

更新时间:2024-02-04 03:40:12作者:留学世界



1. chair的发音:英文中的chair发音为/tʃɛr/,其中/tʃ/为清辅音ch,/ɛ/为开前不圆唇元音e,/r/为卷舌音r。


2. 含义:chair是一个常用的英文单词,它的主要含义是“椅子”,指一种供人坐的家具。除此之外,它还有一些其他含义:

- 作为动词时,意为“主持、担任主席”;

- 在学术领域中,指某个学术机构或学术团体的负责人;

- 在航空领域中,指飞机上供飞行员、乘务员等坐的座位;

- 在歌曲《Happy Birthday》中,chair也出现在歌词中,“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear (name), happy birthday to you”,其中的“you”可以被替换成“chair”;

- 在美国政治中,chair也可以指代某个政党或议会委员会的领导人。

3. 意象联想:当我们想到椅子时,很容易就会联想到休息、放松和舒适。因此,在英文中常用短语“to take a chair”来表示“坐下休息”,例如“I'm tired, let's take a chair and have a break.” 除此之外,还有一些常用的表达方式:

- “to pull up a chair”意为“拉一把椅子坐下来”,常用于邀请别人一起坐下来;

- “to be on the edge of one's chair”意为“坐得紧张兮兮”,形容某人非常紧张或专注;

- “to be in the hot seat”意为“处于困境中”,比如在被问责或审判时。

4. 幽默感:在英文中,chair也可以作为一个幽默元素出现,比如在谈论某个困难的任务时,可以说“I wouldn't want to be in that chair”,意为“我不想处于那样的困境”。另外,在英文幽默故事中,也经常会出现关于椅子的幽默情节,比如有一个笑话讲述了一位老太太去商店买椅子,最后却买回了一只鸡。这种幽默感也体现了英文中对椅子的独特认识和运用


1. 音标:首先,我们来看一下chair这个单词的音标。它的音标为/ˈtʃɛr/,其中“ch”发/ʃ/音,“air”发/ɛr/音。

2. 发音要点:在发音时,需要注意以下几点:

- “ch”发/ʃ/音,与汉语中的“吃”类似,舌头要抵住上颚。

- “air”发/ɛr/音,与汉语中的“儿”类似,舌头要稍微向前卷起。

- 发音时嘴唇要稍微张开,并且舌头要放松。

3. 音调:chair是一个单音节词,因此没有明显的重读音节。但在句子中通常会有一些变化。比如,在问句中,“chair”的读法可能会变成/chɛr/?(语调上升),而在陈述句中则可能是/chɛr/?(语调下降)。

4. 练习方法:想要正确地读出chair这个单词,最好的方法就是多听、多练习。可以通过听英文歌曲、看英文电影或者跟着老师或朋友练习来提高自己的发音水平。

5. 注意事项:在学习发音时,有一些常见的错误需要注意避免:

- 不要将“ch”发成/tʃ/音,这是一个常见的错误。

- 不要将“air”发成/ɛər/音,这也是一个常见的错误。

- 注意区分/chɛr/和/chir/两个发音,后者是指一种小鸟的叫声。

6. 拓展阅读:除了chair这个单词,还有许多类似的单词也需要注意发音。比如,“chairman”(主席)中的“man”发/mən/音,“hair”(头发)中的“air”发/eər/音等等。因此,在学习英语发音时,需要注意不同单词中相似部分的发音差异。

7. 总结:chair是一个常见但容易出错的单词,正确地掌握它的读音技巧可以提高我们的英语口语水平。通过多听、多练习,并注意避免常见错误,相信大家都能够轻松地读出这个单词。同时,也可以拓展阅读其他类似单词来加深对英语发音规律的理解


1. In English, "chair" is pronounced as /tʃɛər/ with a soft "ch" sound in the beginning.


2. The word "chair" originated from the Old French word "chaiere" which means a seat or throne.


3. In Chinese, "chair" is translated as "椅子 (yǐzi)" or "椅子 (yǐzuo)" depending on the context.

在中文中,“chair”的翻译为“椅子 (yǐzi)”或者“椅子 (yǐzuo)”取决于上下文。

4. He sat down on the chair and crossed his legs, looking relaxed and comfortable.


5. The teacher asked the students to stand up from their chairs and form a line in front of the classroom.


6. The office was filled with rows of chairs for the meeting attendees to sit on.


7. She leaned back on her chair and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to calm herself down.


8. The restaurant had a variety of chairs, from wooden ones to plush armchairs, for customers to choose from.


9. The CEO sat at the head of the conference table while his employees sat on chairs around him.


10. The children were playing a game of musical chairs, running around and trying to find a seat when the music stopped.



1. 椅子 (n.) - 椅子是指用于坐的家具,通常有靠背和四条腿。

例句:I sat on the chair and read my book.

2. 主席 (n.) - 主席是指负责主持会议或组织活动的人。

例句:The chair of the meeting welcomed everyone.

3. 椅子的位置 (n.) - 这个词组通常用来描述某人在会议或活动中坐的位置。

例句:I was sitting in the front row, in the chair's position.

4. 椅子舞 (n.) - 椅子舞是一种舞蹈形式,参与者需要在一把椅子上跳舞。

例句:She performed a beautiful chair dance at the talent show.

5. 王座 (n.) - 王座是指国王、女王或其他统治者的宝座。

例句:The king sat on his throne, surrounded by his loyal subjects.

6. 电椅 (n.) - 电椅是一种执行死刑的工具,通过电流使被执行人死亡。

例句:The prisoner was sentenced to death by electric chair.

7. 头等舱座位 (n.) - 头等舱座位通常比经济舱座位更豪华和舒适。

例句:We were lucky to get upgraded to first class seats on our flight.

8. 椅子 (v.) - 这个词也可以作为动词使用,意思是指让某人坐在椅子上。

例句:Please chair the meeting while I go get some refreshments.

9. 椅子式休息 (n.) - 椅子式休息是一种瑜伽姿势,通过坐在椅子上放松身体。

例句:I like to do chair pose during my yoga practice.

10. 高脚椅 (n.) - 高脚椅是一种用于婴儿喂食的家具,通常有脚踏板和安全带。

例句:The baby sat in the high chair and happily ate his dinner


1. Seat - Sitting on a comfortable seat can make all the difference during a long flight.

2. Throne - The king sat on his ornate throne, surrounded by his loyal subjects.

3. Stool - The bar stool was too high for the little girl to reach, so she had to ask for help.

4. Bench - The park bench was a popular spot for couples to sit and watch the sunset.

5. Armchair - She curled up in her favorite armchair with a good book and a cup of tea.

6. Recliner - After a long day at work, he loved nothing more than relaxing in his recliner.

7. Pew - The church pews were filled with people eagerly awaiting the wedding ceremony.

8. Loveseat - They snuggled together on the loveseat, watching their favorite movie.

9. Ottoman - She put her feet up on the ottoman and closed her eyes, enjoying the peace and quiet.

10. Sofa - The family gathered on the sofa to watch their favorite TV show together.



1. Seating - There wasn't enough seating for everyone at the conference, so some had to stand.

2. Cathedra - The professor stood behind his cathedra as he lectured to his class.

3. Perch - He perched on top of the ladder as he painted the walls of his new house.

4. Settee - She couldn't decide between a sofa or a settee for her living room furniture.

5. Chaise lounge - She stretched out on the chaise lounge by the pool, soaking up some sun.

6. Barstool - He leaned against the barstool, chatting with friends over a cold beer.

7. Pew bench - The church pew bench was hard and uncomfortable, but she endured it for the service.

8. Daybed - The daybed in the guest room doubled as a sofa during the day.

9. Footstool - She propped her feet up on the footstool and closed her eyes, trying to relax.

10. Settle - The couple sat on the settle by the fireplace, enjoying a quiet evening together





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