

更新时间:2024-02-19 06:53:35作者:留学世界



1. 什么是decades?



2. decades的用法


3. decades和centuries的区别


4. 与其他词汇搭配使用

除了作为独立的名词使用外,decades还可以与其他词汇搭配使用,形成各种短语。比如说,“in the past few decades”表示“在过去几十年”,“for decades to come”表示“未来几十年”,“over the course of several decades”表示“在数十年间”。

5. 举例说明


- I have been waiting for decades for this moment.


- In the past few decades, technology has advanced rapidly.


- The building has stood for decades and still looks as good as new.




1. 发音


2. 读法


在英语中,decades一词通常用作名词单数形式。例如,“In the past few decades, technology has advanced rapidly.”(在过去几十年里,技术发展迅速。)这里指的是过去几十年中每一年都有技术进步。

此外,在口语中也可以用decades作为复数形式。例如,“I haven't seen him in decades.”(我已经有好几十年没见过他了。)这里指的是多个10年。

3. 相关表达


- Ten years:直接翻译就是“十年”,与decades相同。

- A decade ago:指代“十年前”。

- The turn of the decade:指的是年代之交,即从一个10年代过渡到下一个10年代的时间点。

- The roaring twenties:指的是20世纪20年代,也被称为“繁荣时期”。

- The swinging sixties:指的是20世纪60年代,也被称为“摇摆时期”


1. 翻译行业中的时间单位


2. 描述历史事件和趋势

在翻译行业中,decades经常被用来描述历史事件和趋势。比如,“the past few decades”指过去几十年,“in the last decade”指过去十年,“over the decades”指多年来,“in the coming decades”指未来几十年等等。这些表达方式可以帮助读者更好地理解所描述的事件或趋势发展的长期性和持久性。

3. 比较不同时期

由于不同国家、文化和语言之间存在着差异,使用decades可以帮助翻译人员更好地比较不同时期之间的变化。比如,“compared to decades ago”指与几十年前相比,“in recent decades”指近几十年来,“over the past few decades”指过去几十年等等。这些表达方式可以帮助读者更加直观地理解不同时期之间的差异和变化。

4. 指代特定时期

在翻译行业中,有时候需要指代某个特定的十年。比如,“the 1920s”指20世纪20年代,“the 1990s”指20世纪90年代等等。使用decades可以帮助读者更加清晰地理解所指代的具体时间段,避免产生歧义。

5. 表示长期性

在翻译行业中,有时候需要表达一件事情持续了很久。这时候可以使用decades来表示长期性。比如,“for decades”表示持续了几十年,“decades-long”表示持续了数十年等等。这些表达方式可以帮助读者更好地理解事情发生的长期性和持久性。

6. 表示经验丰富

在翻译行业中,经验丰富的翻译人员通常被称为“老手”或“老司机”。而使用decades可以更加形象地表达出一个人在这个行业工作了很多年,具有丰富的经验和技能。比如,“a decades-long career in translation”表示一个人在翻译行业拥有数十年的工作经验,“a veteran of decades in the translation industry”表示一个在翻译行业打拼了几十年的老手等等


1. Decades: 数十年,指20年或30年的时间跨度。

2. Generation: 一代人,通常指出生在同一时间段的人群。

3. Century: 世纪,指100年的时间跨度。

4. Time period: 时间段,指一段特定的时间范围。

5. Era: 时代,指某个历史时期或文化阶段。

6. Milestone: 里程碑,指具有重大意义的事件或时刻。

7. Evolution: 演变,指事物从原始状态到现在状态的逐步发展过程。

8. Progression: 进步,指事物朝着更好的方向发展。

9. Transformation: 转变,指事物从一种形态转换到另一种形态。

10. Advancement: 进步,指技术、科学等方面取得的进步和发展。

11. Revolution: 革命,指对某个领域或社会产生巨大影响的变革性事件。

12. Evolutionary changes: 渐进式变化,指慢慢发生的变化过程。

13. Rapid growth: 快速增长,指迅速扩大或增加的趋势。

14. Historical shift: 历史性转变,指对历史产生重大影响的改变。

15. Significant development: 重要发展,指对某个领域或事物产生重大影响的发展。

16. Technological advancements: 科技进步,指技术方面的发展和进步。

17. Cultural changes: 文化变革,指社会文化方面的变化。

18. Social progress: 社会进步,指社会各方面的发展和改善。

19. Economic growth: 经济增长,指经济方面的发展和扩大。

20. Political transformation: 政治转变,指政治体制或政策方面的改变


1. Years

- The word "decades" refers to a period of ten years, so a synonym for it could be "years". This term can be used in both singular and plural form, and is commonly used in phrases such as "the past years" or "the coming years".

2. Decennia

- This is the Latin equivalent of the word "decades". It is often used in academic or formal contexts, such as history books or scientific research papers.

3. Ten-year periods

- Another way to express the meaning of "decades" is by using the phrase "ten-year periods". This emphasizes the specific time frame of ten years and can be used in sentences like "Over the past ten-year period, technology has advanced significantly."

4. Tens

- In a more informal setting, the word "tens" can be used as a synonym for decades. It is often used when discussing age or time frames, such as "She has been working in this industry for tens of years."

5. Generations

- While not an exact synonym for decades, the word "generations" can also refer to a period of ten years. It highlights the passing of time and can be used in phrases like "Over several generations, this tradition has been passed down."

6. Scores

- Similar to using "tens", you can also use the word "scores" to refer to decades. This term originated from Old English and was commonly used to represent twenty years, but now it is often associated with ten-year periods.

7. Long spans

- If you want to emphasize the length of time that a decade represents, you could use the phrase "long spans". For example, you could say that over long spans of time, societal norms have changed drastically.

8. Ten cycles

- Another way to express a period of ten years is by using the phrase "ten cycles". This can be used in various contexts, such as economic cycles or life cycles.

9. Ten-year blocks

- The word "blocks" can be used to represent a specific period of time, and when paired with "ten-year", it becomes a synonym for decades. It is often used in business or financial discussions.

10. Decades-long

- Lastly, you can also use the phrase "decades-long" as a synonym for "decades". This emphasizes the duration of time and is commonly used in phrases like "a decades-long friendship" or "decades-long tradition".

In conclusion, there are many ways to express the meaning of "decades" in English. From formal terms to more informal phrases, these synonyms provide variety and depth to your writing. Remember to choose the appropriate synonym based on your audience and context, and avoid using too many synonyms in one piece of writing to maintain clarity and coherence



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