

更新时间:2024-02-21 05:59:37作者:留学世界



1. 魔鬼的来源:英文单词“devil”最初来自希腊语“diabolos”,意为“诽谤者”或“谎言者”。随着时间的推移,它逐渐演变成指代邪恶的形象,即我们现在所熟知的魔鬼。

2. 魔鬼的象征:在西方文化中,魔鬼往往被视为邪恶、诱惑和毁灭的象征。它通常被描绘为有角、有尾巴、有爪子和红色皮肤的生物,具有强大的力量和狡猾的性格。


3. 魔鬼在宗教中的角色:在基督教中,魔鬼被认为是堕天使撒旦(Satan)或路西法(Lucifer),是上帝之外最强大的存在。它被视为人类罪恶和诱惑的源头,并被描述为试图引诱人类远离上帝并导致灵魂沦陷的存在。

4. 魔鬼在当代文化中:除了宗教文化外,魔鬼也经常出现在当代流行文化中。它可以是电影、电视剧和小说中的反派角色,也可以是娱乐圈中的偶像化形象。它的形象也经常被用来代表叛逆、挑战传统和追求自由的精神。

5. 魔鬼在心理学中的意义:在心理学中,魔鬼往往被视为人类内心深处的邪恶力量,是人类内心斗争和冲突的象征。它也可以被解读为一种自我毁灭和自我否认的倾向


1. 读音


2. 英文名寓意


3. 各国语言翻译


4. 宗教背景


5. 文学作品中的devil


6. 影视作品中的devil

在电影和电视剧中,devil这个词也经常被用来指代邪恶的角色。比如漫威漫画改编的电视剧《神盾局特工》第四季中,反派角色格兰特·沃德(Grant Ward)曾自称为“devil”。

7. devil还有其他含义

除了指代邪恶之外,devil在英语中还有其他含义。比如,在俚语中,“the devil”可以指代酒精或毒品;在美国南部方言中,“the devil”也可以表示极端炎热的天气。



1. 用法解析:

- Devil作为名词,指的是“魔鬼”、“恶魔”,常用于表示邪恶、不祥的形象。比如:The devil is always tempting us to do bad things.(魔鬼总是在引诱我们做坏事。)

- Devil也可以作为动词,意为“折磨”、“折磨”。比如:She was devilled by her own conscience.(她被自己的良心折磨。)

- 另外,devil还可以用作形容词,表示“邪恶的”、“可怕的”。比如:The devil wind blew all night long.(可怕的风一整夜都在吹。)

2. 双语例句:

- The devil is in the details.(细节决定成败。)

- Speak of the devil, and he appears.(说曹操曹操就到。)

- Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.(宁可跟已知的恶魔相处,也不要跟未知的恶魔打交道。)

- He sold his soul to the devil for fame and fortune.(他为了名利出卖了灵魂。)

- The devil finds work for idle hands to do.(闲时容易生出祸来。)


1. Lucifer - 撒旦的另一个名字,来自拉丁语“光明之星”的意思。

2. Satan - 撒旦的希伯来语名字,意为“对手”或“敌人”。

3. Beelzebub - 撒旦的另一个名字,来自希腊语“巴力的主人”的意思。

4. Mephistopheles - 魔鬼的德国传说中的名字,被认为是撒旦的代表。

5. Prince of Darkness - 黑暗王子,用于指代撒旦作为邪恶力量的象征。

6. The Tempter - 诱惑者,指撒旦引诱人类犯罪和背叛上帝。

7. The Adversary - 对手,指撒旦作为上帝和人类之间的敌对者。

8. The Evil One - 邪恶者,指撒旦作为邪恶力量的源头。

9. Old Nick - 老尼克,英国俚语中指撒旦。

10. The Great Deceiver - 伟大欺骗者,指撒旦以谎言和欺骗引诱人类犯罪和背叛上帝。

11. Hellion - 地狱之子/女儿,在基督教中指那些被撒旦控制的人。

12. Brimstone - 硫磺,指地狱中的火焰和硫磺气味。

13. Demon - 恶魔,指撒旦的追随者和代理人。

14. Devilish - 邪恶的,具有撒旦般的邪恶特质。

15. Diabolical - 魔鬼似的,极其邪恶和残忍的。

16. Hellfire - 地狱火,指地狱中无尽的火焰。

17. Inferno - 地狱,指撒旦统治的地方。

18. Luciferian - 撒旦崇拜者,也可以指具有撒旦般邪恶特质的人。

19. Malevolent - 恶毒的,具有恶意和邪恶意图的。

20. Sinister - 邪恶阴险的,暗示撒旦邪恶计划和行为。

21. Unholy - 不神圣的,与上帝相反的存在。

22. Wicked - 邪恶残忍的,指撒旦所代表的邪恶力量。

23. Devilry - 魔鬼行径/活动,在基督教中指被撒旦控制下做出来的坏事情。

24. Hellbound - 去往地狱的,指被撒旦引诱的人。

25. Demonic - 恶魔般的,具有邪恶灵魂和行为的。

26. Devil's Advocate - 魔鬼的辩护人,在基督教中指为邪恶辩护或支持邪恶行为的人。

27. Devil-may-care - 不顾一切的,毫不在乎后果的,暗示撒旦所代表的无法无天和放纵。

28. Hellish - 地狱般的,极其残酷和痛苦的。

29. Maleficent - 邪恶凶残的,指具有撒旦般邪恶特质的人或事物。

30. Devil's Workshop - 魔鬼工作室,在基督教中指被撒旦控制下做出来的坏事情。

31. The Fallen One - 堕落者,指撒旦曾经是上帝最受爱戴的天使之一但因背叛而被驱逐出天堂。

32. The Prince of Lies - 谎言之王,在基督教中指撒旦作为谎言和欺骗之王。

33. The Father of Lies - 谎言之父,在圣经中指撒旦作为谎言和欺骗之源。

34. The Devil Incarnate - 撒旦的化身,指具有撒旦般邪恶特质的人。

35. The Devil's Due - 魔鬼的债,暗示与撒旦做交易或签订契约的后果。

36. Devilish Grin - 邪恶的笑容,在基督教中指撒旦邪恶的微笑。

37. The Devil's Playground - 魔鬼游乐场,暗示邪恶和罪恶滋生的地方。

38. The Devil Within - 内心的魔鬼,在基督教中指人类内心潜藏的邪恶欲望。

39. Deal with the Devil - 与魔鬼做交易,在基督教中指与撒旦签订契约以换取权力或财富。

40. Hell on Earth - 地狱般的生活,指极其痛苦和苦难的生活


1. Demon

- Demon is a word that is often used as a synonym for devil. It comes from the Greek word "daimon," which means "deity" or "divine power." In many cultures, demons are seen as evil spirits or supernatural beings that can possess humans and cause harm.

2. Lucifer

- Lucifer is another name for the devil, derived from the Latin word "lucifer," which means "light-bringer" or "morning star." This name is often associated with Satan, the embodiment of evil in Christianity.

3. Beelzebub

- Beelzebub is a name commonly used to refer to the devil in Christian and Jewish traditions. It comes from the Hebrew word "Ba'al Zebub," which means "Lord of Flies." In some beliefs, Beelzebub is seen as one of the seven princes of hell.

4. Satan

- Satan is another well-known synonym for the devil, originating from the Hebrew word "satan," meaning "adversary" or "accuser." In Christianity, Satan is depicted as an evil figure who tempts humans to sin and opposes God.

5. Mephistopheles

- Mephistopheles is a name often associated with the devil in literature and folklore. It comes from German folklore and was popularized by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's play Faust. Mephistopheles is portrayed as a cunning and deceptive demon who tempts Faust into making a deal with the devil.

6. The Prince of Darkness

- The Prince of Darkness is a title often used to refer to the devil in various religious texts and literature. It symbolizes his role as the ruler of hell and his embodiment of all things evil.

7. The Evil One

- The Evil One is another common term used to describe the devil in Christianity and other religions. It emphasizes the concept of the devil as the source of all evil and temptation in the world.

8. The Fallen Angel

- The Fallen Angel is a term used to describe the devil's origin as an angel who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven. This name highlights the devil's fall from grace and his descent into evil.

9. The Tempter

- The Tempter is a title often used to describe the devil's role in tempting and luring humans into sin. In Christianity, it is believed that the devil tempts individuals to stray from God's path and leads them astray.

10. The Adversary

- The Adversary is another name for the devil, emphasizing his role as an enemy or opponent of God and all that is good. It comes from the Hebrew word "satan," which also means "adversary."

devil作为一个英文单词,其寓意十分丰富多彩。它可以指代邪恶的力量,也可以表示顽固不化的人或事物。在英语中,devil还有许多常用的词组和短语,如devil's advocate(抬杠专家)、devil may care(漫不经心)、like the devil(疯狂地)等等。通过对devil相关词汇的学习,我们可以更深入地了解这个词汇在英语中的用法和含义。最后,我是网站的编辑,希望通过本文的介绍能够为大家带来一些帮助和启发。如果喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣、实用的英语知识。谢谢阅读!




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