

更新时间:2024-02-26 13:12:46作者:留学世界





作为副词,easily表示做某事毫无困难或阻碍。“He can easily finish the task in an hour.”(他可以轻松地在一个小时内完成这项任务。)此外,easily还可以表示“很可能”、“很有可能”,比如“He could easily win the game.”(他很有可能赢得比赛。)

作为形容词,easily表示某物或某人具有容易的特性。“This is an easily achievable goal.”(这是一个容易实现的目标。)另外,easily也可以表示某人做事情不费力,“She is an easily satisfied person.”(她是一个很容易满足的人。)

除了以上常用含义外,easily还有一些其他用法。比如,在口语中,“take it easy”可以表示“放松点”、“别紧张”;在商业场景中,“easy money”指的是“轻松赚钱”的意思


1. easily的含义


2. easily的发音


3. easily的用法

(1) 修饰动词:easily可以用来修饰动词,表示某事做起来很容易。例如:

- She can easily solve this math problem.


- He can easily finish the project in one day.


(2) 修饰形容词:easily也可以用来修饰形容词,表示某事很容易被完成。例如:

- The task is easily achievable.


- The game is easily understandable for children.


(3) 修饰其他副词:easily还可以用来修饰其他副词,表示某事做起来非常轻松。例如:

- She can speak English quite easily.


- He can quickly and easily fix the computer.


4. easily的近义词

- effortlessly:毫不费力地

- smoothly:顺利地

- simply:简单地

- comfortably:舒适地

5. easily的反义词

- difficultly:困难地

- hardly:几乎不

- strenuously:费力地

6. easily的常见搭配

- easily accessible:容易获得的

- easily understood:容易理解的

- easily achieved:容易达成的

- easily distracted:容易分心的

7. 注意事项

虽然easily是一个简单常用的副词,但在正式场合或学术论文中,建议使用更严谨、正式的表达方式。例如,可以使用“with ease”来代替easily,表示同样的意思


1. easily的基本意思:easily是一个副词,意为“容易地”、“轻松地”,常用来描述一件事情做起来没有困难或者需要付出很少的努力。

2. easily的用法:easily通常放在动词后面,作状语。例如:

- She can easily finish the task in one hour.(她可以很容易地在一个小时内完成这项任务。)

- The child can easily solve the puzzle.(这个孩子可以轻松地解决这个难题。)

- He can easily lift the heavy box.(他可以轻松地抬起那个沉重的盒子。)

3. 双语例句:

- She is so talented that she can easily learn a new language within a few months.(她非常有天赋,可以在几个月内轻松学会一门新语言。)

- With the help of modern technology, we can now easily connect with people from different parts of the world.(在现代技术的帮助下,我们现在可以轻松地与来自世界各地的人们联系。)

- The new software is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for even non-tech-savvy individuals to use it easily.(这款新软件被设计成用户友好型,即使是不懂技术的人也能轻松使用它。)


1. Easily accessible - 容易获得的

2. Easily understood - 容易理解的

3. Easily achievable - 容易实现的

4. Easily adaptable - 容易适应的

5. Easily adjustable - 容易调整的

6. Easily affordable - 容易负担得起的

7. Easily available - 容易获得的

8. Easily comprehensible - 容易理解的

9. Easily confused - 易混淆的

10. Easily controlled - 易控制的

11. Easily digestible - 易消化的

12. Easily identifiable - 易识别的

13. Easily influenced - 易受影响的

14. Easily manageable - 易管理的

15. Easily navigable - 易航行的

1. "Easily accessible"指容易获得或者接近,可以用来形容某个地方或者信息。例如:"The library is easily accessible from the main road."(图书馆从主干道很容易到达。)

2. "Easily understood"指容易被理解,通常用来形容语言或者概念。例如:"The teacher's explanation was easily understood by the students."(老师讲解很容易被学生理解。)

3. "Easily achievable"指容易实现,可以用来形容目标或者计划。例如:"With hard work and dedication, success is easily achievable."(通过努力和奉献,成功是很容易实现的。)

4. "Easily adaptable"指容易适应,可以用来形容人或者事物的适应能力。例如:"He is easily adaptable to new environments."(他很容易适应新的环境。)

5. "Easily adjustable"指容易调整,通常用来形容物品的可调节性。例如:"The chair is easily adjustable to fit different heights."(这把椅子可以轻松调节适合不同的身高。)

6. "Easily affordable"指容易负担得起,可以用来形容价格合理或者可承受的程度。例如:"This brand offers high-quality products that are easily affordable for everyone."(这个品牌提供高质量的产品,价格对大家来说都很合理。)

7. "Easily available"指容易获得,通常用来形容商品或者服务的可得性。例如:"The new product will be easily available in stores nationwide."(这个新产品将在全国各地轻松获得。)

8. "Easily comprehensible"指容易理解,可以用来形容信息或者知识的易懂程度。例如:"The article was written in a way that is easily comprehensible for all readers."(本次介绍的写作方式容易被所有读者理解。)

9. "Easily confused"指容易混淆,可以用来形容相似的事物或者概念。例如:"The two words are easily confused, but they have different meanings."(这两个单词很容易混淆,但是它们有不同的含义。)

10. "Easily controlled"指容易控制,可以用来形容人或者情绪的控制能力。例如:"She is easily controlled by her emotions."(她很容易被情绪所控制。)

11. "Easily digestible"指容易消化,通常用来形容食物的消化程度。例如:"Fruits and vegetables are easily digestible and good for your health."(水果和蔬菜很容易消化,对健康有益。)

12. "Easily identifiable"指容易识别,可以用来形容物品或者人的独特标识。例如:"The logo of the company is easily identifiable."(这家公司的标志很容易被识别出来。)

13. "Easily influenced"指容易受影响,可以用来形容人或者群体对外界因素的敏感程度。例如:"Teenagers are easily influenced by their peers."(青少年很容易受同龄人影响。)

14. "Easily manageable"指容易管理,通常用来形容任务或者团队的管理难度。例如:"The project is easily manageable with a well-organized team."(这个项目在有组织的团队下很容易管理。)

15. "Easily navigable"指容易航行,可以用来形容船只或者车辆通过水域或者道路的便利程度。例如:"The river is easily navigable, making it a popular spot for boating."(这条河很容易航行,因此成为了划船的热门地点。)


1. Effortlessly

- Meaning: without any effort or difficulty.

- Example: She completed the task effortlessly, showing her natural talent for it.

2. Smoothly

- Meaning: without any problems or interruptions.

- Example: The project went smoothly, thanks to our efficient team.

3. Simply

- Meaning: in a simple or easy manner.

- Example: He explained the concept simply, making it easy for everyone to understand.

4. Readily

- Meaning: easily and willingly.

- Example: She readily agreed to help us with the event planning.

5. Easily done

- Meaning: something that can be done without much effort.

- Example: With the right tools, this task is easily done in just a few minutes.

6. Effortless

- Meaning: requiring little or no effort.

- Example: Her dancing was effortless, as if she was born with natural grace and rhythm.

7. Without difficulty

- Meaning: without any problems or challenges.

- Example: He completed the marathon without difficulty, proving his physical endurance.

8. Smooth sailing

- Meaning: something that goes smoothly and easily without any obstacles.

- Example: The project had some initial setbacks but after that, it was smooth sailing.

9. With ease

- Meaning: comfortably and confidently.

- Example: She handled the difficult situation with ease, showing her strong leadership skills.

10. No sweat

- Meaning: something that is easy to do without much effort.

- Example: With his experience, this task is no sweat for him at all.

11. Child's play

- Meaning: something that is very easy and can be done by anyone.

- Example: For someone who has been cooking for years, making a simple dish like scrambled eggs is child's play.

12. Piece of cake

Meaning - something that is very easy to do.

Example - After studying hard all year, the final exam was a piece of cake for her.

13. Breeze

- Meaning: something that is easy and enjoyable.

- Example: With the right equipment, hiking up the mountain was a breeze.

14. Effortless victory

- Meaning: a win that is achieved without much effort.

- Example: The team's star player led them to an effortless victory with his exceptional skills.

15. Walk in the park

- Meaning: something that is very easy and requires little effort.

- Example: For someone who has been playing tennis since childhood, beating an amateur player is a walk in the park.

16. Cakewalk

- Meaning: something that is extremely easy to do.

- Example: With his experience, this task will be a cakewalk for him.

17. Smooth ride

- Meaning: something that goes smoothly without any problems.

- Example: The new software update promises to provide users with a smooth ride, without any bugs or glitches.

18. No trouble at all

- Meaning: something that can be done easily without any difficulty.

- Example: With his expertise in coding, fixing this issue will be no trouble at all for him.

19. Simple as ABC

- Meaning: something that is very easy and straightforward.

- Example: Don't worry, using this new software is as simple as ABC.

20. Snap

Meaning - something that can be done quickly and easily.

Example - With his knowledge and experience, completing this task will be a snap for him

通过阅读本文,我们了解到easily是一个常用的英语词汇,意为“容易地”。它的发音是[i:zili]。在句中可以作副词或形容词使用,具有简单、轻松的含义。例如,“She can easily finish the task.”(她可以轻松地完成这项任务。)除了以上介绍的用法外,easily还有许多常用的短语和同义词,如“effortlessly”、“without difficulty”等。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地掌握这个词汇,并在日常生活中灵活运用。我是网站编辑,如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣的英语知识和学习方法!谢谢阅读!

上一篇: ariane[阿丽安




2024-02-26 12:51

eased是什么意思 eased的中文翻译、读音、例句


2024-02-26 12:31



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