

更新时间:2024-02-16 01:24:29作者:留学世界



1. “cure”一词的含义



2. 治愈疾病的意思

最常见的意思是指治愈疾病,例如:“The doctor prescribed a cure for my illness.”(医生给我开了一个治疗方案来治愈我的疾病。)这里的“cure”指的是医学上的治愈。

3. 解决问题的意思

除了指治愈疾病,还可以表示解决问题。例如:“We need to find a cure for this issue.”(我们需要找到一个解决这个问题的方法。)这里的“cure”指的是解决办法或者措施。

4. 消除不良情绪的意思

此外,“cure”还可以用来表示消除不良情绪,比如:“Laughter is the best cure for a bad day.”(笑是消除不良情绪最好的方法。)这里的“cure”指代消除不良情绪的方式。

5. 对于某事物有益处的意思

另外,“cure”也可以表示对于某事物有益处。例如:“A good night's sleep is the cure for tiredness.”(一个好觉是消除疲劳的最佳方法。)这里的“cure”指的是对于疲劳有益的事物。



1. 治愈是什么意思?英文怎么说?

2. cure的正确发音是什么?

3. 要怎样读出“cure”这个单词?

4. “cure”在英语中的含义是什么?

5. 你知道“cure”的英文发音吗?

6. 如何准确地念出“cure”这个单词?

7. “cure”在英文中代表着什么意思?

8. 英语中“cure”的发音应该怎样读?

9. 想要说好英语,就要知道“cure”的正确发音。

10. 你知道如何用英语表达“治愈”这个概念吗?


1. 概念解释


2. 名词用法

作为名词时,cure指的是治疗方法、药物或程序。例如:“The cure for the common cold has yet to be discovered.”(普通感冒的治疗方法尚未被发现。)

3. 动词用法

作为动词时,cure表示“治愈”、“医治”。例如:“The doctor cured the patient's illness with a new medication.”(医生用一种新药物治愈了患者的疾病。)

4. 双语例句

a) The only known cure for this disease is a bone marrow transplant.


b) Many people believe that laughter is the best cure for sadness.


c) The herbal remedy cured her headache within minutes.


d) There is no quick cure for a broken heart, but time can heal all wounds.


5. 幽默用法

除了正式的用法,cure也可以用来表示“解决”、“消除”等含义,常常带有幽默的语气。例如:“The cure for boredom is to find a new hobby.”(消除无聊的方法是找一个新爱好。)这种用法常常出现在口语中,让人感觉轻松愉快


1. Cure-all: 万灵药,指能治愈各种疾病的神奇药物。

2. Cure rate: 治愈率,指治疗某种疾病的成功率。

3. Home remedy: 家庭治疗法,指在家中使用的自然方法来治疗疾病。

4. Placebo effect: 安慰剂效应,指通过心理作用而产生的假象性治愈效果。

5. Miracle cure: 神奇的治愈方法,通常指没有科学依据但却有效的治疗方式。

6. Traditional medicine: 传统医学,指古老的、经验丰富的医学体系和方法。

7. Alternative therapy: 替代性治疗法,指非传统医学领域中使用的各种治疗方式。

8. Natural cure: 自然疗法,指利用自然资源来治愈身体问题的方法。

9. Herbal remedy: 草药疗法,利用植物提取物来治疗身体问题的方法。

10. Holistic healing: 整体性治愈,强调通过平衡身心灵来达到健康状态


1. Remedy

- Definition: a medicine or treatment that relieves or cures a disease or illness

- Example: The herbal remedy cured her cold in just a few days.

2. Heal

- Definition: to make healthy or whole; to restore to health

- Example: The doctor's treatment plan helped heal the patient's broken bones.

3. Treat

- Definition: to give medical care or attention to; to try to cure or relieve a disease or injury

- Example: The dentist treated the patient's toothache with a filling.

4. Relieve

- Definition: to lessen the intensity of something; to alleviate pain, stress, or discomfort

- Example: The painkiller helped relieve her headache.

5. Fix

- Definition: to repair or mend something; to make something right again

- Example: The surgery fixed his knee and allowed him to walk without pain.

6. Alleviate

- Definition: to make something less severe or intense; to ease suffering or burden

- Example: The new medication alleviated her allergy symptoms.

7. Correct

- Definition: to make something right; to rectify an error or mistake

- Example: The physical therapist helped correct his posture and alleviate his back pain.

8. Restore

- Definition: to bring back into existence, use, or effectiveness; to repair and return something back to its original state

- Example: With proper treatment, the patient's immune system was restored and able to fight off the infection.

9. Mend

- Definition: to repair something that is damaged, broken, or torn

- Example: The doctor mended the patient's fractured arm with a cast.

10. Remission

- Definition: a temporary period of relief from symptoms of a disease



cure是什么意思 cure的中文翻译、读音、例句


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