

更新时间:2024-02-15 21:53:30作者:留学世界





1. “文化”的意思


2. “培养”的含义

除了指代“文化”外,“culture”还有一个重要的含义就是“培养”。这里的培养可以理解为对某种事物或品质的发展和提升。比如我们常说的“cultivate a love for reading”,就是指培养阅读爱好。

3. “菌种”的意思

在科学领域,“culture”还有一个专业术语,即“菌种”。这里的意思是将细菌等微生物放入适当环境进行繁殖和研究。所以如果你在做实验时听到“culture bacteria”,就是指培养细菌。

4. “文化界”的代称

在英语中,“culture”也可以作为“文化界”的代称。比如我们常说的“pop culture”就是指流行文化,而“high culture”则指高雅文化。这些词汇都是用来描述某种特定的文化领域。

5. “养殖”的意思



1. 从字面上理解


2. 多看英语原版书籍和电影


3. 增加跨文化交流机会


4. 学习当地俚语和幽默


5. 保持开放心态


1. culture的基本用法

- culture是一个名词,读作/kʌltʃər/,意为“文化”、“文明”、“教养”等。

- 在英语中,culture可以作为可数名词和不可数名词使用,具体用法取决于上下文。

- 作为可数名词时,culture指的是某一特定地区或群体所共有的传统、习俗、信仰等。

例如:The Chinese culture is rich and diverse.(中国文化丰富多彩。)

- 作为不可数名词时,culture指的是一种普遍存在的思想、价值观或生活方式。

例如:The company has a strong culture of teamwork.(这家公司有着浓厚的团队合作文化。)

2. culture的双语例句

- 中文:中国有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。

英文:China has a long history and a splendid culture.

- 中文:在西方国家,个人主义被视为一种重要的价值观。

英文:In Western countries, individualism is seen as an important cultural value.

- 中文:他们公司非常注重员工培训和发展,这是他们企业文化的一部分。

英文:Their company places great emphasis on employee training and development, which is part of their corporate culture.

3. 反问式表达


4. 幽默元素

- 有人说,美国人没有文化。但实际上,每个国家都有自己独特的文化,只是我们需要用心去发现和欣赏。

- 文化就像是一棵大树,需要不断的浇灌和修剪才能茁壮成长。所以,让我们一起努力保护和传承我们的文化吧!


1. Cultural heritage - 文化遗产

2. Cultural diversity - 文化多样性

3. Cultural exchange - 文化交流

4. Cultural identity - 文化身份

5. Cultural awareness - 文化意识

6. Cultural values - 文化价值观

7. Cultural norms - 文化规范

8. Cultural traditions - 文化传统

9. Cultural customs - 文化习俗

10. Cultural differences - 文化差异

11. Cross-cultural communication - 跨文化交流

12. Intercultural understanding - 跨文化理解

13. Multicultural society - 多元文化社会

14. Pop culture - 流行文化

15. High culture - 高雅文化

16. Mass culture - 大众文化

17. Subculture- 亚文化

18.Cultural assimilation- 文化同化

19.Cultural appropriation- 文化挪用

20.Cultural imperialism- 文化帝国主义


1. Tradition - Culture can be seen as a set of traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. This includes customs, beliefs, and practices that are unique to a certain group of people.

2. Heritage - Another word for culture is heritage, which refers to the cultural traditions and values that are inherited from one's ancestors.

3. Way of life - Culture can also be described as a way of life, as it encompasses all aspects of a society's daily activities, including food, clothing, language, and social customs.

4. Society - Culture is closely tied to society, as it is shaped by the collective beliefs and behaviors of a group of people living in a certain geographical area.

5. Ethos - This term refers to the fundamental character or spirit of a culture, including its values, beliefs, and attitudes.

6. Customs - Similar to traditions, customs are specific practices or rituals that are commonly observed within a culture.

7. Norms - These are the unwritten rules and expectations that govern behavior within a culture. They can vary greatly between different cultures.

8. Lifestyle - Culture influences our lifestyle choices and habits, such as how we dress, what we eat, and how we spend our free time.

9. Identity - Our cultural background plays a significant role in shaping our identity and sense of self.

10. Folklore - This term encompasses the stories, legends, music, and other forms of artistic expression that are passed down through oral tradition within a culture.

11. Heritage sites - These are places or landmarks that hold cultural significance for a particular group or society.

12. Diversity - Every culture is unique in its own way and contributes to the diversity of the world we live in.

13. Traditions and customs may differ from region to region within a country due to its diverse cultural makeup.

14. Multiculturalism - This term refers to societies or communities that consist of people from various cultural backgrounds, promoting the coexistence and celebration of different cultures.

15. Cultural exchange - This refers to the sharing of customs, traditions, and ideas between different cultures, which can lead to a better understanding and appreciation of each other.

16. Cultural heritage - This term refers to the physical artifacts and intangible aspects of a culture that are preserved and passed down through generations.

17. Beliefs - Culture is often shaped by religious or spiritual beliefs that are shared among its members.

18. Artifacts - These are objects or items that hold cultural significance and provide insight into a culture's history and way of life.

19. Language - One of the most fundamental aspects of culture is language, which serves as a means of communication and expression within a society.

20. Cultural identity - Our cultural background plays a significant role in shaping our individual identities and how we perceive ourselves in relation to others



cultural relics 的翻译是

你是否曾经在翻译行业中遇到过“cultural relics”这个词汇?它究竟是什么意思,又该如何正确读音?或许你也曾为此头疼不已。但是,不要担心,今天我将为你揭开这个谜团。在本文中,我

2024-02-15 21:32



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