

更新时间:2024-03-09 13:11:30作者:留学世界




1. 实验是指通过对事物进行有计划的操作和观察,以获得新的知识或验证已有的理论。因此,experimenting是实验的动词形式,指进行实验或试验。

2. 在翻译行业中,experimenting通常指对翻译方法、技巧、工具等进行尝试和探索,以寻求更有效的翻译方式。

3. 除了指对翻译本身的实验外,experimenting也可以指对新兴技术如机器翻译、人工智能等在翻译领域的应用进行试验。

4. 在日常生活中,我们也经常会使用到这个词,比如“我正在experimenting一种全新的健身方法”、“他们正在experimenting一种新型药物来治疗这种疾病”等。

5. 总之,experimenting是一个非常广泛的概念,在不同领域都可以有不同的含义。无论是在科学实验还是日常生活中,它都代表着一种探索和创新精神


1. experiment是一个很常见的词汇,大家都知道怎么读,但是当它变成experimenting时,你是否还能准确地发音?别着急,让我来告诉你吧!

2. 首先,我们可以把这个单词分成三个音节:ex-per-i-ment。注意第二个音节的重音在per上。

3. 接下来,我们来看看每个音节的发音。ex-的发音和字母x一样,读作/z/。per-的发音为/pɜː/,注意这里的r是不发音的。i-的发音为/i/,最后一个音节ment-读作/mənt/。

4. 将每个音节连起来,就得到了experimenting的正确发音:/ɪkˈspɛrəmɛntɪŋ/。记住第二个和第四个音节有重读哦!

5. 还有一点需要注意的是,在英语中,动词-ing结尾通常会弱化最后一个辅音字母。所以在发/experimenting/时,最后一个t字母会被轻声读。

6. 现在你已经学会了如何正确地念出experimenting这个单词啦!快去试试吧!不要再被这个单词难倒啦!

7. 如果你还想加强练习,可以尝试用这个单词造几个句子,比如:I am experimenting with a new recipe for dinner tonight.(今晚我要尝试用一道新菜谱做晚餐。)

8. 总之,学习语言就像是做实验一样,需要不断地尝试和练习。希望本次介绍能帮助你更好地掌握experimenting这个词的发音,并且让你在语言学习的路上更加顺利!


1. experimenting的用法


2. 双语例句

1) He is always experimenting with new cooking techniques to improve his dishes.


2) The company is currently experimenting with a new marketing strategy to attract more customers.


3) The scientist has been experimenting with different chemicals in the lab to find a cure for cancer.


3. 注意事项


- 不要过度使用:虽然"experimenting"可以用于各种情况,但过度使用会让文章显得平淡无味。可以考虑使用同义词替换,如:trying out, testing, exploring等。

- 不要与其他介词搭配:除了常见的介词"with"外,不要随意搭配其他介词。如:"experimenting on/for/about/against"等都是不正确的用法。

- 注意时态:"experimenting"作为现在分词,通常与现在进行时态连用,表示正在进行的动作。如果需要表示过去的动作,可以使用过去分词形式"experimented"。

- 避免超链接:根据要求,本小节不应出现超链接。如需引用其他来源,请使用引用格式


1. Experimental approach

- 实验方法

2. Trying out

- 尝试

3. Testing the waters

- 试水

4. Exploring new possibilities

- 探索新的可能性

5. Dabbling in something new

- 尝试新事物

6. Pushing the boundaries

- 拓展边界

7. Taking risks and learning from them

- 冒险并从中学习经验教训

8. Innovative experimentation

- 创新实验

9. Trial and error

- 反复试验

10. Hands-on experience

- 实践经验

11. Novel exploration

- 新颖探索

12. Unconventional methods

- 非传统方法

13. Bold experimentation

- 大胆实验

14. Creative exploration

- 创意探索

15. Stepping out of comfort zone

- 超越舒适区


1. Trying out

Trying out is a synonym for experimenting, describing the act of testing or exploring something new or different. It implies a sense of curiosity and willingness to take risks in order to discover something new.

2. Exploring

Exploring is another term that can be used interchangeably with experimenting. It suggests a sense of adventure and discovery, as well as a desire to learn and understand through hands-on experience.

3. Testing

Testing is often used in scientific or technical contexts, but it can also be used as a synonym for experimenting in a broader sense. It refers to the process of evaluating or assessing something through practical trials or experiments.

4. Trial and error

Trial and error is an idiomatic expression that means trying different methods until one succeeds. It can be used as a synonym for experimenting, emphasizing the process of learning through mistakes and failures.

5. Sampling

Sampling refers to taking small portions or samples from a larger whole in order to test or analyze it. In this sense, it can be seen as another way of experimenting, as it involves trying out different parts of something in order to gain knowledge about the whole.

6. Playtesting

Playtesting is commonly used in the gaming industry, but it can also be applied to other fields where products are tested by users before being released. It involves experimenting with different versions of a product in order to gather feedback and improve its design.

7. Piloting

Piloting refers to the process of testing something on a small scale before implementing it on a larger scale. This term can be used as a synonym for experimenting when describing the initial stages of trying out new ideas or methods.

8. Probing

Probing is another word that can be used interchangeably with experimenting, particularly when referring to investigating or exploring new ideas or concepts in depth.

9. Investigating

Investigating is often associated with research and analysis, but it can also be used as a synonym for experimenting when describing the process of exploring and gathering information about something new.

10. Innovating

Innovating is a broad term that encompasses the act of introducing new ideas, methods, or products. It can be used as a synonym for experimenting, highlighting the creative and inventive aspect of trying out something new



expansion bolts 的翻译是


2024-03-09 12:44



2024-03-09 12:18



2024-03-09 11:56

exok是什么意思 exok的中文翻译、读音、例句


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2024-03-09 10:56

exitsafemode翻译为 什么意思


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