

更新时间:2024-02-16 08:03:30作者:留学世界





1. “Cust”是英语中的一个缩写词,来自于单词“customer”的简称。它通常用来指代顾客或客户,特别是在商业场景中使用。比如,在一家商店购物时,售货员可能会问你:“您是我们的老顾客吗?”这里的“cust”就指代顾客。

2. 除了指代顾客外,“cust”还可以作为动词使用,意为对顾客进行服务或提供帮助。比如,在餐厅用餐时,服务员可能会向你说:“我将为您提供优质的cust服务。”这里的“cust”就表示服务和帮助。

3. 在一些专业领域,如银行、保险和电信等行业,“cust”也有着特定的含义。它可以指代客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management),即通过有效地管理和维护与顾客之间的关系来提升企业竞争力。

4. 此外,“Cust”还有一个更加幽默的含义。它可以作为一种俏皮的称呼,用来指代朋友或同事。比如,你可以对好友说:“Hey,cust,最近怎么样?”这里的“cust”就相当于“buddy”或“mate”。

5. 总的来说,“cust”是一个非常常用且多功能的词汇,在不同场景和语境中都有着不同的含义。它既可以指代顾客,也可以作为动词使用表示服务和帮助,甚至还可以作为一种幽默的称呼。希望通过本小节能让你更加了解和熟悉这个有趣的词汇


1. 虽然看起来像是一个英文单词,但是其实cust并不是一个完整的单词,而是一个缩写。

2. cust的全称是customer,意为“顾客”或“客户”,常用于商业领域。

3. 在口语中,cust通常读作/kʌst/,类似于“卡斯特”的发音。

4. 如果你觉得这个发音有点别扭,也可以简化为/kʊst/,类似于“库斯特”的发音。

5. 不管怎么读,重点在于将第一音节读短一些,并且不要加重最后的t音。

6. 如果你想更加准确地了解cust的发音,可以去网上搜索相关的英语发音视频进行参考学习。

7. 总之,在日常生活中遇到这个词时,可以放心大胆地使用/cʌst/或/kʊst/这两种发音方式


1. 什么是cust?

Cust是英语中的一个缩写,代表“Customs”,意为“海关”。它通常用来指代海关部门或海关机构。在英语中,我们也可以使用其他词汇来表达相同的意思,比如“customs office”、“customs authority”等。

2. cust的用法

Cust作为一个缩写,通常出现在正式文件、法律文件、新闻报道等场合。它一般作为名词使用,表示海关这一具体机构或部门。例如:“The goods were inspected by the customs.”(这些货物被海关检查了。)或者“The customs has strict regulations on imported goods.”(海关对进口货物有严格的规定。)

此外,在商业领域中,我们也可以听到类似的表达,比如“customs clearance”(海关清关)、“customs duties”(海关税)、“customs broker”(报关行)等。

3. 双语例句

1) The customs officers carefully examined the luggage of all passengers. (海关人员仔细检查了所有乘客的行李。)

2) The company hired a customs broker to handle all the import procedures. (公司雇佣了一家报关行来处理所有进口手续。)

3) The new customs regulations have caused some difficulties for international traders. (新的海关规定给国际贸易商带来了一些困难。)

4) The customs duties on luxury goods have been increased. (奢侈品的海关税已经提高了。)

5) She works at the customs office, dealing with import and export procedures. (她在海关办公室工作,处理进出口手续。)



1. customer service:客户服务

2. custom-made:定制的

3. customer satisfaction:客户满意度

4. customs clearance:海关清关

5. customer loyalty:客户忠诚度

6. customer relationship management (CRM):客户关系管理

7. custom duty:关税

8. customer retention:客户保留率

9. custom-built:定制的,量身打造的

10. customer support:客户支持服务

11. custom order:定制订单

12. customer experience:客户体验

13. custom design:定制设计

14. customer needs:客户需求

15. customized solution:定制解决方案

16. customer feedback:客户反馈

17. custom packaging:定制包装

18.customized product: 定制产品

19.customer journey: 客户旅程

20.customized service: 定制服务


1. Consumer - This is a commonly used synonym for "cust" in the English language. It refers to someone who purchases goods or services from a business.

2. Client - This term is often used interchangeably with "cust" and refers to a person or organization that receives professional services from another party.

3. Customer - Another common synonym for "cust", this word is often used in the context of retail or service industries, where individuals purchase products or services from a company.

4. Patron - This word has a similar meaning to "customer" and is often used in the context of supporting an artist, writer, or performer through their work.

5. End-user - This term refers to the final consumer of a product, as opposed to intermediaries such as retailers or wholesalers.

6. Buyer - Similar to "consumer", this word specifically refers to someone who purchases goods or services from a seller.

7. Purchaser - Another synonym for "buyer", this word emphasizes the act of purchasing rather than the person themselves.

8. Account holder - In the context of banking or financial services, this term can be used instead of "cust" to refer to someone who holds an account with a bank or other institution.

9. Subscriber - This word is often used in the context of telecommunications or media industries, referring to someone who pays for access to a service on an ongoing basis.

10. Member - In organizations such as clubs or associations, this term can be used instead of "cust" to refer to someone who has joined and pays dues for membership benefits


上一篇: Climax Shodo




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