

更新时间:2024-03-06 13:38:14作者:留学世界











1. Eraser是一个英语单词,读作/ɪˈreɪzər/,音标为[ih-rey-zuh].

2. 它的意思是“橡皮擦”,通常用来擦除铅笔、墨水等在纸上的痕迹。

3. 这个词源于拉丁语中的“erasus”,意为“抹去、擦掉”。

4. 在英式英语中,eraser也可以被称为rubber,但在美式英语中,rubber更常指避孕套。

5. Eraser也可以作为动词使用,表示“擦除、抹去”。

6. 除了在学校和办公室中使用外,eraser还经常被用于艺术创作中,用来修正绘画作品或雕刻物上的错误。

7. 在日常生活中,人们也可以用eraser来清洁一些表面上的污渍或印记。

8. eraser这个词在美国和加拿大被广泛使用,在其他国家如英国、澳大利亚等地区,则更倾向于使用rubber这个词。

9. 如果你想要购买一支新的eraser,请记住它也有其他一些俗称,如pencil eraser(铅笔橡皮)、art gum(艺术用橡皮)等。

10. 总的来说,eraser是一个非常常用的词汇,在日常生活中也经常被提及,希望本小节能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个词


1. What is an eraser?

Eraser is a magical tool that can erase our mistakes and make our writing or drawing look perfect. It is also known as rubber in British English.

2. How to use an eraser?

Using an eraser is simple, just rub it on the paper over the mistake and voila! It's gone. But did you know that there are different types of erasers? From the classic pink erasers to kneaded erasers, each has its own unique way of removing errors.

3. Pink Erasers

Pink erasers are the most common type of erasers found in schools and offices. They are made from synthetic rubber and can erase pencil marks easily without damaging the paper.

4. Kneaded Erasers

Kneaded erasers are like playdough for adults. They are soft and pliable, making them perfect for artists who want to remove specific areas of graphite or charcoal without smudging.

5. Electric Erasers

Electric erasers are a game-changer for those who hate the sound of scratching pencils on paper. They work by spinning a small motor that removes the marks with precision and ease.

6. Fun Fact: The world's largest eraser was created by Faber-Castell in 1999, measuring 19 feet long and weighing 22 tons!

7. Double-sided Erasers

Double-sided erasers have two different textures - one side for regular pencil marks and the other side for harder-to-erase colored pencils or ink.

8. Bilingual Example Sentences:

- Can I borrow your eraser? I made a mistake.


- She used an electric eraser to remove the smudges on her drawing.


- The teacher gave me a pink eraser to use during the exam.


So, next time you make a mistake, don't worry! Just reach for your trusty eraser and make it disappear. And remember, there's no such thing as a perfect drawing or writing without a little help from an eraser


1. Rubber eraser:橡皮擦,是最常见的用于擦除铅笔和墨水的工具。

2. Kneaded eraser:可塑橡皮,是一种柔软的橡皮,可以用来擦除铅笔、炭笔和粉笔等。

3. Electric eraser:电动橡皮,是一种使用电池或电源来驱动的自动擦除工具。

4. Ink eraser:墨水擦,是专门用来抹去墨水的一种工具,通常有湿式和干式两种。

5. Whiteboard eraser:白板擦,是用来清除白板上干性标记笔或油性标记笔的工具。

6. Dry erase eraser:干拭白板擦,与白板擦功能相同,但不需要使用化学溶剂清洁。

7. Magnetic eraser:磁性擦除器,可以吸附在磁性表面上,用于清除标记笔或铅笔标记。

8. Art gum eraser:艺术胶质橡皮,是一种柔软的、易于塑形的专业画家用品。

9. Pen-shaped eraser:钢笔形状橡皮,外观像钢笔一样长而细,在绘画时可以用来擦除细小的部分。

10. Eraser shield:橡皮遮罩,是一种带有不同形状孔洞的金属板,可以用来保护绘画作品中不需要被擦除的部分


1. Rubber - This is the most commonly used synonym for eraser in British English. It refers to the soft, pliable material that is used to remove pencil marks from paper.

2. Pencil Eraser - This term is used to specifically refer to an eraser that is meant for use with pencils. It may come in different shapes and sizes, but its purpose remains the same.

3. India Rubber - This is an old-fashioned term for rubber that was used in the 19th century. It was derived from the fact that rubber was originally imported from India.

4. Gum - In some countries, erasers are referred to as "gum" because of their sticky texture. This term may also be used to refer to a specific type of eraser, such as a kneaded eraser.

5. Correction Tool - This term is often used in official or formal settings, where erasers are referred to as tools for correcting mistakes made with pencils.

6. Rubbing Out Tool - Similar to "correction tool," this term also emphasizes the function of an eraser as a tool for removing pencil marks.

7. Delete Tool - With the rise of digital technology, this term has become more popular in recent years. It refers to the function of removing or deleting something, just like how an eraser removes pencil marks.

8. Expunger - This word comes from Latin and means "to erase." It can be used as a synonym for "eraser" or as a verb meaning "to erase."

9. Obliterator - This word comes from Latin and means "to destroy." While it may sound extreme, it can be used humorously when referring to an eraser's ability to completely remove pencil marks.

10. Wiper-outer - Another humorous term for an eraser, this one emphasizes its function of wiping out or removing pencil marks from paper.

11. Vanisher - This term can be used to describe an eraser's ability to make something disappear, just like how a magician makes things disappear.

12. Scrubber - This term is often used for erasers that are meant for use on whiteboards or other smooth surfaces. It refers to their ability to scrub away dry-erase marker ink.

13. Rubber Pencil - In some countries, especially in Asia, erasers are referred to as "rubber pencils" because of their material and shape.

14. Ink Eraser - While most erasers are meant for use with pencils, there are also specific types of erasers that can remove ink marks from paper.

15. Dry Erase Eraser - As the name suggests, this type of eraser is specifically designed for use on dry-erase boards and can easily remove dry-erase marker ink without leaving any residue behind.

16. Kneader - This term is used for a specific type of eraser that is soft and malleable, allowing it to be kneaded into different shapes and sizes for precise erasing.

17. Art Gum - This term is used for a softer type of eraser that is commonly used by artists to remove pencil marks from delicate paper without damaging it.

18. Electric Eraser - As technology advances, so does the way we erase. An electric eraser uses electricity to power its spinning tip and can easily erase large areas quickly and efficiently.

19. Pink Pearl - This term refers to a specific brand of pencil eraser that is pink in color and has a distinctive pearl-like shape.

20. Block Eraser - Also known as "block style" or "rectangular" erasers, these are larger in size compared to traditional pencil erasers and are often used by students or professionals who need more surface area for precise erasing.

21. Non-Abrasive Eraser - Some types of paper can be easily damaged by traditional erasers, which is why there are non-abrasive erasers that are gentler on paper and do not leave smudges or marks.

22. Mechanical Eraser - Similar to mechanical pencils, these types of erasers have a retractable tip that can be extended or retracted for precise erasing.

23. Erasable Pen - While not technically an eraser, an erasable pen uses a special type of ink that can be erased with the use of friction, just like how an eraser removes pencil marks.

24. White Eraser - This term is used to describe an eraser that is white in color and may refer to different types of erasers such as rubber, vinyl, or plastic.

25. Chalkboard Eraser - As the name suggests, this type of eraser is specifically designed for use on chalkboards and can easily remove chalk marks without leaving any residue behind.

26. Ink Out - A play on words for "ink out," this term refers to an eraser's ability to remove ink marks from paper.

27. Rubber Scraper - This term may be used for a specific type of rubberized material that is used for removing pencil marks from paper without leaving any residue behind.

28. Wipe Away Tool - Similar to "rubber scraper," this term emphasizes the function of an eraser as a tool for wiping away pencil marks from paper.

29. Sponge Eraser - This type of eraser resembles a sponge in texture and can be used to gently remove pencil marks without damaging delicate paper.

30. Artgum Eraser - Another brand name for a specific type of soft art gum eraser that is commonly used by artists for precise and gentle erasing



eraser是什么意思 eraser的中文翻译、读音、例句


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