

更新时间:2024-03-09 21:58:12作者:留学世界



1. 发音:/aɪ/,与英文单词"i"的发音相同。

2. 含义:眼睛,是人类视觉器官的一部分,也是表达情感和交流的重要工具。


3. 衍生词汇:

- eye-catching:引人注目的,吸引眼球的

- eye contact:目光接触,眼神交流

- eye doctor:眼科医生

- eagle-eyed:鹰眼般敏锐的,注意力集中的

- keep an eye on:密切关注,留意

4. 口语表达:

- "In the blink of an eye."(转瞬间)

- "Keep an eye out for him."(留意他)

- "I've got my eye on you."(我在盯着你)

5. 幽默段子:

A: Why did the tomato turn red?

B: I don't know, why?

A: Because it saw the salad dressing! Get it? Eye saw? (Isolating the /aɪ/ sound in "eye" to make a pun with "I")


1. "I":虽然eye和I都是英语中的字母,但它们的意思却完全不同。I是指第一个人称代词,表示自己;而eye则是指眼睛,用来看东西。

2. "ay":这个音节在英语中有很多不同的意思。比如,"hey"是一种问候语,"way"是指路线或方法,而"eye"则是眼睛的意思。

3. "aye":这个词通常用来表示同意或赞成。它和eye虽然发音相同,但意思却截然不同。

4. "aye-aye":这个词在英语中也有特殊的含义,它指的是一种狐猴科动物。与eye相比,它更偏向于动物领域。

5. "I'll": 这个缩写形式通常用来表示"I will",即我将要做某件事情。与eye相比,它更多地涉及到人们的行为。

6. "ai": 这个字母组合在英语中有多种发音和含义。比如,在单词"aide"中发音为/ed/,表示助手;而在单词"fairy"中发音为/er/,表示仙女。与eye相比,它更多地涉及到具体事物或概念。

7. "aye-aye captain": 这句话是美国动画片《海绵宝宝》中的经典台词,意思是"是的,船长"。与eye相比,它更多地涉及到娱乐和流行文化领域。

8. "I spy": 这个短语在英语中有两种不同的意思。一种是指玩具游戏"我当间谍",另一种是指偷窥或监视。与eye相比,它更多地涉及到游戏和隐私方面。

9. "ai ai ai": 这是西班牙语中的表达方式,表示惊讶或不满。与eye相比,它更多地涉及到跨文化交流和表达方式方面。

10. "ai-ya": 这个词通常用来表示惊讶、失望或愤怒。与eye相比,它更多地涉及到情绪表达和口语用法方面


1. “Eye”作为名词,有多种含义,常见的用法有:

- 眼睛:在翻译行业中,经常会遇到涉及人物外貌的描述,其中也会包括眼睛的颜色、形状等特征。比如,“She has beautiful blue eyes.”(她有一双美丽的蓝眼睛。)在翻译时,可以使用“eye”这个词来表达。

- 视力:在医学或健康类翻译中,也会出现与视力相关的内容。比如,“He has 20/20 vision in his left eye.”(他左眼视力为20/20。)这里的“eye”指的是眼睛所具备的视力能力。

- 视线、注视:在描述人物动作时,也会出现与眼睛相关的表达。“She eyed him suspiciously.”(她怀疑地盯着他看。)这里,“eyed”表示注视、盯着。

- 看法、观点:在商业或政治类翻译中,也会出现与观点相关的内容。“We need to keep an eye on the market trends.”(我们需要密切关注市场趋势。)这里,“eye”指代观察、留意。

2. “Eye”作为动词,同样有多种含义,在翻译行业中也常见到:

- 注视、盯着:除了作为名词,eye也可以表示动作。“He eyed the painting with interest.”(他感兴趣地凝视着那幅画。)这里,“eyed”表示注视、盯着。

- 关注、留意:在商业或政治类翻译中,也会出现与关注相关的内容。“We need to eye the competition closely.”(我们需要密切关注竞争对手。)这里,“eye”指代关注、留意。

- 照顾、照看:在医学或健康类翻译中,也会出现与照顾相关的内容。“She will be keeping an eye on her mother during her recovery.”(她将在母亲康复期间照顾她。)这里,“eye”指代照顾、照看。

3. “Eye”还有一些常见的习语用法,如:

- Catch one's eye: 吸引某人的注意力。“The colorful advertisement caught my eye.”(那个色彩缤纷的广告吸引了我的注意力。)

- Keep an eye out: 密切留意。“Keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior.”(密切留意任何可疑行为。)

- Have an eye for: 对...有眼光,善于发现。“She has a great eye for fashion.”(她对时尚有很强的眼光。)

- In the public eye: 受公众关注。“As a celebrity, she is always in the public eye.”(作为一名名人,她总是受到公众关注。)

4. 除了以上常见的用法外,还有一些特殊的用法和例句:

- “Eye”作为动物的部位,可以指代眼睛或类似眼睛的结构。“The eyes of a fly are composed of hundreds of tiny lenses.”(苍蝇的眼睛由数百个微小的透镜组成。)

- “Eye”也可以表示某种物体或事物的中心部分。“This necklace is the eye of my jewelry collection.”(这条项链是我珠宝收藏中的精华。)

- “Eye”也可以指代某种形状或模式。“The dress has an eye-catching design.”(这件连衣裙有一个吸引人的设计。)


1. "I" for "eye": "I" is not only the first letter of the English alphabet, but it can also be used to represent the word "eye" in certain contexts. For example, in a medical translation, you may see "OD" and "OS" to indicate "right eye" and "left eye", respectively.

2. Eye-catching: This phrase is often used to describe something that immediately grabs someone's attention. In translation, it can refer to a text or advertisement that stands out and captures the reader's interest.

3. Eye-opener: When something is described as an eye-opener, it means that it provides new or surprising information or perspective. In translation, this could refer to a text that sheds light on a previously unknown topic.

4. Eagle-eyed: This term is often used to describe someone who has very sharp vision and can spot even the smallest details. In translation, it may refer to a meticulous proofreader or editor who catches every mistake.

5. Eye candy: This phrase is used to describe something visually appealing or attractive. In translation, it could refer to a beautifully designed document or website.

6. Keep an eye on: This expression means to watch something closely or monitor it carefully. In translation, you may see this phrase used when discussing quality control processes.

7. See eye to eye: When two people see eye to eye on something, it means they have the same opinion or viewpoint. In translation, this could be used in a business context when discussing agreement between parties.

8. Private Eye: This term refers to a detective or investigator who gathers information and solves mysteries. In translation, it could be used in reference to a legal translator who uncovers crucial evidence for a case.

9. Feast your eyes on: This expression means to enjoy looking at something beautiful or impressive. In translation, you may use this phrase when describing stunning visuals in a video game or movie.

10. Eye for detail: This phrase is used to describe someone who has a keen ability to notice and focus on small details. In translation, it could refer to a translator who pays close attention to every word and nuance in the source text


1. Sight

- Definition: the ability to see; vision

- Example: My sight is getting worse as I age, so I need to wear glasses.

2. View

- Definition: what can be seen or observed; perspective

- Example: The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking.

3. Gaze

- Definition: a long look at something; stare

- Example: She couldn't help but gaze at the beautiful sunset.

4. Glance

- Definition: a quick look at something; glimpse

- Example: He took a glance at the clock and realized he was running late.

5. Peek

- Definition: a secret or quick look at something; sneak peek

- Example: She couldn't resist taking a peek at her birthday present before it was wrapped.

6. Stare

- Definition: a fixed or intense look at someone or something; gaze

- Example: The child stared in awe at the fireworks display.

7. Observation

- Definition: the act of noticing or watching carefully; scrutiny

- Example: The scientist made several observations during his experiment.

8. Vision

- Definition: the ability to see or imagine something that is not yet there; foresight

- Example: She had a clear vision for her future and worked hard to make it a reality.

9. Perspective

- Definition: a particular way of viewing things; point of view

- Example: From his perspective, she was being unreasonable, but from hers, he was being insensitive.

10. Optics

- Definition: the scientific study of light and how it behaves; light properties

- Example: In order to understand how our eyes work, we must first study optics

我们可以了解到eye在英语中的发音及含义,以及与其他同音词的区别。在翻译行业中,eye也是一个常见的用词,例如“keep an eye on”表示“密切关注”,“in the public eye”表示“备受关注”。在翻译术语和表达方面,我们也可以看到eye的影子,例如“bird's-eye view”表示“鸟瞰图”,“black eye”表示“眼睛周围青肿”。除此之外,我们还介绍了eye的同义词及其用法示例。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地学习和使用英语中与eye相关的词汇。我是网站编辑,如果您喜欢本文,请多多关注我哦!


eye witness 的翻译是

你是否听说过“eye witness”这个词?它源自英文,但在翻译行业中也有着重要的地位。它究竟是什么意思?怎么读?它又有哪些用法和双语例句呢?还有哪些相关的词组和同义词示例?接下来,

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