

更新时间:2024-02-24 02:26:42作者:留学世界





1. 完成某件事情


2. 熟练掌握某项技能


3. 感到厌烦或不耐烦


4. 被骗或被欺骗

在美国俚语中,“I got done”意思是被骗或被欺骗。比如,“我买了一辆二手车,结果发现引擎坏了,我真的被done了!”

5. 熟悉某个地方或环境



1. 词义解释


2. 发音


3. 用法示例

a. Done作为动词时,常与have连用,构成完成时态,表示“已经做完某事”。

例如:I have done my homework.(我已经做完作业了。)

b. Done也可以作为形容词使用,表示“已完成的”、“结束的”。

例如:The project is done.(这个项目已经完成了。)

c. 在口语中,done还可以用来表示某人受到惩罚或遭受损失。

例如:You're done for!(你完蛋了!)

d. Done还可以作为副词使用,在句末起强调作用,表示“彻底地”、“完全地”。

例如:I'm done with this job!(我彻底完成了这项工作!)

4. 搭配短语

a. be done with sth: 完成某事、摆脱某事

b. have sth done: 让某事被完成、处理某事

c. get sth done: 完成某事、做完某事

d. do sth and be done with it: 做完某事就结束了、不再考虑某事

5. 同义词

a. finished:完成的、结束的

b. completed:已完成的

c. accomplished:已完成的、实现的

6. 反义词

a. undone:未完成的、未做完的

b. unfinished:未完成的、未做完的

7. 拓展知识


a. done deal: 成交了、达成协议了

b. done for: 完蛋了、毁灭了

c. well done: 做得好、干得漂亮

8. 总结归纳



1. Done的基本含义:Done是一个常见的英文单词,意为“完成”、“结束”、“做完”。它可以作为动词、形容词和副词使用,具体用法如下:

2. 作为动词使用:当done作为动词时,意为“做完”、“完成”。例如:“I have done my homework.”(我做完了我的作业。)

3. 作为形容词使用:当done作为形容词时,意为“完成的”、“已经准备好的”。例如:“The project is already done.”(这个项目已经完成了。)

4. 作为副词使用:当done作为副词时,意为“已经”、“终于”。例如:“I am done with my work.”(我终于完成了我的工作。)

5. 双语例句:

- I'm done with this book, can I borrow another one?(我看完这本书了,我能借另一本吗?)

- The meal is almost done, we just need to add some seasoning. (这顿饭快做好了,我们只需要加些调味料。)

- Have you done your presentation yet? (你的演讲准备好了吗?)

- I'm so done with this job, I need a change. (我对这份工作彻底厌倦了,我需要改变一下。)

- He's always the first one to be done with his exams. (他总是第一个考完试。)

- Are you done with your makeup? We're going to be late. (你化妆好了吗?我们要迟到了。)

- I can't believe we're finally done with this project. (我简直不敢相信我们终于完成了这个项目。)


1. Done and dusted:完成了,搞定了。

2. Done deal:成交,达成协议。

3. All done and dusted:一切都搞定了。

4. Done for:完蛋了,毁了。

5. Done in:精疲力尽,筋疲力尽。

6. Get it done:把它做完。

7. Done with it:对它已经完成了。

8. Done for good:永远结束,不会再发生。

9. Done and over with:结束了,完成了。

10. Well done:做得好,干得漂亮


1. Accomplished

- Definition: successfully completed or achieved; fulfilled or completed

- Example: After months of hard work, the project was finally accomplished.

2. Finished

- Definition: brought to an end; completed; concluded

- Example: The painting was finally finished after hours of meticulous work.

3. Completed

- Definition: brought to a finish; ended; concluded

- Example: The construction of the building was completed on time and within budget.

4. Achieved

- Definition: successfully reached or attained a goal or target

- Example: With determination and hard work, she achieved her dream of becoming a doctor.

5. Executed

- Definition: carried out or performed; put into effect or operation

- Example: The plan was executed flawlessly, resulting in a successful outcome.

6. Finalized

- Definition: made final or complete; put into final form or condition

- Example: The contract was finalized after several rounds of negotiations.

7. Concluded

- Definition: brought to an end; finished; terminated

- Example: After much deliberation, the meeting was finally concluded with a decision.

8. Fulfilled

- Definition: satisfied or carried out a duty, task, or requirement

- Example: He fulfilled his promise to help his friend move to a new apartment.

9. Accomplished

- Definition: successfully completed something difficult or challenging

- Example: With hard work and dedication, she accomplished her goal of running a marathon.

10. Realized

- Definition: made into reality; achieved something desired or planned for

Example: His dream of traveling around the world became realized after years of saving money and planning.

11. Performed

Definition - carried out an action, task, or function in a particular way

Example - The actor performed his role with great skill and emotion on stage.

12. Succeeded

Definition - achieved success or reached a desired outcome

Example - Despite facing many challenges, she succeeded in starting her own business.

13. Attained

Definition - achieved or obtained something through effort or skill

Example - He attained a high level of proficiency in playing the piano after years of practice.

14. Resolved

Definition - successfully solved or dealt with a problem or difficulty

Example - The issue was finally resolved after hours of discussion and negotiation.

15. Finalized

Definition: made final or complete; put into final form or condition

Example: The contract was finalized after several rounds of negotiations


上一篇: 5杀英文怎么写




2024-02-24 02:06

Done loading packages. 的翻译是

今天,我们要谈论的是翻译行业中的一个重要标题——“Done loading packages.”。这个标题看起来可能有些晦涩,但它却隐藏着许多精彩的内容。它不仅仅是一个简单的短语,更是一个

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