

更新时间:2024-02-19 17:31:38作者:留学世界





1. 蔑视、藐视

当我们说某人“defies authority”时,意思就是他蔑视权威。这种情况通常发生在一个人对于某种规则或者权威的态度非常不屑,甚至可以说是挑衅的时候。比如说,在学校里面不遵守纪律的学生就可以被说成是“defying authority”。

2. 违抗、反抗

另外一个常见的含义就是违抗或者反抗。当我们说某人“defies the odds”时,意思就是他们违抗了可能性。这种情况通常发生在一个人面临困难或者挑战时,却能够克服困难并取得成功。

3. 挑战、对抗

除此之外,“defy”也可以表示挑战或者对抗。当我们说某人“defies the enemy”时,意思就是他们正在与敌人进行对抗。这种情况通常发生在战争或者竞争的情况下。

4. 不符合、违背



1. defy的发音


2. defy的词性及含义

defy是一个动词,意为“藐视;违抗;挑战”。它可以用来表达对某种规则、权威或命运的反抗和挑衅。例如:“She defied her parents and married the man she loved.”(她不顾父母反对,和自己爱的人结婚了。)

3. defy的近义词


4. defy的反义词


5. defy与其他单词搭配

(1) defy authority: 藐视权威

(2) defy expectations: 出人意料

(3) defy logic: 违背逻辑

(4) defy gravity: 反重力

6. defy在句子中的用法

(1) 主动语态:主语 + defy + 宾语

例如:“He defied the laws of physics and flew through the air.”(他违反了物理定律,飞越空中。)

(2) 被动语态:被动语态的结构为be + defied + 宾语

例如:“The laws of nature are often defied by human inventions.”(自然法则常常被人类的发明所违反。)

7. defy的派生词

(1) defiance (n.): 蔑视;挑衅

(2) defiant (adj.): 挑衅的;蔑视的

8. 常见短语

(1) in defiance of: 违抗;不顾

例如:“In defiance of her parents, she decided to study abroad.”(不顾父母反对,她决定出国留学。)

(2) challenge/defy someone to do something: 向某人挑战做某事

例如:“I challenge you to a race!”(我向你发起比赛!)

9. 使用场景举例


(1) 在体育比赛中,运动员们常常会挑战自己的极限,defy重力和速度。

(2) 在政治领域,某些人可能会公开藐视政府或权威,defy其规则和命令。

(3) 在日常生活中,我们也可能会遇到一些困难和挑战,需要我们defy它们并克服它们


1. defy是什么意思?


2. defy的双语例句

- She defied her parents' wishes and dropped out of college to pursue her dream of becoming an artist. (她违抗父母的意愿,退学追求成为一名艺术家的梦想。)

- The protesters defied the government's ban on public gatherings and marched through the streets. (抗议者们蔑视政府对公众集会的禁令,在街道上游行。)

- Despite all odds, he defied his physical limitations and became a successful athlete. (尽管面临重重困难,他挑战身体限制,成为一名成功的运动员。)

- The brave knight defied the dragon and saved the princess from its clutches. (勇敢的骑士挑战巨龙,从它的爪牙中救出了公主。)

3. defy在日常口语中的用法

Defy也可以用来表示“无视”,“不顾”。例如,“I defy anyone to find a better deal than this.”(我挑战任何人能找到比这更好的交易。)这种用法多见于口语,并带有一种幽默感。

4. 你是否也曾经defy过什么?



1. defy authority - 违抗权威

2. defy expectations - 违背预期

3. defy logic - 违反逻辑

4. defy the odds - 不顾可能性

5. defy gravity - 超越重力

6. defy convention - 违背传统

7. defy limits - 挑战极限

8. defy explanation - 难以解释

9. defy danger - 不畏危险

10. defy fate - 违抗命运


1. Challenge

- Definition: to refuse to obey or accept something; to confront boldly or courageously

- Example: The students decided to challenge the school's dress code policy and wear their own clothes to school.

2. Resist

- Definition: to withstand the action or effect of something; to refuse to give in or be affected by something

- Example: The protestors continued to resist the government's decision, even in the face of violence from the police.

3. Oppose

- Definition: to be against something or someone; to disagree with or try to prevent something from happening

- Example: The citizens organized a peaceful protest in order to oppose the construction of a new highway through their neighborhood.

4. Disobey

- Definition: to refuse or fail to follow rules, orders, or instructions

- Example: The children were punished for disobeying their parents and staying out past curfew.

5. Deflect

- Definition: to cause something/someone to change direction; to avoid dealing with something directly by changing the subject or ignoring it completely

- Example: The politician tried to deflect questions about his controversial statements by talking about a different topic.

6. Challenge authority

- Definition: questioning those in power and refusing to follow their orders without good reason; standing up against those who hold power over others

- Example: The citizens organized a peaceful protest in order challenge authority and demand change from their government.

7. Rebel

- Definition: resisting authority or control; going against societal norms and expectations

- Example: The youth rebelled against traditional gender roles and expectations by openly expressing themselves and their identities.

8. Disregard

- Definition: ignoring something/someone completely; paying no attention or giving no importance

- Example: The company disregarded safety regulations, leading to a major accident at their factory.

9. Refuse

- Definition: saying no to something; declining to do something or accept something

- Example: The workers refused to work overtime without proper compensation, leading to negotiations with their employer.

10. Dismiss

- Definition: to reject or ignore something/someone as unimportant or unworthy of consideration

- Example: The teacher dismissed the student's excuses for not completing their homework and gave them a failing grade



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