

更新时间:2024-02-25 12:32:43作者:留学世界



1. 干燥的含义:当我们说某件事物很dry时,通常指它缺乏趣味或无聊。比如,一部电影可以被称为“dry”,意思是它缺乏吸引力,让人感到无聊。


2. 无水的含义:在英语中,“dry”也可以指没有水分。比如,干燥的沙漠被称为“dry desert”,因为那里缺乏水分。

3. 酒精含量低的含义:如果你听到有人说这杯酒很dry,他们可能是在指酒精含量较低。这种用法通常用来形容葡萄酒,表示它不甜腻而是较为清淡。

4. 枯燥的含义:除了形容事物缺乏趣味外,“dry”也可以用来形容人或活动枯燥乏味。比如,一场讲座可能会被称为“dry”,因为它让人感到无聊。

5. 缺少润滑的含义:在某些情况下,“dry”还可以指缺少润滑或油性。比如,在运动中,我们可能会说自己的嘴唇很干燥(dry),需要喝水补充润滑。

6. 干的含义:最后,当我们说某件事物很dry时,也可以指它没有湿润的感觉。比如,一块毛巾可以被称为“dry”,因为它没有水分


1. “dry”是一个英语单词,读作/ˈdraɪ/;

2. 它的意思有两种解释,一种是形容词,一种是动词;

3. 作为形容词时,“dry”的意思是“干的”,通常用来形容没有水分或液体的物质;

4. 例如,“My hands are dry after washing them.”(我洗完手后手很干。);

5. 作为动词时,“dry”的意思是“使变干”,通常用来指让某物失去水分或液体;

6. 例如,“I need to dry my clothes before I can wear them.”(我需要把衣服晾干才能穿。);

7. “dry”还可以用来表示某件事情的性质或状态,例如“a dry sense of humor”(幽默感冷冰冰的)、“a dry climate”(干燥的气候)等等;

8. 此外,“dry”还可以表示“无聊的”、“枯燥的”,例如“I find this lecture very dry.”(我觉得这个讲座很无聊。);

9. 在口语中,“dry”还可以用来表示“没有酒精的”,例如“I'll have a dry martini, please.”(请给我一杯不加任何酒精的马提尼。);

10. 总之,“dry”的意思取决于它所用在的语境,需要根据具体情况来理解


1. dry的基本含义

Dry在英语中有多种含义,最常见的意思是“干的”、“干燥的”。例如:The clothes are dry.(衣服已经干了。)除此之外,dry还可以表示“无趣的”、“枯燥的”,如:The lecture was very dry.(那个讲座很无聊。)

2. 衍生用法

除了基本含义外,dry还有一些衍生用法。比如,dry也可以表示“不含水分的”、“无酒精的”,常用于描述食物或饮料。例如:I prefer dry wine to sweet wine.(我更喜欢干白葡萄酒而不是甜葡萄酒。)此外,dry也可以作为动词使用,意为“使变得干燥”,如:She dried her hair with a towel.(她用毛巾擦干了头发。)

3. 双语例句

- The weather has been really dry lately, we need some rain soon.


- My throat is so dry, I need a glass of water.


- I can't stand this dry and boring lecture any longer.


- This shampoo claims to make your hair softer and less dry.


- The doctor told me to avoid alcohol and stick to a dry diet.


4. 幽默用法

除了以上常见用法外,dry还常被用于幽默的场合。比如,当别人说了一句冷笑话时,你可以回答“That was a really dry joke.”(那可真是个冷笑话。)此外,dry也可以用来形容某人的幽默感很冷静、不夸张,如:His humor is very dry, but I find it hilarious.(他的幽默感很冷静,但我觉得很搞笑。)


1. Dry humor: 幽默风趣的干燥式表达,常用于讽刺和嘲讽。

2. Dry spell: 干旱期,指连续一段时间缺乏雨水或其他资源的情况。

3. Dry wit: 幽默的智慧,指那些善于用幽默来表达自己见解和观点的人。

4. Dry up: 干涸,也可以指停止说话或思考。

5. Dry as a bone: 酷热干燥,形容天气或环境非常干燥。

6. Dry run: 模拟演练,通常用于测试系统或计划的可行性。

7. Dry cough: 无痰咳嗽,与有痰咳嗽相对应。

8. Dry goods: 干货,指不易腐坏的食品和物品。

9. Dry county: 禁酒区,指禁止销售酒精饮料的地区。

10. Dry ice: 干冰,是固态二氧化碳,在室温下直接变为气态而不经过液态


1. Arid

- Definition: lacking moisture or rainfall; very dry; barren

- Example: The desert is known for its arid climate, with little to no rainfall throughout the year.

2. Parched

- Definition: extremely dry, especially due to hot weather or lack of rainfall

- Example: The farmers' crops were suffering due to the parched land and lack of rain.

3. Dehydrated

- Definition: lacking in water or moisture; dried out

- Example: After a long hike, we were all feeling dehydrated and in need of some water.

4. Desiccated

- Definition: completely dried out; lacking vitality or interest

- Example: The desiccated leaves crumbled in my hands as I picked them up from the ground.

5. Barren

- Definition: unable to produce vegetation; infertile; unproductive

- Example: The barren landscape was a result of years of drought and lack of rainfall.

6. Sterile

- Definition: not able to produce offspring; free from bacteria or microorganisms

- Example: The sterile environment of the laboratory ensured that there was no contamination during the experiment.

7. Sere

- Definition: dry and withered, especially due to age or lack of moisture

- Example: The sere leaves rustled under my feet as I walked through the autumn forest.

8. Droughty

- Definition: experiencing a prolonged period without rain; dry and arid

- Example: The droughty conditions in the region have caused many farmers to lose their crops.

9. Thirsty

- Definition: feeling a strong need for liquid, especially water; dry and needing moisture

- Example: After exercising for hours, I was extremely thirsty and had to drink lots of water to rehydrate myself.

10. Waterless

- Definition: without water; completely dry

- Example: The waterless desert seemed never-ending, with no signs of life or moisture in sight.

11. Anhydrous

- Definition: without water; completely dry; lacking in moisture

- Example: The anhydrous conditions of the land made it difficult for plants to grow and thrive.

12. Sapped

- Definition: drained of energy or vitality; dried out

- Example: After working in the sun all day, I felt completely sapped and in need of some water to rehydrate myself.

13. Dried-up

- Definition: depleted or exhausted from lack of use; completely dry

- Example: The dried-up well was a sign that the village had been without water for a long time.

14. Withered

- Definition: shriveled or dried up, especially due to lack of moisture

- Example: The withered plants in the garden needed to be watered immediately before they died completely.

15. Scorched

- Definition: burned or dried up by intense heat; parched

- Example: The scorched earth was evidence of the devastating effects of the wildfire that swept through the area





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