

更新时间:2024-02-09 14:10:21作者:留学世界





1. 俱乐部


2. 夜总会

除了指俱乐部外,在英语中,“club”还可以用来表示“夜总会”。这类夜总会通常提供酒水、音乐和舞蹈表演等娱乐项目。所以如果有人邀请你去参加一个club party,那么很可能就是要去夜总会狂欢哦!

3. 打击乐器


4. 击打

在口语中,“club”还可以作为动词,意思是“击打”。比如,“He clubbed the ball into the goal.”(他把球打进了球门。)所以,如果你想学习英语,就要多多练习,不断club起来!

5. 一起玩耍


1. “club”的正确读音是[klʌb],发音类似于“克拉布”。

2. 这个单词在英语中有多种含义,可以根据不同的语境来理解。

3. 在最常见的意思中,club指的是一个组织或者俱乐部,通常由一群人共同参加并分享共同的兴趣爱好。

4. 例如,“football club”就是足球俱乐部,“book club”则是读书会。

5. 除了作为名词使用外,club也可以作为动词,意为“用棍棒打击”或者“聚集在一起”。

6. 另外,在美国英语中,club还有一个特殊的含义,指的是夜总会或者夜店。这种场所通常提供酒水和音乐娱乐,并吸引年轻人前来消遣娱乐。

7. 因此,在美国英语中,“going to the club”就是指去夜店玩耍的意思。

8. 总的来说,“club”的意思取决于使用场景和上下文,并不局限于某一个具体含义。

9. 所以,如果你想要准确地表达自己想要表达的意思,最好还是结合具体语境来理解和使用这个单词


1. Club的基本含义


2. Club作为名词的用法

① Club可以指一些特定类型的俱乐部或社团,比如运动俱乐部、学生社团、文学俱乐部等。

例句:I joined the hiking club last semester and made a lot of new friends.(我上学期加入了徒步俱乐部,并结交了很多新朋友。)

② Club也可以指某个特定场所,通常是指提供娱乐、休闲服务的场所。

例句:We went to a nightclub last night and had a great time dancing.(昨晚我们去了一家夜总会,跳舞玩得很开心。)

③ Club还可以指某个组织或协会。

例句:My mom is a member of the local garden club.(我妈妈是当地花园协会的成员。)

3. Club作为动词的用法


例句:The robbers clubbed the security guard and ran away with the money.(强盗们用棍棒打伤了保安,拿着钱逃跑了。)

4. Club的双语例句

① The chess club meets every Tuesday evening at the community center.(象棋俱乐部每周二晚上在社区中心开会。)

② I'm thinking of joining the photography club to improve my skills.(我正在考虑加入摄影俱乐部来提高我的技能。)

③ The police officer was clubbed by a suspect during the arrest.(警官在逮捕过程中被嫌疑人用棍棒袭击。)

④ The book club had a lively discussion about the latest bestseller.(读书俱乐部就最新畅销书展开了热烈的讨论。)

⑤ He was invited to join the exclusive country club by his wealthy friend.(他被他有钱的朋友邀请加入高档乡村俱乐部。)


1. Clubbing - 去夜总会跳舞狂欢

2. Club culture - 夜总会文化

3. VIP club - 贵宾俱乐部

4. Nightclub - 夜总会/夜店

5. Country club - 乡村俱乐部

6. Book club - 读书俱乐部

7. Fan club - 粉丝俱乐部

8. Health club - 健身俱乐部

9. Social club - 社交俱乐部

10. Golf club - 高尔夫球场/高尔夫俱乐部


1. Association - This word can be used as a synonym for club, especially when referring to a group of people who have come together for a specific purpose or interest. For example, "The local association of writers held their monthly meeting at the club."

2. Society - Similar to association, this word can also be used to refer to a club or group of people with common interests or goals. It can also imply a sense of exclusivity or prestige. For instance, "The society of elite businessmen gathered at the club for their annual gala."

3. Organization - This term can be used interchangeably with club, especially when referring to a formal group that has been established for a specific purpose or activity. For example, "The organization for environmental conservation held their fundraiser at the local club."

4. Group - While this word is more general and can refer to any gathering of people, it can also be used as a synonym for club in certain contexts. For instance, "A group of students formed a book club to discuss their favorite novels."

5. Guild - This term is often associated with medieval times and refers to an organization or association of craftsmen or merchants who shared common interests and protected each other's interests. In modern times, it can still be used as a synonym for club in certain industries such as gaming or writing.

6. Fraternity/Sorority - These words are commonly associated with college organizations, but they can also be used as synonyms for clubs that have a strong sense of brotherhood/sisterhood among its members.

7. Fellowship - This word is often used in religious contexts to refer to a community of believers, but it can also be used as a synonym for club in more secular settings where there is a strong sense of camaraderie among its members.

8. Alliance - Similar to association and society, this word implies an agreement or partnership between different groups or individuals with a common purpose. For example, "The alliance of local businesses held their monthly meeting at the club."

9. Clique - This term has a negative connotation and refers to a small, exclusive group of people who share similar interests or backgrounds. It can be used as a synonym for club in certain social settings.

10. Team - While this word is typically associated with sports, it can also be used as a synonym for club when referring to a group of people who work together towards a common goal or project. For instance, "The marketing team at the company formed a book club to improve their writing skills."

11. Circle - This word can be used as a synonym for club when referring to a group of people who regularly meet and share ideas or discussions on a particular topic or interest.

12. Union - This term is often associated with labor organizations, but it can also be used as a synonym for club in certain industries where workers come together to protect their rights and interests.

13. Association/Clubhouse - These words are often used interchangeably and refer to the physical location where the club's activities take place.

14. Lodge - This term is commonly associated with organizations such as the Freemasons, but it can also be used as a synonym for club in certain contexts where there is an emphasis on brotherhood and secrecy among its members.

15. Order - Similar to fraternity/sorority, this word is often associated with secret societies or religious groups, but it can also be used as a synonym for club in certain settings where there is an emphasis on tradition and hierarchy among its members.

16. Coalition - This word refers to an alliance or partnership between different groups or individuals with different interests coming together for a common goal or cause. It can be used as a synonym for club in certain political contexts.

17. Syndicate - This term is commonly associated with criminal organizations, but it can also be used as a synonym for club in certain industries such as media or entertainment, where there is a group of individuals working together towards a common goal.

18. Assembly - This word can be used as a synonym for club when referring to a formal gathering of people for a specific purpose or activity. For example, "The annual assembly of writers was held at the club."

19. Chapter - This term is often used in reference to branches or divisions of larger organizations, but it can also be used as a synonym for club when referring to a local group affiliated with a larger organization.

20. Syndicate - Similar to team and coalition, this word refers to a group of individuals working together towards a common goal or interest. It can be used as a synonym for club in certain business or social contexts.

In conclusion, while the word "club" may seem simple and straightforward, there are actually many synonyms that can be used interchangeably depending on the context and purpose of the group. Whether it's an association, society, organization, or team, these words all convey the idea of people coming together with shared interests and goals. So the next time you hear someone mention their club, remember that there may be many other words that could also apply!





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