

更新时间:2024-02-11 06:24:47作者:留学世界



1. Comment的定义



2. Comment的起源


3. Comment的用法


- Make a comment:发表评论

- Leave a comment:留下评论

- Post a comment:发布评论

- Write a comment:撰写评论


- Comment on the article:对本次介绍发表评论

- I would like to comment on this matter:我想对这件事情发表一下看法

4. Comment与其他相关单词


- Remark:名词,“备注、评价”,动词,“说、提及”

- Opinion:名词,“意见、看法”

- Feedback:名词,“反馈、意见反馈”

5. Comment的重要性


6. Comment的注意事项


- 不要发表过于偏激或攻击性的评论,尊重他人是最基本的道德准则。

- 如果对某一事物没有足够了解,最好不要轻易发表评论,以免误导他人。

- 在商业领域中,有时候评论可能会被用作营销手段,请保持理性判断


1. Comment的发音


2. Comment的词性及含义


3. Comment的同义词


4. Comment的反义词


5. Comment在句子中的用法

作名词时,comment通常用作主语或宾语,“The teacher's comment on my essay was very helpful.”(老师对我的文章的评论很有帮助。)作动词时,则可用于及物和不及物结构,“She commented that the movie was boring.”(她评论说这部电影很无聊。)

6. Comment常见搭配短语

(1)make a comment:发表评论

(2)pass comment(s):做出评论

(3)comment on:对...进行评论

(4)comment about/on:对...发表意见


7. Comment的衍生词





8. Comment的常见用法误区

(1)误用形容词“commentary”表示“评论”。“Commentary”是一个名词,正确使用应为“make a commentary on”或“provide commentary on”。

(2)误用动词“commence”表示“发表评论”。正确使用应为“make a comment on”或“pass comment(s) on”。

9. Comment的其他含义



(2)对某人或某事物的称赞或表扬。“His comment on my work really boosted my confidence.” (他对我的工作的评价真的让我信心大增。)


10. Comment与其他相关单词的区别


11. Comment的用法示例

(1)I would like to make a comment on the recent changes in the company’s policies.

(2)The professor’s comments on my research paper were very helpful.

(3)She passed some negative comments about her colleague’s work.

(4)The commentator provided insightful commentary during the game.

(5)I don’t want to hear any more of your critical comments about my decisions


1. 用法:

Comment是一个名词,意为“评论、评注、意见”。作为动词时,意为“发表评论、评注、发表意见”。常见的搭配有:comment on (对...发表评论)、comment about (对...发表评论)、comment to (向...发表评论)等。

2. 双语例句:

1)Please leave a comment below if you have any suggestions or feedback. (如果你有任何建议或反馈,请在下方留言。)

2)I would like to make a few comments on the current situation. (我想对目前的情况做出一些评论。)

3)She always has something negative to say, she can never just give a simple comment. (她总是有什么负面的话要说,从来不能简单地发表一下评论。)

4)The editor asked me to write a comment on the latest book release. (编辑请我就最新出版的书写一篇评论。)

5)He commented that the new policy would greatly benefit the company. (他评论说这项新政策将会极大地惠及公司。)

6)I would like to comment on your presentation from yesterday's meeting. (我想就你昨天会议上的演讲做出一些评价。)

3. 说明:



1. Leave a comment: 留下评论

2. Make a comment: 发表评论

3. Comment section: 评论区

4. Comment box: 评论框

5. Comment thread: 评论串

6. Commentator: 评论员

7. Comment spam: 评论垃圾信息

8. Negative comment: 负面评价

9. Positive comment: 正面评价

10. Constructive comment: 建设性的意见

11. Funny comment: 搞笑的评论

12. Thoughtful comment: 深思熟虑的评论

13. Comment etiquette: 评论礼仪

14. Public comment: 公开评论

15. Private comment: 私人留言


1. Remark - This word is often used to describe a comment that is made about something, usually in a critical or judgmental way. For example, "His remarks about my presentation were quite harsh."

2. Observation - This word refers to a comment that is based on what someone has seen or noticed. It can also be used to describe a statement made after careful consideration or analysis. For instance, "Her observations about the market trends were very insightful."

3. Statement - This term can be used to describe any type of comment or remark that is made, whether it is formal or informal, positive or negative. For example, "The CEO's statement about the company's future plans was met with mixed reactions."

4. Feedback - This word refers to comments given in response to something, often with the intention of providing constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement. For instance, "I appreciate your feedback on my project proposal."

5. Opinion - This term describes a personal view or belief on a particular topic or issue. It can also be used to refer to a comment that reflects someone's thoughts and feelings rather than facts. For example, "In my opinion, the new policy will have a negative impact on our team's productivity."

6. Viewpoint - Similar to opinion, this word refers to one's perspective on something and can also be used as a synonym for comment or remark. For instance, "What is your viewpoint on the current political situation?"

7. Critique - This term describes a detailed evaluation and analysis of something, often with the intention of pointing out its strengths and weaknesses. It can also be used as another word for comment in an artistic context. For example, "The art critic gave an insightful critique of the artist's latest exhibit."

8. Input - This word refers to comments or suggestions that are given as part of a group discussion or decision-making process in order to contribute ideas and opinions. For instance, "Thank you for your input during the brainstorming session."

9. Reaction - This term can be used to describe a comment that is made in response to something, often with an emotional or instinctive element. For example, "Her reaction to the news was one of shock and disbelief."

10. Review - This word refers to a critical assessment or evaluation of something, often in written form. It can also be used as another word for comment in a professional or consumer context. For instance, "The product received mostly positive reviews from customers."





2024-02-11 06:01

comments是什么意思 comments的中文翻译、读音、例句


2024-02-11 05:38

Comments 的翻译是


2024-02-11 05:15



2024-02-11 04:52

comment. 的翻译是

翻译,是连接不同语言和文化的桥梁,让人们能够更好地交流和理解。而在翻译领域中,comment. 更是一个常见的词汇。它究竟是什么意思?怎么读?如何使用?今天,让我们一起来揭开comment.

2024-02-11 04:29



2024-02-11 04:06