更新时间:2024-02-05 14:06:14作者:留学世界
1. chess的意思
2. chess的发音
3. 关于chess的一些补充信息
除了作为国际象棋的名称外,chess还有其他含义。它可以用来形容某种策略性游戏或计划,比如说“life is like a game of chess(生活就像一场国际象棋比赛)”。此外,在英语中还有一句常用的俗语“The queen is the most powerful piece in the game of chess(皇后是国际象棋游戏中最强大的棋子)”,用来形容女性在某些情况下的强大影响力。
4. 一些关于国际象棋的英文表达
- chessboard:国际象棋棋盘
- chess piece:国际象棋棋子
- checkmate:将军(指玩家无法避免自己的国王被对方吃掉)
- pawn:卒(指国际象棋中最弱小的棋子)
- rook:车(指国际象棋中最强大的非皇后类棋子)
-Chess is a popular board game.
-In this tournament, the player's goal is to capture the opponent's chess pieces.
-I like to play chess in my free time.
-He challenged me to a game of chess.
a)play chess:下国际象棋
-I learned how to play chess when I was a child.
b)chess board:国际象棋棋盘
-The chess pieces are arranged on the chess board.
c)chess set:国际象棋套装
-We bought a new chess set for our weekly game nights.
d)chess piece:国际象棋棋子
-The black chess pieces are on one side of the board, and the white ones are on the other.
e)chess master:国际象棋大师
-He has been studying chess for years and is now considered a chess master.
a)chess game:国际象棋游戏
-We had a friendly chess game after dinner.
b)chess tournament:国际象棋锦标赛
-He won first place in the national chess tournament.
c)chess strategy:下国际象棋的策略
-She always comes up with clever chess strategies to win her games.
d)chess club:下国际象棋俱乐部
-I joined a local chess club to improve my skills.
-Their relationship is like a game of chess, with each one trying to outsmart the other.
-The political landscape is like a game of chess, with different players making strategic moves.
chess作为名词时,意为“国际象棋”,是一个可数名词;作为动词时,意为“下国际象棋”。常见搭配有play chess、chess board、chess set等。此外,chess也可以比喻智力竞赛或形容某种局面或情况。希望本小节能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个词汇
1. "I enjoy playing chess with my friends on the weekends."
2. "Chess is a game of strategy and skill."
3. "She is a master at playing chess and has won many tournaments."
4. "In chess, the queen is the most powerful piece on the board."
5. "My grandfather taught me how to play chess when I was young."
6. "Chess requires a lot of concentration and critical thinking."
7. "He challenged me to a game of chess, but I declined because I knew he would beat me."
8. "Chess has been played for centuries and is still a popular game today."
9. "The rules of chess can be complicated, but once you understand them, it's a very enjoyable game."
10. "Chess is often used as a metaphor for life, with each move representing a decision."
1. Chessboard
2. Checkmate
3. Game of Kings
Game of Kings是一个比较文艺的表达方式,它指代的同样是国际象棋游戏。这个短语源自于过去国王和贵族们喜爱玩的一种智力游戏——国际象棋。因此,在一些文学作品中会出现Game of Kings这一短语来指代chess。
4. Battle of Minds
Battle of Minds也可以用来表示chess。这个短语字面意思为“头脑之战”,正如国际象棋游戏本身就是一场智力对决。因此,在某些场合下,人们也会用Battle of Minds来指代chess。
5. Royal Game
Royal Game是由royal和game两个单词组合而成的词语,它也可以用来指代chess。这个短语的意思是“贵族游戏”,因为在过去,国际象棋游戏只有贵族们才能玩得起。因此,Royal Game也成为了chess的同义词。
6. Mind Sport
Mind Sport是由mind和sport两个单词组合而成的短语,它指代的是那些需要智力和策略的运动。国际象棋游戏正是一种典型的mind sport(智力运动),因此在某些场合下,人们也会用Mind Sport来表示chess。
7. Intellectual Battle
Intellectual Battle是intellectual和battle两个单词组合而成的短语,它也可以用来指代chess。在国际象棋游戏中,玩家需要运用自己的智慧和策略来对抗对手,因此这个短语非常贴切地描述了chess这一游戏。
8. Board Game
Board Game是由board和game两个单词组合而成的短语,它指代那些需要使用棋盘来进行游戏的娱乐活动。国际象棋正是一种典型的board game(棋盘游戏),因此在一些场合下,人们也会用这个短语来指代chess。
9. Strategic Game
Strategic Game是由strategic和game两个单词组合而成的短语,它指代那些需要运用策略和战术的游戏。国际象棋正是一种典型的strategic game(策略游戏),因此在某些场合下,人们也会用这个短语来表示chess。
10. Battle of Wits
Battle of Wits是由battle和wits两个单词组合而成的短语,它可以用来指代chess。这个短语的意思是“智力之战”,正如国际象棋游戏本身就是一场智力对决。因此,在某些情况下,人们也会用Battle of Wits来表示chess
1. The English word for chess is "chess", but it is also commonly referred to as "the game of kings".
2. In chess, the player controlling the white pieces is referred to as "white" and the player controlling the black pieces is referred to as "black".
3. The chessboard is made up of 64 squares, with alternating light and dark colors.
4. Each player starts with 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns.
5. The objective of chess is to capture the opponent's king while protecting your own.
6. When a piece captures another piece, it is removed from the board.
7. The queen is the most powerful piece on the board, able to move in any direction and any number of squares.
8. The knight is the only piece that can jump over other pieces on the board.
9. A "check" occurs when a player's king is under attack and must be moved out of harm's way.
10. When a player has no legal moves to make, it is known as "checkmate" and the game is over.