

更新时间:2024-02-29 10:19:51作者:留学世界







作为形容词时,empty可以用来描述某个物体或者空间内部没有任何东西。比如,“The room is empty.”(这个房间是空的)“The bottle is empty.”(这个瓶子是空的)此外,empty也可以用来表示某种状态,比如“an empty feeling”(一种空虚感)或者“an empty promise”(一种空洞的承诺)。


empty也可以作为名词使用,表示“空白处”。比如,“Please write your name in the empty.”(请在空白处写上你的名字)。此外,empty还可以指代一个人或者物体缺少某种特质或者能力。“He is an empty.”(他是一个缺乏才华的人)“The box was full, but now it's an empty.”(盒子之前装满了东西,现在已经变成了一个空盒子)


Empty也可以用作动词,意为“清空,倒出”。比如,“She emptied the trash can.”(她清空了垃圾桶)“He emptied the bottle into the glass.”(他把瓶子里的东西倒进了杯子里)。此外,empty还可以用来表示“使变空,使变得空洞”。比如,“The war has emptied the city.”(战争让这座城市变得空荡荡的)“The loss of her loved ones has emptied her heart.”(失去所爱之人让她的心变得空虚)。


除了上述几种常见用法外,empty还有一些其他的意思。比如,它可以用来表示“无效的,无意义的”。比如,“His words were empty and meaningless.”(他说的话毫无意义)。此外,empty还可以指代某个地方或者物体没有被占用。“The seat next to me was empty.”(我旁边的座位是空着的)“The house has been empty for years.”(这栋房子已经很多年没人住了)


Empty这个词在英语中有着广泛的应用,在文学、电影、歌曲等各种文化形式中都有出现。比如,《魔戒》中有一句著名台词:“My dear Frodo, you cannot always be torn in two. You will have to be one and whole for many years. You have so much to enjoy and to be and to do. Your part in this story will go on.”(我亲爱的弗罗多,你不能总是被撕成两半。你必须要完整,要活出自己的精彩,要做自己想做的事情。你在这个故事中扮演的角色将会继续下去)。这里的“empty”指代弗罗多内心的空虚和迷茫


1. 读音:[ˈɛmpti]

2. 解释:空的,空虚的,没有东西的

3. 来源:来自古英语单词“æmtig”,意为“空的”

4. 用法:empty可以作形容词,也可以作动词。作形容词时,意为“空的”、“无人”的,如empty room(空房间)、empty street(无人街道)。作动词时,意为“清空”、“倒空”的,如empty the trash(清空垃圾桶)、empty the glass(倒空杯子)。

5. 搭配短语:

- empty-handed: 空手而归

- empty promise: 空洞的承诺

- empty stomach: 空腹

- empty nest: 空巢期

6. 幽默解读:


7. 反问:


8. 举例子:



1. empty的基本意思是“空的”或“没有东西的”,但它在不同语境下有着不同的用法。

2. empty可以作为形容词使用,表示某物缺少内容或者空间。例如:“The cup is empty.”(这个杯子是空的。) “The room feels empty without you.”(没有你在的房间感觉空荡荡的。)

3. empty也可以作为动词使用,表示清空或排出某物。例如:“Please empty the trash can.”(请把垃圾桶清空。)

4. 在口语中,empty还可以表示“无聊的”或“毫无意义的”。例如:“She felt so empty after the breakup.”(分手后她感到很空虚。)

5. empty还可以用来形容某人情绪上的空虚或失落。例如:“He looked at her with empty eyes, still unable to believe she was gone.”(他用空洞的眼神看着她,仍然无法相信她已经离开了。)

6. 下面是一些双语例句,帮助你更好地理解empty的用法:

- The bottle was completely empty.


- I feel so empty without my best friend here.


- Please make sure to empty the dishwasher before you leave.


- The concert was a disappointment, it left me feeling empty.


- His words were empty promises, he never followed through with them.



1. Empty space - 空间

Empty space refers to an area or volume that is not occupied or filled with anything. It can also be used to describe a feeling of emptiness or lack of purpose in one's life.

2. Empty-handed - 空手

If someone is empty-handed, it means they have nothing to show for their efforts or they have failed to achieve their goal. For example, "He returned from the store empty-handed because they were sold out of his favorite snack."

3. Empty nest - 空巢

An empty nest refers to a household where the children have grown up and moved out, leaving the parents alone in the home. This term can also be used metaphorically to describe a feeling of loneliness or sadness after children leave home.

4. Empty promise - 空洞的承诺

An empty promise is a promise that is not kept or has no real intention of being fulfilled. It is often used to describe insincere or meaningless statements made by someone.

5. Empty stomach - 空腹

When someone has an empty stomach, it means they haven't eaten anything for a while and are feeling hungry. This phrase can also be used figuratively to describe a lack of resources or support, such as "She went into the meeting with an empty stomach as she had no one on her side."

6. Empty-headed - 愚蠢的

If someone is described as empty-headed, it means they are silly, foolish, or lacking intelligence. This term can also be used playfully to tease someone who has said something silly.

7. Empty calories - 空热量

Empty calories refer to foods and drinks that provide energy but have little nutritional value. These include sugary snacks and drinks, which can contribute to weight gain without providing any essential nutrients.

8. Empty gesture - 空洞的姿态

An empty gesture is a symbolic action that has little or no real meaning or impact. It can also be used to describe an insincere or superficial display of emotion.

9. Empty threat - 空洞的威胁

An empty threat is a statement made with the intention of scaring someone, but without any real intention of following through with it. For example, "He always makes empty threats to quit his job, but he never actually does."

10. Empty vessel - 空壳

An empty vessel refers to someone who lacks intelligence or substance, often used in a derogatory manner. It can also be used to describe an object that is hollow and has no contents


1. Vacant - 指空缺的、未被占用的,常用于描述空房间或职位。

2. Blank - 指没有填写内容的、空白的,常用于表达缺乏信息或想法。

3. Hollow - 指内部空虚的、没有实质内容的,常用于形容言语或承诺。

4. Bare - 指裸露的、无遮盖的,常用于描述缺乏装饰或遮挡物。

5. Vacuous - 指愚蠢的、空洞的,常用于形容言语或思想缺乏深度。

6. Desolate - 指荒芜的、无人居住的,常用于形容冷清和孤独感。

7. Devoid - 指缺乏某种特性或属性,常用于描述人或事物。

8. Barren - 指贫瘠的、不毛的,常用于形容土地或生产力极低



empress是什么意思 empress的中文翻译、读音、例句


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