The burden of choosing between her career and her family was weighing heavily on her mind."

19. Pressure - This word can be used to describe the stress or strain caused by expectations or demands and can serve as a synonym for "burden." For example, "The pressure of living up to her parents' expectations was overwhelming at times."

20. Challenge - Similar to "difficulty," this noun refers to something that requires great effort to overcome and can be used as a synonym for "burden." An example sentence could be, "The challenge of learning a new language proved to be quite burdensome."





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