更新时间:2024-02-09 08:58:20作者:留学世界
1. 什么是clock?
2. clock的发展历史
3. clock作为名词
(3)表示某个特定时刻:例如“at the stroke of the clock”意为“在整点时刻”。
(4)象征着时间:例如“the clock is ticking”意为“时间正在流逝”。
4. clock作为动词
作为动词,clock的意思是“记录、计时”。它常用于计算机领域,表示记录处理器运行周期数或计算机运行速度。例如,“the computer clocked a speed of 3.2 GHz”意为“这台电脑的运行速度达到了3.2 GHz”。
5. clock的常见搭配
(1)around/round the clock:意为“日夜不停地、全天候地”。
(2)keep an eye on the clock:意为“留意时间”。
(3)beat the clock:意为“赶在最后期限之前完成某事”。
(4)around/round the clock service:意为“全天候服务”。
6. clock在文化中的象征意义
钟表是人类对时间的测量和掌控的产物,因此它在文化中有着重要的象征意义。例如,在英语中有许多与clock相关的习语和成语,如“against the clock”(争分夺秒)、“turn back the clock”(回到过去)、“watch the clock”(等待时机)等。
1. clock是一个英语单词,读作/klɒk/,音标为[klɑːk]。
2. 它的意思是“时钟”,可以指代各种种类的时钟,如挂钟、闹钟、座钟等。
3. 在英语中,clock还可以作为动词使用,意为“记录(时间)”、“计时”、“打卡”等。
4. clock也可以用来表示一段时间,例如“around the clock”表示“整日不停地”,“clockwise”表示“顺时针方向的”。
5. clock这个词源于古英语的clocca,意为“钟声”。它与拉丁语的cloca(钟)和法语的cloche(铃)有着共同的根源。
6. 在日常生活中,我们经常会用到clock这个词。比如,在问别人几点的时候,可以说“What time is it on the clock?”或者“What does the clock say?”
7. 当然,在不同国家和地区,人们可能会使用不同的时间制度和表达方式。所以,在询问时间时,最好先了解当地的习惯用法。
8. 除了指代实体时钟外,clock在英语中还有一些习惯搭配。比如,“beat the clock”表示“争分夺秒”,“against the clock”表示“争分夺秒地”,“around the clock”表示“整日不停地”等。
9. 另外,clock也可以作为一个动词,表示“记录(时间)”、“计时”、“打卡”等。例如,“I clocked in at 9 o’clock this morning.”表示“我今天早上9点打卡上班了。”
10. 总的来说,clock是一个常用的英语单词,它不仅可以指代各种类型的时钟,还可以作为动词使用。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到它来询问时间或者记录时间。希望本次介绍能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个词
1. 什么是clock?
2. clock的用法
- 表示具体的时钟装置:例如,“My clock is broken.”(我的钟坏了。)
- 表示测量时间的装置:例如,“I set the alarm on my clock for 7 o'clock.”(我在我的闹钟上设置了7点的闹铃。)
- 表示计算机系统中用来记录时间的计数器:例如,“The clock on my computer is wrong.”(我的电脑上的时钟不准确。)
3. clock作为动词使用时,则表示“测量时间”或“记录时间”的意思。例如,“I need to clock how long it takes to get to work.”(我需要记录去上班需要多长时间。)
4. 双语例句
- My grandfather's antique clock still keeps perfect time after all these years.(经过这么多年,我祖父那架古董钟仍然保持着完美的精准度。)
- The digital clock on the wall displayed the time in bright red numbers.(墙上的数码钟用鲜红色数字显示着时间。)
- It's important to remember to wind the grandfather clock every day.(每天记得给祖父钟上发条很重要。)
- The clock struck midnight, signaling the start of the new year.(钟声敲响午夜,标志着新的一年开始。)
- The clock is ticking, we need to hurry up and finish this project.(时间在流逝,我们需要加快速度完成这个项目。)
1. clock in 打卡
- She always clocks in at 9am sharp.
2. clock out 下班
- Don't forget to clock out before you leave.
3. around the clock 日夜不停地
- The hospital operates around the clock.
4. against the clock 争分夺秒地
- We're working against the clock to finish this project on time.
5. turn back the clock 倒退时间
- I wish I could turn back the clock and change my decision.
6. beat/beat the clock 赶时间,超时完成
- We managed to beat the clock and finish the task before the deadline.
7. clean (someone's) clock 打败,击败
- The home team really cleaned their opponent's clock in last night's game.
8. kill time 浪费时间,消磨时间
- I had to kill time at the airport while waiting for my flight.
9. punch/punching the clock 出勤记录,打卡记录
- Make sure you have your punching card with you when you come to work tomorrow.
10. race against time 赶时间,争分夺秒
- We're in a race against time to finish this project before the deadline.
11. time flies 光阴似箭
- It's hard to believe that we've been friends for 10 years. Time really flies.
12. waste no time 不浪费时间,赶紧
- We need to waste no time and start working on this project immediately.
13. work like clockwork 运转顺利,有条不紊
- The event went off like clockwork thanks to the great organization.
1. Timepiece: This is a more formal term for a clock, often used in technical or academic contexts.
2. Chronometer: This word refers specifically to a highly accurate timekeeping device, such as a watch used for navigation.
3. Watch: While not exactly synonymous with clock, a watch is also a timekeeping device that can be worn on the wrist.
4. Timer: This is a type of clock that counts down from a set amount of time, often used in cooking or sports.
5. Stopwatch: Similar to a timer, this device measures elapsed time but can also be stopped and started at any point.
6. Hourglass: This ancient device uses sand to measure the passage of time and is often associated with countdowns or deadlines.
7. Sundial: Before clocks were invented, people used sundials to tell time based on the position of the sun's shadow.
8. Metronome: This is a specialized type of clock used by musicians to keep a steady tempo while playing music.
9. Timekeeper: While not technically synonymous with clock, this term refers to someone who keeps track of time and ensures punctuality.
10. Alarm: This is a feature found on many clocks that can be set to make noise at a specific time as a reminder or wake-up call