

更新时间:2024-02-08 03:52:18作者:留学世界



1. “Circle”一词的英文翻译是什么?

2. 你知道“Circle”的英文意思吗?


3. “Circle”在英文中是什么含义?

4. 英文中的“Circle”指的是什么?

5. “Circle”在英语中是什么意思?

6. 英文单词“Circle”的翻译是什么?

7. “Circle”这个单词的英语翻译是什么?

8. 你了解“Circle”的英文翻译吗?

9. 英语中的“Circle”代表着什么含义?

10. “Circle”的英文释义是什么?


1. "Circle"是一个英文单词,读作/sərkl/,第一个音节发重音。

2. 如果你觉得这个单词有点难读,可以尝试把它拆分成两个音节来读:/sir-kuhl/。

3. 也可以用一种更加俏皮的方式来读,就是把第二个音节的"le"省略掉,变成/sərk/。

4. 不管怎么读,都要注意保持发音清晰准确,避免和其他单词混淆,比如"cycle"(循环)。

5. "Circle"这个单词的意思是圆圈、环形或者团体。如果你想表达团队合作、共同进步的意思,可以用"Circling together"来表示


1. circle的基本含义


2. circle的用法

① 作为名词使用时,circle通常用来指代一个圆形的区域或轨迹。例如:

- The children were playing in a circle. (孩子们在一个圆圈里玩耍。)

- The dog ran in circles, chasing its tail. (那条狗围着自己的尾巴跑来跑去。)

- We sat around the campfire in a circle. (我们围着篝火坐成一圈。)

② 除了表示物体的形状和运动轨迹外,circle还可用来指代某种团体、社交网络或思想等。例如:

- She is part of my social circle. (她是我的社交圈子中的一员。)

- The book club has a diverse circle of members. (这个读书俱乐部有着多样化的成员群体。)

- The idea has been circulating within academic circles for years. (这个想法在学术界已经流传了多年。)

③ 作为动词使用时,circle常用来表示环绕、旋转或循环等动作。例如:

- The eagle circled high above the mountains. (老鹰在山顶上空盘旋。)

- The dancers circled around the fire. (舞者们围着火跳舞。)

- The rumor has been circling for days. (这个谣言已经流传了几天。)

3. circle的双语例句

1) The children sat in a circle, holding hands and singing songs. (孩子们坐成一圈,手牵手唱歌。)

2) We walked in circles trying to find our way back to the campsite. (我们围着走,试图找回去营地的路。)

3) She is well-known in literary circles for her powerful writing style. (她因其强大的写作风格而在文学界享有盛名。)

4) The plane circled the airport before landing due to bad weather conditions. (由于恶劣的天气条件,飞机在降落前绕着机场盘旋。)

5) The idea of universal basic income has been circling among economists for years. (普遍基本收入的想法已经在经济学家中流传多年。)



1. "Around in Circles" - 围绕圈圈转

2. "Full Circle" - 全部回到原点

3. "Circle of Friends" - 朋友圈子

4. "Vicious Circle" - 恶性循环

5. "Inner Circle" - 内部圈子

6. "Circle of Trust" - 信任的圈子

7. "Breaking the Circle" - 打破循环

8. "Circle of Life" - 生命的循环

9. "Joining the Circle" - 加入圈子

10. "Circle the Wagons" - 组成防御圈


1. Roundabout: This word can be used to describe a circular shape or object, and can also refer to a roundabout in traffic.

2. Loop: This term can be used to describe a circular path or route, and can also refer to a circular motion.

3. Ring: This word can be used to describe a circular shape, and can also refer to a ring-shaped object such as a wedding ring.

4. Cycle: This word can be used to describe a repeated sequence or pattern, and can also refer to a circular motion or process.

5. Orbit: This term is often used in the context of space, referring to the path of an object around another object, but it can also be used more broadly to describe any circular movement.

6. Circuit: This word is often used in the context of electricity, referring to a closed path through which current flows, but it can also be used more broadly to describe any circular route or system.

7. Sphere: This term refers specifically to a three-dimensional round shape, but it can also be used metaphorically to describe something that is all-encompassing or complete.

8. Wheel: This word refers specifically to a round object that rotates on an axle, but it can also be used more broadly to describe any circular object.

9. Disc: This term refers specifically to a flat, round object with no edges or corners, but it can also be used metaphorically to describe something that is complete or whole.

10. Hoop: This word refers specifically to a circular band made of metal or other material, but it can also be used more broadly as a synonym for circle in certain contexts



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