

更新时间:2024-02-09 04:58:20作者:留学世界






那么,它具体指代哪些内容呢?其实,在翻译行业中,“clever比较级英语”主要指代那些含蓄、委婉、甚至带有双关意义的表达方式。这种表达方式通常需要读者具备一定的文化背景和推理能力才能理解其真正含义。举个例子吧,当我们说某人是“smart”(聪明)时,可能是在赞美他/她;但如果说某人是“too clever by half”(太过机敏),则很可能暗指他/她有些狡诈。




1. 什么是“clever比较级英语”?


2. 如何学习“clever比较级英语”?


- 多阅读:阅读有趣、幽默的文章可以帮助我们积累更多的“clever比较级英语”。同时也可以借鉴其中使用的表达方式。

- 多听多看:观察身边人或者网络上使用这种表达方式的例子,并且多听多看可以帮助我们更好地理解它们所表达出来的含义。

- 多练习:尝试用“clever比较级英语”来表达自己的想法,多加练习可以帮助我们更加熟练地运用它们。

3. 举个例子,让你更好地理解“clever比较级英语”


4. “clever比较级英语”的魅力所在


5. 最后,记住要恰当使用




1. 什么是比较级?


2. clever比较级的含义


3. clever比较级的用法

a. 比较两个人或物体的智慧程度时,可以使用cleverer来表示其中一个更聪明。

例:My sister is cleverer than me.

b. 比较同一人或物体在不同时间或情况下的智慧程度时,也可以使用cleverer。

例:He is cleverer now than he was before.

c. 在句子中作为修饰语时,通常放在被修饰词前面。

例:The cleverer student always gets good grades.

4. clever比较级的构成


例:nice - nicer; large - larger; brave - braver

5. clever比较级双语例句

a. My brother is cleverer than me.


b. She is much cleverer at math than I am.


c. The cleverer you are, the easier it is to learn.


d. He is getting cleverer and cleverer as he grows older.


6. 注意事项

a. 在比较级形式中,通常不用than后面加上主语,而是用代词来代替主语。

例:She is cleverer than I (am).

b. 当比较的两个事物属于同一类时,可以使用the+比较级+of the two来表示。

例:The cleverer of the two boys got the highest score


1. Smarter than the average bear - 比平均水平更聪明

2. Wiser beyond your years - 比年龄更聪慧

3. Sharper than a tack - 比钉子还锋利

4. Brighter than a button - 比纽扣更亮

5. Quicker than a flash - 比闪电还快

6. Faster than a speeding bullet - 比子弹还快

7. More cunning than a fox - 比狐狸更狡猾

8. More ingenious than MacGyver - 比麦克盖尔还有创意

9. More resourceful than a Swiss Army knife - 比瑞士军刀还有资源

10. More clever than a fox in a henhouse - 在鸡舍里比狐狸还聪明


1. Intelligent comparative English

Intelligent, meaning having or showing intelligence, is a synonym for clever. In the context of comparative English, it refers to the ability to think and understand complex ideas and concepts.

2. Astute comparative English

Astute, meaning having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage, is another synonym for clever. In terms of comparative English, it highlights the ability to make shrewd and insightful comparisons.

3. Resourceful comparative English

Resourceful, meaning having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties, is also a synonym for clever. In the realm of comparative English, it emphasizes the skill of finding creative solutions and alternatives.

4. Ingenious comparative English

Ingenious, meaning cleverly inventive or resourceful, is another word that can be used interchangeably with clever in the context of comparative English. It highlights the ability to come up with original and innovative ideas.

5. Quick-witted comparative English

Quick-witted, meaning able to think quickly and intelligently in difficult situations, is a synonym for clever in terms of comparative English. It emphasizes the ability to respond swiftly and effectively in challenging circumstances.

6. Cunning comparative English

Cunning, meaning having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion, can also be used as a synonym for clever in the context of comparative English. It emphasizes the use of sly tactics and strategies in achieving desired outcomes.

7. Sharp-witted comparative English

Sharp-witted, meaning having or showing an alert mind with quick perception and understanding, is another synonym for clever when it comes to comparative English. It highlights the ability to think on one's feet and make sharp observations.

8. Brainy comparative English

Brainy, meaning highly intelligent or intellectual, can also be used as a synonym for clever in terms of comparative English. It emphasizes the use of one's intellect and knowledge in making comparisons.

9. Discerning comparative English

Discerning, meaning showing good judgment or understanding, is another word that can be used interchangeably with clever in the context of comparative English. It highlights the ability to make accurate and insightful comparisons.

10. Shrewd comparative English

Shrewd, meaning having or showing sharp powers of judgment, is also a synonym for clever when it comes to comparative English. It emphasizes the ability to make wise and perceptive comparisons.

11. Cunningly-devised comparative English

Cunningly-devised, meaning cleverly planned or designed, can also be used as a synonym for clever in terms of comparative English. It highlights the use of strategic planning and design in making comparisons.

12. Brilliant comparative English

Brilliant, meaning exceptionally clever or talented, is another word that can be used interchangeably with clever in the context of comparative English. It emphasizes the exceptional level of intelligence and talent required for making comparisons.

13. Witty comparative English

Witty, meaning showing quick and inventive verbal humor, is also a synonym for clever when it comes to comparative English. It highlights the use of wit and humor in making comparisons.

14. Acute comparative English

Acute, meaning having or showing a keen insight or perception, can also be used as a synonym for clever in terms of comparative English. It emphasizes the ability to make precise and accurate comparisons.

15. Masterful comparative English

Masterful, meaning having or showing great skill or proficiency, is another word that can be used interchangeably with clever in the context of comparative English. It highlights the mastery required in making comparisons at an advanced level


上一篇: Caitlin[凯特琳




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