

更新时间:2024-02-17 17:16:32作者:留学世界




1. 简介


2. 舞者的分类


- 芭蕾舞者(ballet dancer):专门从事芭蕾舞表演的人。

- 现代舞者(modern dancer):擅长现代舞蹈表演的人。

- 民族舞者(folk dancer):熟练掌握民族舞蹈技巧和风格的人。

- 街舞者(street dancer):善于街头或俱乐部中表演街舞风格的人。

- 舞剧演员(dancer in a musical):参与音乐剧表演并担任舞蹈角色的人。

3. 舞者的特征


- 优雅和灵活性:作为一名舞者,优雅和灵活性是必备品。他们需要通过训练和练习来保持身体柔软、灵活,并展现出优雅的舞姿。

- 艺术表现力:舞者需要通过舞蹈来表达情感和故事,因此具有艺术表现力是非常重要的。

- 身体控制能力:舞者需要通过控制身体来完成各种复杂的舞蹈动作,因此良好的身体控制能力是必不可少的。

- 耐心和毅力:学习舞蹈需要长期坚持和不断努力,舞者必须具备耐心和毅力才能取得进步。

4. 舞者的职业发展


- 加入专业舞团:成为一名专业舞者并加入专业舞团,参与大型演出和巡回表演。

- 担任独立演出嘉宾:有些舞者会选择作为独立演出嘉宾参加各种活动和节目。

- 成为编导或老师:一些经验丰富的舞者可以选择转型成为编导或老师,指导新一代年轻的舞者。

- 参与电影或音乐录影带拍摄:有时候,一些知名舞者会受邀参与电影或音乐录影带的拍摄工作。



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3. 内容精准详细


3.1 音标


3.2 发音规则


3.2.1 元音+a


3.2.2 元音+er


3.2.3 字母组合an


3.3 重点训练


3.3.1 分解单词


3.3.2 连读发音


3.3.3 反复练习


1. dancers作为名词,指的是舞者或舞蹈演员,通常用来指代那些以跳舞为职业的人。它的复数形式为dancers。

2. dancers作为动词,意为“跳舞”。它的第三人称单数形式为dances,过去式和过去分词形式均为danced。

3. dancers也可以作为形容词使用,表示“舞蹈的”或“与舞蹈相关的”。例如:“The dancers' movements were graceful and fluid.”(舞者们的动作优雅而流畅。)

4. 以下是一些关于dancers用法和双语例句:

- The ballet company is looking for talented dancers to join their team. (芭蕾舞团正在寻找有才华的舞者加入他们的团队。)

- The famous dancer performed a stunning solo routine on stage. (这位著名的舞者在台上表演了一段令人惊叹的独舞。)

- She has been dancing since she was five years old and now she is one of the top professional dancers in the country. (她从五岁开始跳舞,现在已经成为国内顶尖的专业舞者之一。)

- The dance troupe consists of 20 talented dancers from different countries. (这个舞团由来自不同国家的20位有才华的舞者组成。)

- The traditional dance was performed by a group of skilled dancers in colorful costumes. (一群身着色彩缤纷服饰的熟练舞者表演了这项传统舞蹈。)


1. Professional dancers - 职业舞者

2. Ballet dancers - 芭蕾舞者

3. Contemporary dancers - 现代舞者

4. Hip-hop dancers - 街舞者

5. Jazz dancers - 爵士舞者

6. Ballroom dancers - 礼仪舞者

7. Tap dancers - 踢踏舞者

8. Belly dancers - 肚皮舞者

9. Flamenco dancers - 弗拉门戈舞者

10. Folk dancers - 民间舞者

11. Solo dancer - 独舞演员

12. Dance troupe/ensemble - 舞团/组合

13. Lead dancer - 领舞演员

14. Backup dancer - 后备舞者

15. Principal dancer - 主要演员

16. Corps de ballet- 芭蕾团演员

17. Partnering dancer- 搭档演员

18.Dance captain- 舞蹈队长

19.Choreographer- 编舞师

20.Dance instructor- 舞蹈教练

21.Dance studio/classroom- 舞蹈工作室/教室

22.Practice/rehearsal- 练习/排练

23.Stage performance/show- 舞台表演/秀场

24.Costume design- 服装设计

25.Makeup/hair styling- 化妆/发型设计

26.Music selection/choreography- 音乐选择/编排

27.Stage presence- 舞台表现力

28.Technique/training- 技巧/训练

29.Body control/flexibility- 身体控制/柔韧性

30.Expression/emotion- 表现力/情感表达

31. Dance competition - 舞蹈比赛

32. Dance festival - 舞蹈节

33. Dance convention/workshop - 舞蹈大会/研讨会

34. Audition - 试镜

35. Performance contract - 演出合同

36. Touring/showcase - 巡演/展示

37. Awards/recognition - 奖项/认可

38. Networking/collaboration - 社交/合作

39. International exchange program - 国际交流项目

40. Career development/opportunities - 职业发展/机会

41. Musicality/rhythm - 音乐感/节奏感

42. Improvisation/freestyle - 即兴创作/自由舞蹈

43. Partner work/lifts - 合作舞蹈/抬举动作

44. Floor work/contact improvisation - 地板舞蹈/接触即兴舞

45. Synchronization/unison - 同步化/一致性

46. Stage directions/blocking - 舞台指导/布景设计

47. Props/set design- 道具设计/舞台布置

48.Dance film/music video- 舞蹈电影/音乐视频

49.Dance therapy/fitness - 舞蹈治疗/健身

50.Dance research/education - 舞蹈研究/教育


1. Performers

- Dancers are often referred to as performers, as they are skilled in the art of dancing and put on performances for audiences.

- The performers on stage were mesmerizing with their graceful movements and precise choreography.

2. Artists

- Dancing is considered a form of art, so dancers can also be called artists.

- The artists in the ballet company trained for years to perfect their craft.

3. Terpsichoreans

- This is a more obscure term for dancers, derived from the Greek muse of dance, Terpsichore.

- The terpsichoreans glided across the stage with effortless grace.

4. Prancers

- This term is often used in a playful or teasing manner to refer to dancers.

- The group of prancers at the party showed off their best moves on the dance floor.

5. Movers

- Dancers are constantly moving and using their bodies to express themselves, so they can also be called movers.

- The movers in the hip-hop crew amazed the audience with their energetic and dynamic routines.

6. Shakers

- Similar to prancers, this term can be used playfully or jokingly to describe dancers.

- The shakers at the club were having a great time dancing to the music.

7. Steppers

- This term is commonly used in reference to dancers who specialize in tap dancing or other styles that involve rhythmic footwork.

- The steppers in the Broadway show tapped their way into the hearts of the audience.

8. Groovers

- This term is often used to describe dancers who have a natural sense of rhythm and effortlessly move to the beat of music.

- The groovers at the party were having a blast dancing together.

9. Mimesis

- This is a more academic term for dancers, derived from Greek meaning "imitation" or "representation".

-The mimesis of the dancers was so precise that it seemed like they were one with the music.

10. Terps

- This is a slang term for dancers, shortened from the word "Terpsichorean".

- The terps at the dance competition showed off their skills and impressed the judges.

11. Prima Ballerinas/Primo Ballerinos

- These terms are used to describe lead female and male dancers in a ballet company.

- The prima ballerina's performance was breathtaking and received a standing ovation.

12. Troupers

- This term is often used to describe dancers who are dedicated, hard-working, and resilient.

- The troupers in the dance company always gave their all on stage, no matter how tired they were.

13. Twirlers

- This term can be used to describe dancers who specialize in spinning or twirling movements.

- The twirlers in the modern dance group wowed the audience with their graceful turns and leaps.

14. Revelers

- Similar to prancers and shakers, this term can be used playfully or teasingly to refer to dancers.

- The revelers at the street festival danced joyously to celebrate their culture and heritage.

15. Dervishes

- This term is derived from Sufi mysticism, describing a type of spiritual dance involving whirling movements.

-The dervishes mesmerized onlookers with their trance-like spinning during their performance


上一篇: andy什么意思英语
下一篇:Dancers 的翻译是


Dancers 的翻译是


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dancering是什么意思 dancering的中文翻译、读音、例句


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Dana[戴纳 戴娜

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