更新时间:2024-02-18 13:42:34作者:留学世界
1. 概念解释
2. 含义解析
3. 例句赏析
- The sun dawned over the horizon, bringing a new day.
- It finally dawned on me that I had been wrong all along.
- As the truth slowly dawned on him, he felt a sense of relief.
5. 同义词替换
6. 注意事项
1. 首先,我们来看一下这个单词的发音。dawned的正确发音是 [dɔːnd],其中的“d”发音为清辅音,“aw”发音为长元音“ɔː”,“n”发音为鼻化清辅音“nd”。
2. 你可能会疑惑,为什么这个单词的拼写中有两个字母“w”,但是却只有一个元音字母“a”。其实,这是因为英语中有许多单词都存在这种情况,比如"drawn"、"yawned"等。
3. 如果你想更加生动地表达这个单词,可以使用一些形象的比喻来帮助记忆。比如,“dawned”就像是太阳从地平线升起一样,意味着某件事物开始出现或变得明显。
4. 当然,在口语中,我们也可以使用一些俚语来表示"dawned"。比如,“It finally dawned on me.”意思就是“我终于明白了”。
5. 不要忘记,在英语中,“dawn”还可以作动词使用,表示“破晓、开始出现”的意思。因此,“dawned”也可以解释为某件事物开始变得明显或显而易见。
6. 最后,如果你想在日常交流中更加流利地使用这个单词,可以多听一些英语原生者的口语表达,学习他们的发音和用法。相信很快你就能轻松掌握“dawned”的正确读法啦!
1. dawned的基本用法
- The realization dawned on him that he had made a big mistake.
- It finally dawned upon me that I had been lied to.
2. dawned的双语例句
- The truth slowly dawned on her as she listened to the evidence.
- It gradually dawned on us that we were lost in the forest.
- As the sun rose, a sense of hope dawned in the hearts of the villagers.
- The idea suddenly dawned on me while I was taking a shower.
3. 其他用法
- The dawned of a new era.
- It was the dawn of a new civilization.
4. 注意事项
- 它通常用于表示某件事情开始发生或被认识到的过程,而不是突然发生。
- 在句子中通常位于主语之后,谓语动词之前。
- 它可以与介词on或upon连用,但也可以单独使用
1. Dawned upon
"Dawned upon"是"dawned"的过去式和过去分词形式,意为"被意识到"或"被领悟到"。例如:"The truth finally dawned upon him." (真相终于被他意识到了。)
2. Dawned on
"Dawned on"也是"dawned"的过去式和过去分词形式,意为"被想起"或"被明白了解"。例如:"It suddenly dawned on me that I had forgotten my keys." (我突然想起我忘记带钥匙了。)
3. Dawned with
"Dawned with"是"dawned"的过去式和过去分词形式,意为"伴随着黎明而来"。例如:"The new day dawned with clear skies and a warm sun." (新的一天伴随着晴朗的天空和温暖的阳光来临。)
4. Dawn upon
"Dawn upon"也可以表示"dawned on",意为“被意识到”或“被领悟到”。例如:"It finally dawned upon her that she had been wrong all along." (她终于意识到自己一直都错了。)
5. Dawn of a new day
"Dawn of a new day”指的是新的一天开始,也可以比喻为新的时代或新的阶段开始。例如:"The election results marked the dawn of a new day for the country." (选举结果标志着这个国家新的时代的开始。)
6. Dawn chorus
"Dawn chorus"是指黎明时分鸟类鸣叫的声音,也可以用来形容一大群人同时发出的声音。例如:"The dawn chorus of the birds woke me up this morning." (今天早上,鸟儿的黎明歌声把我吵醒了。)
7. Dawn patrol
"Dawn patrol"指的是在黎明时分进行巡逻或巡航的军事行动,也可以用来形容早起晨跑或晨练的人群。例如:"The soldiers went out on a dawn patrol to secure the area." (士兵们出发进行黎明巡逻以确保该地区安全。)
8. Dawn raid
"Dawn raid"是指在天亮前进行突然袭击或突击检查,也可以用来形容早起进行大量购物或抢购活动。例如:"The police conducted a dawn raid on the suspected drug house." (警方对疑似贩毒窝点进行了黎明突袭。)
9. Dawn-to-dusk
"Dawn-to-dusk"意为从清晨到傍晚,表示持续一整天。例如:"The workers labored from dawn-to-dusk to finish the project on time." (工人们从清晨到傍晚都在努力工作,以按时完成这个项目。)
10. Dawn till dusk
"Dawn till dusk"与"dawn-to-dusk"意思相同,都表示从早晨到傍晚。例如:"The farmers worked in the fields from dawn till dusk." (农民们从早晨一直工作到傍晚。)
1. Broke
- dawned upon
- occurred to
- hit me
2. Realized
- dawned on me
- came to understand
- grasped the concept of
3. Understood
- dawned in my mind
- comprehended
- got the idea of
4. Recognized
- dawned on me that
- saw the truth behind
- acknowledged
5. Became aware of
- dawned on me that I had been wrong all along
- realized the mistake I had made
6. Noticed
- dawned on me that something was off
7. Awakened to
- dawned upon me that I had been living in ignorance
8. Enlightened
- dawned on me that there was more to life than what I knew
9. Epiphany
- dawned on me that everything happens for a reason
10. Revelation
- dawned upon me that I needed to make a change in my life