

更新时间:2024-02-02 08:25:09作者:留学世界




cautionary是一个形容词,意为“警告的”、“告诫的”。它来自于动词“caution”,意为“警告”、“告诫”。在翻译行业中,我们经常会遇到这个词,尤其是在翻译文档或文章时,会出现类似“cautionary tale”的表达。那么,这个短语究竟是什么意思呢?

首先,我们来看一下tale这个单词,它可以指代故事、传说或者寓言。因此,“cautionary tale”就是指带有警示作用的故事或寓言。通常这样的故事会通过描述某种不良后果来提醒人们避免类似的错误。

除了在翻译行业中使用,“cautionary”也经常出现在日常生活中。比如,在食品包装上我们可能会看到“cautionary warning”,意为“警示性的警告”。又或者,在电影评论中我们也可能会看到“a cautionary tale”,意为“一部具有警示作用的电影”


1. cautionary的读音是[kɔˈʃəneri],其中的发音规律为:

- "cau"发音为[kɔ],类似于英语中的"call";

- "tio"发音为[ʃən],类似于英语中的"shun";

- "nary"发音为[neri],类似于英语中的"nairy"。

2. cautionary是一个形容词,意为“警告的、提醒的”,常用来修饰名词,表示“警示性的、告诫性的”。

3. cautionary一词源自拉丁语“cautio”,意为“小心、谨慎”,后来演变为“警告、告诫”的意思。因此,在使用该词时,需要注意它所指代的含义。

4. 在英语中,有些单词或短语以"-tionary"结尾,如dictionary(字典)、stationary(静止的),它们都有一个共同点:最后一部分读音为[neri]。因此,在学习和记忆这些单词时,可以把它们归类到一起。

5. cautionary在句子中常用作定语或表语。例如:

- A cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and ambition.


- The movie serves as a cautionary reminder to always be careful with our actions.


6. cautionary也可以用作名词,表示“警示、告诫”。例如:

- The book is a cautionary for young adults about the consequences of drug abuse.


7. 总结:cautionary的读音为[kɔˈʃəneri],意为“警告的、提醒的”,常用作形容词修饰名词,在句子中可以作定语或表语,也可用作名词表示“警示、告诫”。记忆该单词时,可以把它归类到以"-tionary"结尾的单词中


1. cautionary的用法

- cautionary作为形容词,意为“警示性的”、“告诫性的”,常用来修饰事物或行为。

例如:a cautionary tale (一则警示故事)、a cautionary measure (一项预防措施)。

- cautionary作为名词,指的是一种警示或告诫性的故事、电影或文章。

例如:The book is a cautionary against the dangers of technology. (这本书是对科技危险性的告诫)

- cautionary还可以作为副词,意为“以警告方式地”、“提醒地”。

例如:He spoke to us very cautionarily about the potential dangers. (他谨慎地向我们提醒了可能存在的危险)

2. 双语例句

- This movie serves as a cautionary tale for young people about the consequences of reckless behavior.


- The company has issued a series of cautionary statements about their declining profits.


- The government has implemented strict regulations as a cautionary measure against the spread of infectious diseases.


- The book is a cautionary reminder that success should not come at the cost of one's values and relationships.


- The speaker cautioned the audience to think carefully before making any major decisions.



1. "Cautionary tale": 这是指一种警示性的故事,通常用来告诫人们不要重蹈覆辙。

2. "Cautionary measure": 这是指一项预防措施,旨在防止可能发生的危险或错误。

3. "Cautionary statement": 这是指一种警示性声明,用来提醒人们注意某种可能的风险或后果。

4. "Cautionary advice": 这是指一些建议或忠告,旨在帮助人们避免不必要的麻烦或损失。

5. "Cautionary tone": 这是指一种警戒的语气,常用于提醒人们注意某件事情的重要性或危险性


1. Warning: This word is often used to indicate caution or danger, similar to "cautionary". For example, "The warning signs were clearly displayed, but the hikers ignored them and got lost in the woods."

2. Precautionary: This word also suggests taking care or being cautious, and can be used as a synonym for "cautionary". For instance, "As a precautionary measure, the doctor advised me to take antibiotics before traveling to a foreign country."

3. Prudent: This adjective means showing good judgment and being careful in making decisions, similar to the idea of being "cautionary". An example sentence could be, "It would be prudent to save some money for unexpected expenses."

4. Advisory: This word is often used in official or formal contexts to give guidance or cautionary advice. For example, "The government issued an advisory warning citizens about the potential dangers of the upcoming storm."

5. Forewarning: This noun refers to giving advance notice or warning about something that may happen in the future, similar to being "cautionary". A sentence using this word could be, "The weather forecast gave us forewarning of a possible hurricane heading our way."

6. Beware: This verb means to be cautious or watchful of something that may cause harm or danger. It can be used as a synonym for "caution" in phrases like, "Beware of pickpockets in crowded areas."

7. Alert: As an adjective, this word means being aware and ready for potential danger or problems. It can also be used as a noun meaning a warning message or signal. For instance, "The security guard was on high alert after receiving an alert about suspicious activity."



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