

更新时间:2024-02-16 17:40:31作者:留学世界




1. 介绍cut的基本含义


2. cut的发音及读音规则


3. cut作为名词时的意思


(1) 切口、伤口:He has a cut on his finger.(他手指上有个伤口。)

(2) 切片:Could you pass me a cut of bread?(你能给我一片面包吗?)

(3) 削减、缩减:The company announced a 10% pay cut for all employees.(公司宣布对所有员工进行10%的薪资削减。)

(4) 电影或录像的切换:The director called for a cut during the filming.(导演在拍摄过程中要求切换镜头。)

4. cut作为动词时的常见用法

(1) 切割、剪裁:She is cutting the cake into slices.(她正在把蛋糕切成片。)

(2) 切断、中断:The phone suddenly cut off during our conversation.(我们交谈时电话突然断了。)

(3) 削减、减少:The company will have to cut costs in order to survive.(为了生存,公司必须削减成本。)

(4) 割伤、伤害:Be careful, you might cut yourself with that knife.(小心,你可能会用那把刀子割伤自己。)

5. cut的常见短语和搭配

(1) cut down: 砍倒、减少

They are planning to cut down the old tree in their backyard.

(2) cut off: 切断、中断

The storm caused the power lines to be cut off for several hours.

(3) cut back: 减少、缩减

We need to cut back on our expenses if we want to save money.

(4) a clean/square/straight/sharp/rough/tidy/rough/wavy/bad/poor/good/nice/fine/smart/stylish/short/long cut: 一个整洁的/方形的/直的/锐利的/粗糙的/整齐的/粗糙的/波浪形的/不好看的/贫穷的/好看的/漂亮的/时髦的/短发式/长发式。

She got a new haircut and now has a stylish short cut.

6. cut在口语中常见用法

(1) cut it out: 停止、住手

Cut it out, you're making too much noise.

(2) cut to the chase: 直奔主题

Let's cut to the chase and get down to business.

(3) cut corners: 敷衍了事、偷工减料

They always try to cut corners and end up with low-quality products.

(4) be a cut above: 比...更出色

His cooking skills are definitely a cut above the rest.



1. 为什么要学习cut的英语发音?


2. cut的正确读法是什么?


3. 如何练习cut的英语发音?


4. cut和其他单词有什么不同之处?


5. 为什么要学习非正式语气?



1. cut的基本用法


a. 作为及物动词,表示“切割、剪断”:

- Please cut the apple into small pieces.(请把苹果切成小块。)

- The barber cut my hair very short.(理发师把我的头发剪得很短。)

b. 作为不及物动词,表示“减少、缩减”:

- We need to cut our expenses in order to save money.(我们需要削减开支以节省钱。)

- The company is planning to cut jobs due to financial difficulties.(由于财务困难,公司计划裁员。)

c. 作为名词,表示“切口、伤口”:

- He has a deep cut on his finger from the knife.(他手指上有一道深深的刀伤。)

- The doctor stitched up the cut on her arm.(医生给她手臂上的伤口缝了针。)

2. cut的常用短语


a. cut down:减少、缩减

- We need to cut down our expenses in order to save money.


- The company is planning to cut down on staff due to financial difficulties.


b. cut off:切断、中断

- The phone line was cut off during the storm.


- I was in the middle of a conversation when my battery suddenly cut off.


c. cut into:削减、侵占

- The new tax cuts into our monthly budget.


- The construction of the new building will cut into the park's green space.


d. cut through:穿过、通过

- We need to find a way to cut through this traffic jam.


- The hikers had to cut through dense forest to reach the summit.


3. 双语例句


a. She used scissors to cut the paper into different shapes.


b. The company decided to cut its workforce by 10% to reduce costs.


c. The knife slipped and cut my finger.


d. We need to cut down on our electricity usage to save money.


e. The power outage cut off the supply of water to the building.


f. The loud noise cut into their conversation, making it hard to hear each other.


g. The path cuts through the forest and leads to a beautiful waterfall.



1. cut up:把某物切碎,分割成小块

例句:She cut up the vegetables for the salad.

2. cut out:删掉,去除

例句:I need to cut out some parts of this article before publishing it.

3. cut back:减少,削减

例句:The company had to cut back on expenses due to financial difficulties.

4. cut in:插嘴,打断

例句:He constantly cuts in while others are speaking, which is quite annoying.

5. cut off:切断,中断

例句:The storm caused the power supply to be cut off for several hours.

6. cut through:穿过,通过

例句:We had to cut through the forest to get to our destination.

7. cut short:打断,中止

例句:I had to cut short my vacation because of a family emergency.

8. be a cut above:比其他人更出色,更优秀

例句:Her performance was a cut above the rest and she received high praise from the judges.

9. make the final cut:被选中,被录用

例句: After several rounds of interviews, he finally made the final cut and got the job offer.

10. have one's work cut out for them: 面临艰巨的任务或挑战

例句: The team has their work cut out for them if they want to win this competition.

11. on the cutting edge: 处于最前沿的位置,最先进的状态

例句: This new technology puts our company on the cutting edge of innovation.

12. cut corners: 走捷径,偷工减料

例句: The construction company was accused of cutting corners in order to finish the project quickly.

13. cut and dried: 事先决定好的,不容改变的

例句: The outcome of the meeting was already cut and dried, so there was no point in attending.

14. cut a deal: 达成协议,谈判

例句: After hours of negotiation, they finally cut a deal and signed the contract.

15. cut to the chase: 直奔主题,不拐弯抹角

例句: Let's cut to the chase and discuss the main issue at hand


1. Slice

- 例句:She sliced the bread with a sharp knife.

- 同义词:cut, chop, divide

2. Carve

- 例句:He carved the turkey with precision.

- 同义词:cut, slice, chop

3. Sever

- 例句:The rope was severed by a sharp blade.

- 同义词:cut, separate, divide

4. Trim

- 例句:She trimmed the edges of the paper with scissors.

- 同义词:cut, clip, snip

5. Shear

- 例句:The sheep were sheared for their wool.

- 同义词:cut, clip, trim

6. Hack

- 例句:He hacked away at the tree branches with an axe.

- 同义词:chop, cut down, fell

7. Prune

- 例句:She pruned the bushes to keep them in shape.

- 同义词:trim, cut back, clip

8. Amputate

- 例句:His leg had to be amputated after the accident.

- 同义词:cut off, remove surgically

9. Incise

- 例句:The surgeon incised the patient's abdomen to perform the operation.

- 同义词:cut into, make a cut in

10. Gash

- 例句: The knife left a deep gash on his arm.

同义词: cut, slash



cutter group 的翻译是

你是否听说过cutter group?它是什么意思,怎么读?在翻译行业中,它有着怎样的用法和例句?除此之外,它还有哪些相关词汇和短语?想要了解更多关于cutter group的信息吗?那就跟着我一起来

2024-02-16 16:55



2024-02-16 16:33

cutout是什么意思 cutout的中文翻译、读音、例句


2024-02-16 16:12



2024-02-16 15:51



2024-02-16 15:29

cutie 的翻译是


2024-02-16 13:12