

更新时间:2024-02-08 18:42:37作者:留学世界



1. Clara是一个英语单词,它的意思是“光明、明亮”。它来自拉丁语中的“clarus”,意为“明亮的、清晰的”。


2. Clara也可以作为一个女孩的名字,在西班牙、意大利等国家很常见。它有时被翻译成“克拉拉”,但更多时候保留原来的拼写。

3. 在英文中,Clara也可以作为一个姓氏存在。例如著名的德国作曲家罗伯特·舒曼(Robert Schumann)的妻子就叫克拉拉·舒曼(Clara Schumann)。

4. Clara还有一种用法是作为产品或服务名称。例如,美国有一款著名的洗发水品牌叫做“Clairol”,它是由“Clara”和“color”两个单词组合而成,意为“明亮色彩”。

5. 在电影和文学作品中,Clara也经常被当做人物名字出现。例如著名小说《小妇人》(Little Women)中的主角之一就叫做克拉拉·马奇(Clara March)。

6. 此外,还有一种说法认为Clara源自希腊神话中的女神克勒奥(Cleora),她是雅典娜的女儿,代表着智慧和纯洁。

7. 总的来说,Clara这个词在英语中有着多种含义和用法,但它最基本的意思都是“明亮、光明”的象征。它也常被用作女孩的名字,给人一种温柔、清新的感觉。

8. 如果你想给自己取一个英文名字,Clara可能会是一个不错的选择。它既有着美好的含义,又不失优雅和简洁。当然,你也可以根据自己的喜好和特点选择其他适合自己的英文名字。

9. 总之,在英语中,“clara”意为“明亮、光明”,它可以作为名词、动词、形容词等多种词性存在,并且有着丰富的文化内涵。希望本小节能够帮助你更好地理解并使用这个单词


1. 你一定听过很多人提到clara这个词,但是你知道它的正确读法吗?

2. 其实,clara是一个拉丁语名字,意为“明亮的”或“有名的”。

3. 它也可以作为一个女孩的名字,代表着光明、美丽和智慧。

4. 所以,如果你有一个朋友叫clara,那么恭喜你,你有一个光彩照人的朋友。

5. 不过,在英文中,clara也可以被用作一个词语来指代清澈、透明和纯净。

6. 所以,如果你在翻译中遇到了clara这个词,记得要根据上下文来判断它的意思哦。

7. 总之,在英文中读取clara时,重音在第二个音节,“la”发长音。

8. 如果你想更加准确地学习如何发音,请搜索一下“clara发音教程”,肯定会有很多帮助哦


1. clara的含义


2. clara的用法


3. clara的双语例句

- The name Clara is of Latin origin, meaning "bright" or "clear". (这个名字Clara源自拉丁语,意为“明亮”或“清澈”。)

- Clara is a popular name for girls in many English-speaking countries. (Clara在许多英语国家都是一个流行的女孩名字。)

- Her eyes were a clear blue, just like her name, Clara. (她的眼睛是一片清澈的蓝色,就像她的名字Clara一样。)

- The water in this lake is so clear, it's like looking through a piece of glass. (这个湖里的水非常清澈,就像透过一块玻璃一样。)

4. 其他相关用法




1. Clara's meaning in English

Clara is a name that can be found in various cultures and languages, including English. In English, Clara is a feminine given name that originated from the Latin name Clarus, meaning "bright" or "clear". It can also be derived from the Old High German name Klāra, which means "famous" or "bright".

2. Clara's origin and usage

The name Clara has been used since the medieval period and has been popularized by various saints and religious figures throughout history. It gained popularity in the 19th century and has remained a common name for girls ever since.

3. Clara as a standalone word

Apart from being used as a given name, Clara can also be used as a standalone word in English. It is often used to describe something that is clear, pure, or bright. For example, "The water in the lake was so clear that you could see all the fish swimming around."

4. Common phrases with Clara

- Clear as crystal: This phrase is often used to describe something that is very clear or easy to understand.

- Clarity of mind: This phrase refers to having a clear and focused mind.

- Bright as day: This phrase is often used to describe something that is very bright or vivid.

- Famous for: This phrase means well-known or renowned for something.

- Fame and fortune: This phrase refers to being both well-known and wealthy.

5. Idioms with Clara

- In the clear: This idiom means being free from danger or trouble.

- Clear one's head: This idiom means to think clearly or become more alert.

- Clear the air: This idiom means to resolve conflicts or misunderstandings.

- Make it crystal clear: This idiom means to make something very clear or obvious.

6. Popular culture references

Clara has been featured in various works of literature, music, and film. Some notable examples include the character Clara in the ballet "The Nutcracker" and the character Clara Oswald in the TV series "Doctor Who". It has also been used as a brand name for products such as Clara's Cookies and Clara's Kitchen.

7. Famous people named Clara

- Clara Barton: American nurse and founder of the American Red Cross.

- Clara Bow: American actress known as the "It Girl" of the 1920s.

- Clara Hughes: Canadian cyclist and speed skater, Olympic medalist.

- Clara Luper: American civil rights activist.

- Clara Schumann: German composer and pianist.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, while the name Clara may have originated from Latin or German roots, it has become a popular name with various meanings and associations in English. From its usage as a given name to its incorporation into phrases and idioms, it is a versatile word that continues to be used in literature, media, and everyday language


1. Clear - This word is often used to describe something that is easy to understand or see. It can be used as a synonym for "clara" in the sense of clarity or transparency. For example, "The instructions were written in clear language."

2. Bright - This word can also be used as a synonym for "clara" when describing something that is easy to see or understand. It can also refer to someone who is intelligent or quick-witted. For example, "She has a bright mind and always comes up with creative solutions."

3. Distinct - This word can be used to describe something that is clearly defined or easily recognizable. It can also mean unique or different from others. For example, "Her voice has a distinct quality that sets her apart from other singers."

4. Explicit - This word means clearly stated or expressed without any ambiguity. It can also refer to something that is detailed and specific. For example, "The contract had explicit terms and conditions."

5. Obvious - This word can be used as a synonym for "clara" when describing something that is easily understood or seen without any effort. It can also mean something that is clear and apparent without any doubt. For example, "It was obvious from her facial expression that she was upset."

6. Transparent - This word has a similar meaning to "clear" and can be used as a synonym for "clara." It refers to something that is easy to see through or understand, without any hidden agendas or intentions. For example, "The company's financial records are transparent and easily accessible."

7. Evident - This word means clearly seen or understood by anyone who looks at it carefully. It can also refer to something that is obvious and cannot be denied. For example, "His talent was evident in his flawless performance on stage."

8. Intelligible - This word means easily understandable or comprehensible. It can also refer to something that is logical and makes sense. For example, "The professor's lecture was highly intelligible and kept the students engaged."

9. Lucid - This word can be used as a synonym for "clara" in the sense of being clear and easy to understand. It can also mean someone who is mentally sound and able to think clearly. For example, "Even in his old age, he had a lucid mind and sharp memory."

10. Observe - This word means to notice or see something clearly. It can also refer to paying attention or following a particular rule or custom. For example, "It is important to observe proper etiquette at formal events."





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